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Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

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  1. And the senior officer still in charge.................Predictable stupidity
  2. Having run a Custody Suite in the UK<, it would take a complete change of attitude by the RTP to begin toe even be comparable to the UK POLICE STATIONS. Sadly the cultural problems will always remain . Plus the way RTP deals with often minor offences border on illegal detention.
  3. This so-called tale of underground nastiness hidden from public view is nothing new in a town o pr city that offers the range of services from the humble drink to a full blown physical encounter with a member of the opposite sex.. I remember Wanchai , Hong Kong., Boogie Street Singapore, Even in the UK there are places that almost seem off limits to sane adults. However what is evident here is the Authorities lack of uprating the infrastructure to deal with the teeming visitors all out for a good time. Hence overcrowding, lack of facilities, oppresive environments. Lack of any local officials to deal with the mainly drunk patrons. Change doubtful as this shady situation is NOT recognised by officials because they would have to admit it actually happens contrary to main Government view.
  4. Cynical this may sound but no matter what as a Parent you do, when they are alone, children for whatever reason choose to ignore parental advice and do what kids do . I feel for the mother but sadly nowt she can do .
  5. Great ideas but WHILE many offenders m,any Law Enforcement officers NEVER get stopped even if they are known to be drinking then the Publics trust is lost and will never be recovered > Too many people never get stopped and rarely checked unless it will financially benefit that officer
  6. Pot calling the kettle black, springs to mind, obviously as with many accusations about FOREIGN naughty people, normally a Thai tittle tattling to ensure their nefarious activities carry on illegally and unseen by the authorities who are too BUSY CHASING DOWN THE MIST OF MISINFORMATION .
  7. The simple fact that the government can get details from your bank in order to detect FRAUD , is nothing NEW. Now for example they know where you are due to the Biometric details utilising the UK Customs and Excise departments . Nothing new, those that maintain a UK address to get the uprating of pensions and benefits are not only acting criminally but also very stupidly . I have known one or two that have been caught and also some that still try to get around the system , although in honesty those numbers are dwindling as people realise the futility of their actions. 24 years ago I knew the facts and figures relating to pensions especially their Old Age Pension, those that claim ignorance are themselves ignorant . No-one in their right mind moves to relocate to another country and does not check on every part of your life that will be affected including pensions. The 3 year letter to prove life is as ludicrous as it is stupid, however it satisfies some oik in a Government Office somewhere and I would hate to deprive that person of a job . After nearly 24 years here The only problem has been postal notifications so 23 years ago acquired a PO Box, now no problems. If you have a problem solve it and stop bloody moaning
  8. There speaks another educated idiot with ZERO common-sense
  9. I am an Englishman, just put him on the next plane those idiots can go.
  10. The major problem with tourism in Thailand is TAT ,, stupid ideas and mainly uselesds themes. Fix the Tourism Infrastructure , clean up all Tourism Venues, increase safety on waterborne activities . Show the world this is done the Tourists will return . Scamming Thais shopuld get automatic 2 years in priSon for tarnishing THAILANDs IMAGE
  11. Sadly another case of mistreatment by the training arm of the Army which like the RTP seem to be unaccountable for their actions. Having served years ago learnt that the Army marches on its stomach and if the lower ranks are taken care of the senior ranks must be okay. Sadly here those ideas are not apparent seen many Thai troop[s moving about Thailand most seem okay buit5 not that happy.
  12. Good now remove all corruption practices from the inspection and testing process . Only needs now a stringent testing process for Bus and Coach drivers, might have a chance of suceeding
  13. Roads being inanimate cause no failures ,. the FAILURES are in Enforcement by Inspectors, RTP, and other agencies concerned with Passenger Transportation. The failure of systematically checking on Transport Companies so they abide by the rules, and would lose licences to operate if even ONE mode of transport found to be illegal in any way. Finally driver training it is apparent that many drivers are poorly trained in basic road safety and ways to deal with accidents including blown tyres. But then GOOD MAINTAINANCE would ensure GOOD TYR ES are on ALL COMPANY VEHICLES. ROADS DO NOT FAIL, PEOPLE FAIL PEOPLE through INCOMPETENCE, CORRUPTION , GREED AND COMPLETE L;ASCK OF EMPATHY FOR THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC WHO PAY money to go from A to B safely.
  14. This story is a joke, more so when you consider that many so-called Pensioner Benefits are no longer available in the UK . Most sane informed people will know full well the situation regarding their State Pension, Benefits and whether or not it is uprated in the country they are going to retire to , so to state What do I do ? , Simple answer read the small print and plan accordingly `. to give an interview bemoaning their lot is ludicrous and brings attention to their complete lack of any form of planning . Although many would like to see the situation change , it would be nice but also would mean many would pay more income tax which will never benefit the expats living overseas just those that reside in the UK. It is true those who served in the emergency services do have their pensions uprated normally by the CPI as published in October , the retired Military and Civil servants are the same I believe. It only really effects those with no other pension at all and I would be surprised that that number would no longer be large any more as even 50 years ago Companies and others were pushing for Company pensions or something similar to assist the workforce. Only those that refused to invest in their future after work will now feel disadvantaged

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