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  1. A wise man once told me...you're paying for her to go away afterwards. Other than that, if it were me I'd say it saves time and energy. When I was a younger man I used to like the idea of seducing women. I had a lot more free time back then. Life now is busy. Needs to be like a grocery store item that I check off my list. I couldn't care less about the emotional connection. I get more out of talking to myself or my stray cats.
  2. Yep...add 2001Ibiza to that list too. That one I've been to but seeing it now would never return
  3. Lived in Thailand 10 years...Places Ive never gone and will probably never go Koh Phangan Phuket Koh Phi Phi Koh Tao Pai I did go to Samui on my first trip here in 2012 but spent the entire time on grounds at the Conrad.
  4. 1993 Rx7 R1, with every bolt-on mod one could do. Ran 12.4 in a quarter mile on street tires. I loved that car. Purchased in 1998 gave her up in 2001
  5. Just arrest them. They have to start making examples. And if you get arrested you can't come back for a year. Two arrests you're banned. You wouldn't be doing this type of thing in there strict SE Asian countries. Why go to another country to be a douch3
  6. Look cool and be charming. Smile a lot at strangers. Go to a lounge with a bud, raise your glass to a table of ladies that glance your way. They're looking for you to notice them. If they raise their glass back to you order a round to their table. Smile at them when it arrives. Then go over there and talk to them. This works best if you're only with one friend. Don't bring a pack of hungry dogs with you. When I lived in Chiang Mai I literally met a girl without even speaking to her until she walked past my table to leave. We had "air communications " all night raising glasses, smiling, pretending to text each other, tossing air messages to each other. Make a game of it. These girls like the cutesy <deleted>. That was 7 years ago, had a fling with her, wasn't gonna work out as she was extremely jealous but we're still friends to this day. Remember that in a room full of Thai people, if you're the handsome charming foreigner, you're somewhat of a token. People will notice you , you'll stand out so use it to your advantage.
  7. Excellent advice man.
  8. Insufferable wench. Needs to be choked out a bit
  9. It would not be reasonable to assume any level of safety and /or pride taken in ones job here to ensure any level beyond the ol "at-a-glance" pass. No one in charge gives a sh!t here and therefore the people who work for those who don't give a sh!t care even less.
  10. Oh the horror of urban landscapes going back to being thriving places of business instead of refugee pools. What a horrible notion.
  11. Most likely a squatter from Portland or some other liberal state in the US
  12. Degenerate Island. How surprisingly shocking
  13. The perp was reported by another passenger to be exposing himself on the escalator
  14. A country that doesnt tolerate I'm better than you behavior? Are you serious? Have you ever seen how the priviledged treat their help here?
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