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Posts posted by pickledpapaya

  1. On 11/18/2022 at 10:29 AM, allane said:

    To the OP:  Is  this a case where you are trying to get some weird qualification recognized as being equivalent to a Bachelor's degree ?

    Years ago, I worked with a British woman who had a Diploma from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, or some such place.  She claimed it was equivalent to a Bachelor's degree.  Easy for her to say !  After several months, she must have got a letter from whatever part of the British government adjudicates such matters, and she was able to get a Work Permit.  As best as I can remember, the adjudication process didn't cost her any money.  

    Nope. It's essentially just verifying that the diploma is from an accredited school, as far as I understand it. Why it takes so long is beyond my comprehension.

  2. 11 hours ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

    Since no one's come forth, here's what I know about the exam. I didn't have to take it, as it's not offered every year. I just had to fill out the app for the license, requiring signatures and ID card copies from your school officials as references. Also, your work permit from that school with a full 365 days is quite important.


    A Filipino colleague of mine was even luckier. He applied for the license using the 365 days he did at a previous school. It was far away and had been awhile, and he'd lost touch with those officials. So, he just sent in the app with his work permit copy, and said well, let's see what happens. He got back his license, not needing any signatures or references. Amazing Thailand.


    So, the exam. This is what I heard from some years back. It was quite terrible, haha. For foreigners, the English is terribly bad. For Thais, even the Thai's not much better. Many of the questions don't make any sense. You'll get some multiple choice, and think that none of them could be correct. So you've just gotta pick one at random. Hah. Thus, the failure rate was over 50%. Many teachers complained and filed appeals, and some more were given the license. And thus the exam gets scrapped for the next year.


    Again, this was years back, and it may have improved since. I'd too like to know what's on this exam, and how it is now.

    This is interesting information. I have been told every possibility by multiple sources. The admin at the school where I am doing the diploma says that we will need to take an exam before applying for the teaching license. Some other teachers are telling me the same information that you are giving;  I could apply with the letters of reference from school faculty. I also asked the Khurusapa if the exam was required and they did not answer the question directly, but instead sent several documents regarding the test in February 2021. So who is correct? No one knows. Welcome to Thailand. 


    Once I receive this diploma, I guess I will attempt to apply directly and hope for the best. Besides, I don't know how they plan to have people sit an exam during a pandemic.


    Thanks for you input.

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  3. On 8/10/2021 at 4:31 AM, mrwebb8825 said:

    ???? There's a reason some of us actually took real classes in real schools to become real teachers.

    Thank you for your feedback. I'm sure you are a wonderful real teacher that all of the students hold in high regard. 


    On 8/10/2021 at 4:26 AM, mrwebb8825 said:

    Are you Thai, Pinoy or from Ghana? 

    Perhaps you should post the website that seems to supersede Kruesapa (TCT) requirements.

    ???? These "tests" are for Thai teachers and are written for grade 12. If you're not confident that you're more learned that the students, perhaps you should reconsider teaching?

    I hope you don't teach English.


    Which requirements in my post are supposedly superseding  the Khurusapa? The information I cited was from documents that I received in an email from the Secretariat Office of the Teacher's Council of Thailand. If you're going to be condescending, at least know what you're talking about.

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  4. Greetings, 


    First, I would like to ask if anyone has gone through the new licensure exams that took place earlier this year in February? If so, what was your experience and impression of the exams? 


    Second, is anyone familiar with the way that they treat major subject teaching on the exams? While reading the documentation, it mentions that teachers of subjects other than languages must take the major subject exam in Thai language. I can read basic/conversational Thai, but how could foreigners possibly be expected to take an examination in Information and Communication Technology in Thai?


    Third, are there any resources or materials that are available to assist in studying for these exams? I am currently taking an accredited diploma course in teacher education, but I am not confident that it has provided me with the essential knowledge that was outlined in the test blueprints. 


    Finally, does anyone know when they might hold the next set of exams? The person with which I had contact was only able to inform me that the exam dates would be posted on the website.


    Thanks in advance for any assistance. 

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