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Posts posted by Joules

  1. 2 hours ago, ChrisKC said:

    Ten dogs, among them a bull terrier. However much they are probably not very neighbourly, shouldn't be always on a lead or caged up!


    Not advocating poisoning them but what a sorry existence for animals with no freedom!


    In my opinion, the owner not my idea of a Dog Lover!!

    Yes, in fact, it is the owner that should have been poisoned.  That would have solved the problem for now and in the future.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, billsmart said:

    ...or maybe the one who poisoned the dogs, the neighbor?, was just an <deleted> and liked killing animals. I hope the police find out and put him away for a long, long time. ????

    Unlikely.  Much more likely that the dog owner had a ridiculous number of dogs and the owner did not keep them contained.  Like the guy who lives here:




    The Trespasser.jpg

  3. 4 hours ago, 2long said:

    After more than 22 years here, I have 'got used to' quite a lot, including the weather, language, food, culture etc, but one thing I will never ever adapt to or accept is the dangerous driving, or even the selfish parking.

    For a nation of polite, friendly people who have the phrase 'greng jai' which doesn't even directly translate in English, it never ceases to amaze me how bad most of them are.

    I am quite the opposite after 15 years here.  The driving is the number one thing I absolutely love.  I used to get so many tickets back in my home country, not for unsafe behavior mind you, but simply for violations with no connection to safety.  Such as coming up to a stop sign where you can see miles in every direction with no traffic so you roll on through.  TICKET!!! 


    Here, just don't hurt anybody else and you can do pretty much as you wish.  You can run red lights where there is no conflicting traffic, you can drive as fast as you wish, you can even drive on the wrong side of the road to avoid having to drive 2km to the next U-turn!  If one does get a ticket from one of those tax assessing cameras, just toss it in the trash!  I love this atmosphere of personal responsibility and freedom.  You are free to make your own decisions, but if you hurt someone, you are responsible. 


    I simply cannot understand why foreigners come here and observe rational driving for the first time in their lives and think it is "unfriendly."  There are rude drivers everywhere, but I have found that the great lion's share Thai drivers are polite, helpful and courteous.  Much more so than where I came from.


    I absolutely love this aspect of Thailand an hope it never changes.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  4. 11 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    When shopping at Big C, Tesco etc. Its really annoying when you get to the checkout at 2.05pm and they remove it from the belt and say NO ALCOHOL (with a smile).


    I reckon, sometimes they enjoy saying that to foreigners.


    Every time that happens to me, I just smile back and walk away without a word, leaving the basket of half-checked goods behind me.   He who has the last laugh . . .

    • Like 2
    • Sad 2
  5. 8 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    When will people learn that it's nothing to do with the breed? It is how they are raised. Whether it's a Rottweiler, Ridgeback, PitBull, Doberman, German Shephard or whatever, they are all capable of inflicting very serious injuries and therefore need to be trained, socialized and not left to roam free in packs causing chaos in the villages.


    Focusing on the breed just reinforces lazy stereotypes and shifts blame from where it should be placed - The Owner.



    Nonsense.  Training matters, but the breed has a lot to do with temperament.  You apparently do not know much about dogs and should probably not own one.  Nor should you be offering your speculative advice.

    • Like 2
  6. Putin obviously does not care for his stranded citizens.  If he did, he would order Aeroflot to take whatever round about route was needed to evacuate stranded Russian tourists around the world.  They are stranded through no fault of their own.   But they MUST take responsibility for their leader.  I hope they have brains enough to remember that their war criminal abandoned them.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 53 minutes ago, Stevemercer said:

    Every country maintains an airforce and Thailand's government must procure well in advance of aircraft being obsolete or retired.


    And of course purchase should be aimed at the most advanced fighters of the day. It's like buying a new computer - always go for the most advanced becasue it will become obsolete soon enough. Thailand probably has no choice, but to go American since their aerial support infrastructure is already geared this way. This makes upgrades more cost effective rather than going with a new supplier.


    Don't forget Thailand thrashed China last time the two went head to head in dog fighting during airforce exercises. Presumably the Thai use American training methods which proved superior particularly in long range combat, target tracking and situational awareness.

    Russia could certainly use the business right about now.  They'd probably offer up a pretty deep discount, and unlike America, they'd have no problems with the kickbacks either.

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