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Posts posted by stateofmind

  1. 3 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    There's a pretty simple solution to the overpricing: as soon as they ask me how much I want to pay I walk away and go to the next guy until I find one who either wants to use the meter or give me a fair price in fhe case of motorbike taxis and tuk tuks. 

    I do the same. Always. 


    Also: I have started to use the Bolt app more. And there are of course others. I have the impression that because more people do, the Taxi drivers are getting more desperate to find someone to scam (the non-App clients are the victims), as they simply cannot when using apps such as Bolt. Those apps also makes it much easier to explain the exact destination (because there is nothing to explain), and you don't have to worry about the driver taking you for a huge detour and making you pay. I hardly know any Thai people that don't use apps. Also for security. Especially for the ladies.

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  2. I have done the 1 year visa extension (TM7) for my Non-B (investment) visa many times without problem. Most of the time I have done this 14 days before my current extension expires. But I have also done it as late as 12 days before expiry, and as early as 30 days before expiry.


    Does anyone know the official requirements for when to submit the TM7? Is there a minimum and a maximum number of days before the current extension expires where this is permitted and/or preferred? Is there an official document on the Immigration website (Bangkok) where this is specified? I have tried to find it, but could not.


    The reason why I ask is that this year my schedule is a bit tight, and I have to plan ahead.

  3. 38 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    There is no debate now since immigration issued a new regulation in June of 2020 for TM30 reporting.

    A new TM30 is not required when entering the country with a re-entry permit or a multiple entry visa. Only if you enter with a new visa or visa exempt is one needed. The same regulation states that a new one is not required when traveling within the country.

    Thank you very much, I did not know this. Your help and insight is very much appreciated ????

  4. 51 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Why do you need to make a TM30.

    Are you entering on a new visa. 

    I am not on a new visa now. But I have been filling out the TM30 when returning to Thailand for many years now.


    I know people debate whether it has to be done or not. Some immigration offices/officers ask for the TM30 when you go there to apply for extensions and so on, others do not. I was actually asked for it when I asked for a residency statement for my driving license renewal about 3 years ago, for example.


    Some say you need to fill in the TM30 when traveling in Thailand and returning to your own condo, some say you do not have to. Some say you have to fill in the TM30 always when returning from abroad, some say you only have to do it if you have a new visa. Some say you only have to do it if you change your address in Thailand. And so on and so forth.


    I know all this is cause for worry and frustration for many of those who do not have an account on the Immigration website for registering TM30 info online. But I do, and it only takes me a few minutes to get it done when I enter my condo, so I do it just to be safe. And this is why I wanted to make sure I would not run into problems with the online form this time when reading that the TM6 is currently not issued.

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  5. I own a condo in Thailand, and I have an account at the government Immigration website for online TM30 registration.


    I am not in Thailand now, but I will return soon.


    One of the fields in the online TM30 form is your TM6 number. Now, as I understand it, TM6 is not in use. So what should I put as the TM6 number on the TM30 online form when I return to Thailand?


    Does anyone have any recent experience with this?


    Thank you very much for any input on this.

  6. Hi!


    I want to sell my car and I was wondering if any of you know about a good location in Bangkok (or near Bangkok) where there are many used car dealers located in the same area?


    I can recall driving through some roads like that before, but I cannot recall where it was.


    Yes, I know I would get a better price by selling it online myself, but I don't want to do that. Basically what I want is to drive to a location with several used car dealers, ask a few of them to take a look at my car and make an offer. So the more dealers that are located in one location, the better.

  7. I have been asking both Thai and Farang people in Bangkok. Lots of people. But none seems to have an answer to the following question:


    Where can I dispose of Large Items and Electronics in Bangkok?


    For example, right now I need to get rid of an old carpet, an old sofa, an old chair and an old vacuum cleaner. And many other things. The answer I always get is to ask the condo management where I live or the security guards if they know where, or if they want the stuff. Well. They don't know too, and I am sure they don't want the stuff. And frankly I don't want to spend time finding someone that wants each and every thing that I want to throw away.


    So, basically what I want to do is just to load my car with the stuff I want to get rid of and drive to some location in Bangkok (or outside Bangkok) where they handle waste disposal. Preferably also recycle electronics. I don't mind if I have to pay a fee to get rid of the stuff. After all I am used to that in my home country.


    Do any of you good people know of such a place?

  8. I have one question for the OP. Did you put your re-entry permit number in in the space for a visa number on your arrival card? If you leave it blank the officer can assume you don't have a visa or a re-entry permit for entry and will do a visa exempt entry stamp.

    Hi! Yes, I understand why you ask. I did indeed put my re-entry permit number. I am very particular about such things. We even discussed the visa a bit, as he wanted to know the reason for issuing it, and so I had to show him the page where it was located so that he could cross-reference with the re-entry permit. And when I checked with the immigration at the Government Complex today, this field was correct in their computer system.

    Actually, the officer at the air port had already made a stamp ready with the correct date for me laying on his desk together with his "regular" 30 days stamp, and just because of that he was puzzled to see that he had used the wrong stamp in my passport. I can understand how he could have grabbed the wrong stamp, but the strange thing is that he wrote "30 days" on the Visa class field instead of "non-re". Perhaps one thought followed the other. He was clearly distracted.

  9. OK, so I went to the immigration at the Government Complex today and explained the situation.

    They have a dedicated counter for such things which is called "document check". They printed out a document which detailed my last entry into Thailand, and found that the information had been entered correctly into their computer system; only the entry stamp was wrong. They then corrected the "Visa class" on the entry stamp and assured me that everything OK.

    It took me half a day to fix this, but the peace of mind is definitely worth it.

    Lesson learned: I did check the "Admitted until date" immediately at the airport and got it corrected on the spot, but I did not see that the "Visa class" also was wrong until later. Next time I will check and double check. Sure, in the end "the onus is on us" (no excuses for that), but one definitely has to be alert and learn everything there is to know about these issues.

    Perhaps the way you went about this was best. If you'd interrupted the Immigration Officer at the airport a 2nd time to make another correction, it may not have been pleasant... or did you see a supervisor after you noticed the error?

    I'm surprised you have had so many wrong stamps - I've never had one in 10 years but I always check. I'm just curious as you have quite a bit of experience with this and it could happen to anyone.

    Exactly my thoughts as well; I did notice the Visa class mistake on my way out after picking up my luggage, but I did indeed fear what was going to happen if I went back to that officer to "complain" a second time. So you are spot on. And after all, this is the officer that messed up twice in the first place, so as you said I think it was for the best that I got someone else to check up on his "handy work" to be sure that what's in their computer system is correct. Also, that particular officer at the air port gave the three people in front of me in the queue a hard time with some details on their arrival cards. I guess he was stressed after those incidents. Could explain why he did mistakes twice in my case.

    I have also been traveling to Thailand for around 10 years now. The three wrong dates have been during the past 18 months or so. Before that I cannot recall any mistakes.

    I did not know that there are "supervisors" at the air port. Where are they located, and are they there to help out in cases like this? Or are they there for more serious cases?

  10. I have a one year non-o visa extension. I also have a multiple re-entry permit.

    I recently arrived back to Thailand via Suvarnabhumi. The immigration officer first made a mistake and gave me an entry stamp with "Visa class 30 days" and "Admitted until" 30 days from my arrival. The correct Visa class should have been "non-re" (short for non-immigrant re-entry) and the correct "Admitted until" approximately 10 moths from now (when my non-o extension expires).

    I pointed out the error, and he corrected the "Admitted until" date and signed the correction. But I later discovered that he did not change the "Visa class" on the stamp. Maybe he thought it was irrelevant as he put the correct date which is way more than 30 days anyway?

    Should I worry about this? Do they enter the visa class into the computer at arrival, or is it actually just the arrival date that matters, as long as I have a valid visa?

    Actually, during my last 8-10 entries, they've stamped the wrong date on the "admitted until" 3 times, but always corrected it when I pointed it out. No problem. But at those times they always got the "Visa class" correct. But not this time. That's why I worry now.

    Also, he did not write the flight number next to the stamp. I checked all my other stamps, and they all have the flight number written next to them. Could this be a problem?

  11. Thanks a lot for your inputs. I went to a few places, but they all just sell the cheapest possible qualities, so I ended up buying more underwear and now awaiting my Amazon order with a high quality one.

    Quite amazing, when I asked in some shops and showed them pictures of high quality reinforced hoses with metal connectors, they replied "oh no, Sir, this too expensive. No have". Well, the one I ordered at Amazon was just 20 dollars plus shipping and handling... And those shops that gave me those kind of replies sold 100 000 THB washing machines. What gives. People buy 100 000 THB washing machines (or at least many buy the 40 000 baht ones)... and they cannot afford more than 299 THB on the inlet hose. Hmmm...

    lopburi3: I figured out the ones with screws. Hardly seems safe compared to a threaded tap and a hose with a metal connectors, though... I agree that washing machines should only be placed somewhere with a floor drain, and the tap should always be closed when not in use. Water can be dangerous stuff.

  12. The Inlet Hose of my washer broke a few days ago. Specifically the plastic connector which goes on the tap. Luckily this happened in front of my eyes as I was re-attaching it, but the hose/washer is only 2 years old, and it's frightening to see that the plastic is already showing clear visible signs of aging (and did indeed break while being handled). If this had happened when I was away, it could (would) have become VERY expensive.

    So, I am in need of a new inlet hose. And I want the best quality there is. Reinforced hose and metal connectors. I do not care about the price at all. This is too risky to save a few bucks on.

    Today I went to HomePro and PowerBuy. They both only had only ONE brand each. The one at HomePro was actually quite expensive, but looked extremely flimsy. I didn't buy it, and went on to PowerBuy. The one they had looked so-so, but had a very strange attachement with 4 screws on it. It was cheap, so I bought it and brought it home. It did not fit on my tap.

    So does anyone know of alternate places to buy these things? In Bangkok, that is. Most of the time living here is very comfortable and easy indeed, but simple small things like this drives me nuts sometimes. Go to almost any hardware store in Europe (and I am sure in the US), and you will find tons of different brands and qualities to choose from. Not so here. Sometimes I just give up and buy stuff like this on Amazon, but that takes time and I am out of clean underwear sad.png


  13. 1. I feel both stupid and happy:

    After reading dominique355's post, I went down in the garage and started poking around in all the menus without knowing what I poked, and voila! I found the English language setting for the menus. Then I found a setting for displaying the map itself in English, and then an option for English voice guidance. I feel stupid for not figuring this out before, but I feel happy that I now have a navigator that I can use.

    2. Same old lesson:

    I guess we all encounter situations like this from time to time here. You ask someone something, and either because he/she doesn't know the answer or he/she is too lazy to find the answer (or both), you get some answer like "cannooooot", "don't haaaaave" or whatever. Then you confront them again with a somewhat more thought-through question on the same matter, and then they give you some lies in order to save face, such as the Chevrolet sales guy that told me he had talked with the head office and bla bla bla, and "cannooooot sir, I sure, head office sure".

    Well, well... smile.png

  14. Thank you all! There is no SD card that followed the unit, but there is a SD card reader.

    dominique355: I have changed the language to English in the unit itself, meaning the media player, phone menus and so on are in English, but when I go to "Navi" the menus are still in Thai. Do I have to change the language within the navigation software also? And if so, how did you do that? Now everything is in Thai in the navigation software, so I cannot manage to find where this language setting would be. Also, the Chevrolet shop insists that the menus within the navigation software are only available in Thai language. You have the same car in Thailand? Would be great if you have the solution to this.

  15. Thanks, John 1! I just called the Chevrolet shop again. Now the seller seemed to understand more, and claimed he had talked to the head office and they said the Navigator system (menus and maps) are all in Thai language only; that it is not (yet) possible to get it in English. I find this hard to believe... perhaps it's true, perhaps it's laziness. I don't know. You said something about downloading the latest unlocked version. Do you know where this can be done? Or even better; does Chevrolet have some official online resorces where maps and firmware can be downloaded (perhaps for a fee)?

    I still find it strange that the menu system language is tied up to the map(s) somehow. The instruction manual is divided in two parts; Thai and English. The Englsih part has picture with English Menus, so English menus has to exist somehow...

  16. Hi!

    I just bought a Chevrolet TrailBlazer LTZ1 2013.

    The navigation system is in Thai Language, and I cannot figure out how to change the language into English. The rest of the menus in the same touch screen unit are in English (Phone System, Media Player and so on), but when I go to the Navigation System everything is in Thai.

    It's like if there's only a Thai map installed, and that it thus assumes that the driver is interested in Thai language only. The seller at the Chevrolet shop doesn't have a clue, and he is the only one that speaks any English in that shop. But his English is too limited to discuss technical stuff like this. Quite frustrating.

    Does anyone know how to change the Language into English, or if it's at all possible? And how can I update the maps if necessary? And firmware? Any online resources where I can buy maps and/or firmware if necessary to get it in English?

  17. Why are so many people being negative about everything here in this site?

    Please understand that for some people this card is not an expensive option. For some people, avoiding the visa hassle for a few years (even if it's not for life) is well worth the money.

    I don't know if it is allowed to post links in this forum, but I found an article that basically says the membership would be 15 years, that it would cost 1.5 million baht, and that they are aiming to launch in 2013. The article claims that their target is 1000 new members a year from 2013 to 2016. Sounds achievable.

    I can post the link here if it is requested and if it is allowed.

  18. Any news on this?

    I agree with many previous posters that the visa part is what's interesting here. I have absolutely no interest in limousine services, golfing privileges and so on. A priority lane at the immigration check-in would be nice, though. And perhaps some kind of Thai ID card. This would make it much easier to order Internet and phone subscriptions, buy cars/motorcycles, open bank accounts and so on.

    I would be wiling to pay 1 million for this if it's lifetime (and I am quite sure many others would as well - there are plenty of people below 50 with these kind of resources). And if they are reluctant to give this deal away for life, what about a 5 year deal for 200k or whatever? Would be great.

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