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Troy Tempest

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Posts posted by Troy Tempest

  1. 3 minutes ago, Mike Lister said:

    Where you're coming from is enquiring about tax evasion so please don't go there.


    But to answer your question:


    65) Two additional points on this subject are: 1) Funds that are gifted, must be for the use of the person to whom they are gifted.


    If your girlfriend does as you suggest, that once again is tax evasion, the penalties for which in Thailand are draconian.




    Thanks Mike!



  2. 5 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

    I think this is about borders. The Thai RD doesn't care what financial arrangement's you have overseas, all it cares about is that your purchased goods or services here in Thailand and that ultimately you paid for them using overseas funds.


    The definition of an international tourist, in economics terms, is somebody from outside Thailand's borders who holidays in Thailand using overseas funds that are brought into the country and the holiday experience is then taken home again. It doesn't matter that those funds are borrowed funds or on credit, as many will be. Once the purchase is made, it gets logged against Thai GDP.


    So the tax resident who uses an overseas credit card in Thailand to finance his/her 181 day stay, may pay  off their credit card bill using savings, or income, one being taxable, the other not, potentially. The fact the cardholder choses to draw out reimbursement of the credit card bill using extended payments, is not a matter for the TRD., 


    Impossible to enforce income Tax on Credit Card Payments here.......How in Hell can they police that or Even try to Administer!??????


    • Agree 2
  3. <deleted> Me!.....Tell me about it!


    I guess most guys on Death Row don't feel so good for a few days before they strap them to "The Gurney"?


    At least in Most Cases it only happens once per individual....As you may know, sometimes it goes wrong!


    You know what it's like.....Sometimes we forget to pay the Gas or Electric bills!


    With Samui Immigration we have to go through the same mental torture every F*ckin' year!

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Troy Tempest said:

    These days I rarely have to visit Immigration on Samui as they finally got 90 reporting online to work.....


    However, I always make a point of visiting the office a few days before I want to renew my Retirement Extension just to find out whatever ridiculous loopholes they have come up with regarding even more document requirements.


    I have been visiting Samui since 2006, but only living here permanently for 13 years!


    Ask KhunPer...He knows EVERYTHING about Samui! :thumbsup:




    At least that's what he thinks! :thumbsup:

  5. These days I rarely have to visit Immigration on Samui as they finally got 90 reporting online to work.....


    However, I always make a point of visiting the office a few days before I want to renew my Retiremnt Extension just to find out whatever ridiculous loopholes they have come up with regarding even more document requiements.


    I have been visiting Samui since 2006, but only living here permanently for 13 years!


    Ask KhunPer...He knows EVERYTHING about Samui! :thumbsup:



    • Haha 1
  6. 48 minutes ago, retarius said:

    My observations are as follows: there are official rules, BUT, the leaders of each office has the ability to require more or less documentation and to set up procedures at his office as he sees fit. In my experience Thais have little or no interest in how to do things better if the source of the information comes from outside. My wife does not believe me after 18 years, but will believe anything a Thai tramp tells her. 

    I'm sure bring or appointing a semi skilled aficionado to update requirements would not be well received as it would imply there was something imperfect about the way they go about things. My file must be inches think at the IO given all the paper copies of the same information repeated annually in a giant waste of time for the vast majority of folk. 


    Maybe not true about them keeping all your paperwork.


    At Samui IO I have often gone to get TM47s or other forms sometimes only to find they were recycled with someone elses information on the back and even with passport details!


    Ask KhunPer...He knows everything about Samui!:thumbsup:

  7. 23 hours ago, khunPer said:

    How do you know?


    The number of road deaths counted pr. 100,000 population variates in Thailand, depending on how you count, as some statistics only counts died on the spot as death, while others includes people that died at hospital; for some countries that period is up to 30 days after the road accident.


    The official Thai traffic deaths pr. 100,000 population is around 35, which for Samui would be 3 per month. Back when we had printed weekly or fortnightly local newspapers giving monthly status from the police, the official statement for Samui was 2-4 traffic deaths per month, which fit with the overall statistics.


    Some years back one of the local news media and some expats tried to start a road safety group. It was said that counted by EEC standards – death up to 30 days after the accident – Thailand would have about 90 road deaths per 100,000 population, and Samui around 120, which is 10 per month.


    The graphic below originates from the days when we worked on establishing the group...




    You miss my point.....


    Many go Unreported!


    A bit like in the film "Jaws" where the mayor wants to keep the Shark attacks quiet and keep the beaches open so as not to Damage the Tourism! :thumbsup:

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. Over the years I have witnessed many motorbike accidents (some in Real Time), but most after the fact, but often with a corpse still in situ!


    As stated previously I have lost many friends and acquaintences in motorbike accidents over the years on Samui!




    Do you think there is some Banksy Type Nutter going around drawing body outlines on the road and then adding a bit of Red Paint just for a laugh????

    • Haha 1
  9. 7 hours ago, lom said:

    So the patients in the ambulances you hear they all die?

    There is possibly 60 severe traffic accidents every month but certainly not 60 road deaths, that is a huge exaggeration.


    Oh Really?


    So I have to disbelieve what my Ex- Girlfirend and many other doctors and nurses that I know???


    Obviously not every ambulance passenger Croaks It but a lot do!




  10. 14 hours ago, loong said:

    Smoking is an addiction and I believe that it has been proved that increasing the price does little to encourage people to quit.

    I know just how hard it is to quit smoking, I tried many times. Only after a health matter was I finally able to give up.

    Low income people with a smoking addiction will still spend money on cigarettes even though they cannot afford it, so their families suffer.

    In Thailand they do have the option of cheap tobacco, but I think that they may be even worse for health with thick rolling papers and no filters.




    Giving up smoking is easy!


    I've done it loads of times! :stoner::thumbsup:

    • Haha 1
  11. 18 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    And Samui relies on it more than most but increased traffic could lead to more deaths.

    Samui has one of the highest death rate per capita for motorbike riders, and the safari truck conveys are infamous here for being 'reckless'.


    From a previous article




    It's True about Samui!


    I have lived here permanently for 14 years and been coming here since 2006.


    I know a lot of nurses and doctors here and they have told me that they get a handful of casualties every day due to motorbike accidents....


    I have also spent time in hospital here and seen many Victims myself on the wards.


    I live on The Ring road and in "High Season" we hear about 10 ambulances going past daily!


    2 or 3 Do Not Pass Go and Go Straight to the Morgue instead!


    I have personally lost several friends and aquaintances here due to bike accidents.


    It goes unreported so as not to tarnish the island as being dangerous! :shock1::sad:

    • Sad 1
    • Agree 2
  12. On 1/13/2024 at 3:38 PM, simon43 said:

    On one side are a family who raise chickens and ducks


    On t'other side is a family who raise chickens and ducks


    The chickens and ducks spend their leisure time in my garden in the middle!


    Happily, I have no problems with these birds - the roosters are an alarm clock for me. I'd rather have noisy birds than noisy neighbours :)



    There's nothing wrong with Noisy Birds unless you are Sh@ggin one in a student house who when she came Screamed Like A Banshee!


    I used to have to put my hand over her mouth when we got to the "Vinegar Strokes".


    It is much quiter with Marina of course! :thumbsup:






    • Haha 1
  13. On 1/13/2024 at 8:34 AM, drgoon said:

    Wellllllll....  let me tell you a story. 


    To the left is a drunk who is a right pain in the arse. He often used to accuse me of all sorts of <deleted> which I politely ignored until on one occasion he go real close to me and spat in my face.

    My wife, a very attractive and petite lass of 42 started yelling at him, which is very unlike her, walked up to him and punched him in the side of his noggin. He collapsed, unconscious, and cracked his head on the pavement as he hit the deck.

    Long story short, he ended up in hospital, the Police came around, the neighbours backed the wife. Pisshead came home from hospital and moved away some time after.


    To the right, is an attractive woman, single, who flirts with me all the time. My wife told me if I go near her she will 'cut for duck' making a scissors sign with her fingers and pointing at my crotch. I often think about what may happen between us but the fear of losing my favourite appendage prohibits me acting out my fantasies.


    Across the soi is an amiable couple, mid 50s. He's always asking me to get on the piss with him but he drinks that foul 'whiskey'. Of course, being a good neighbour I oblige although more than one usually ends with me getting farked up and feeling like <deleted> the next day. I usually overcome this trend buy drinking lots of water or beer instead.


    Behind us is a couple, 40s, who grow amazing cannabis. They are active in the community and grow vegetable in their plot and use composting and organic processes as much as is possible here in this land that is so endered of chemical intervention. The local Police have visited in the past and admired their cannabis plants. I must say, they look fantastic and have a very strong smell when they are due for harvest.


    The sister in law lives up the road, an extremely attractive single lass of mid 30s. I think she's lesbian although I haven't seen anything to confirm this other than not seeing her with a male companion. She is the cause of the occasional erection wen I'm in bed with my lovely wife.


    Love It! :cheesy::thumbsup:

  14. 19 hours ago, TerraplaneGuy said:

    Wow that's pretty crazy.  I think last year in Samui I did it at least 3 weeks ahead, no problem.   Do you know anyone who’s been turned away in the past year for going more than 2 weeks ahead?


    No I don't know how long in advance Samui IO will let you do it now, but I had many problems with them in the past.


    It started many years ago when Mr. Nok left and the plump one took over the Retirement Extensions.


    You can try early and maybe share your experience after?

    • Thanks 1
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