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Scooby Snacks

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  1. Trip report update: Just back from immigration. Arrived just after 8 am with 8:30 appointment booked. At the entrance I filled out a covid questionnaire before document check and metal detector. Received pre-queue number and went into the main area after 8:15. There were just over 100 people there already (this is the quietest I've ever seen CW immigration.) I had already filled out the paperwork for the stamp transfer and extension of retirement visa, making as many copies as I thought I would need. Checked with the front desk and was told stamp transfer and extension could all be done at L-32, so I headed there. First in line with online appointment. Presented new passport, 12-month bank statement, bank books, applications and all signed copies. The IO made some folds in my old passport and I had my misses go down and make the copies and update the bank book as requested. I filled out and signed 3 or 4 additional documents, more signatures on the last copies. My misses had forgotten to copy updated bank book. The IO was very courteous, efficient and friendly. She made the copies on her copier instead of having us go back down to the lower level again. I think it's the best visit to CW immigration I've ever had. The entire process took just over one hour and we had time for a quick breakfast downstairs before heading back home. A real "Teddy Bear Picnic" indeed!
  2. The other thing is the 12-month bank statement has to be ordered one week in advance so not really able to get that and then show updated balance on the same day until after I go in and can do it.
  3. Dr. Jack my experience has been that once you are in the queue then they give you a few minutes to chase down any unfinished items like making copies. One year I had the bank statement but forgot the account letter so I had to go down and get that. You know the setup is that one officer checks all documents and points out any missing items and yanks your chain a bit to get a rise out of you. Then you come back10 minutes later with whatever they asked you to do and your passport goes to a senior officer who double checks and then either signs it herself or it goes to another senior officer who signs it. There wasn't a 10:30 appointment available on the next day they are open (lots of holidays) so I figure better to go early and should have it all sorted and be out of there before lunchtime. I'll let you know how it turns out when I get back....
  4. not sure what is meant by "deposit into account". In past years they have asked me to withdraw money at the ATM and update the bank book accordingly. If that's the case with the 12-month statement I will go downstairs and do that and then make updated copy of the bank book.
  5. I'm picking up the bank statement and letter tomorrow at my local branch and will go in later in the week. If they need me to do anything else I will go to the bank downstairs.
  6. My appointment is for 8:30 so I think that is the time they open? Anyway I am aware about the need to transfer the stamps. Any ideas on copies needed for that part? I was told by an IO at my last 90 day report done in person that both new passport preparation and extension of stay could be done on the same day. I didn't see an appointment option for changing stamps, only the extension of stay. Hopefully can be processed at the same time.
  7. This year will be interesting because I've just received a new passport and changed to a new bank book for the new passport. Also the bank book for the old passport had run out of space so I had to get an new bank book for that also. It means I will go there with two passports and three bank books this time! I expect to have to make many additional copies of stuff downstairs this time!
  8. I've always been asked for the bank statement and account letter, in addition to the bank book, each and every year. However, I used to provide a 6-month statement from the bank which I would obtain on the same day as my trip to immigration. Last year they demanded a 12-month statement which I was unable to obtain without ordering it in advance. They accepted 6 months but this year I decided to just order the 12-month statement to avoid further hassles. Items like lease agreement, TM30, 90-day report, etc. I do bring in with me but do not show unless I'm asked. I will report back what happens next week.
  9. Absolutely will report back to the board here regarding my experience at CW next week!
  10. The annual trip to immigration is a pain, but I get to enjoy the other 364 days each year here so can't really complain. I just don't like to get caught out and be unprepared with any documents. Thanks to the advise I've received here, I can feel confident that I'm as prepared as possible this year.
  11. Guys thanks. Yes Bangkok was a great place to live and work when I was younger but now I've been officially retired for awhile and want to move up to my lady's village to live the good life up there. Looking forward to the change of pace but of course BKK is not really that far away and will plan to visit sometime every year.
  12. I think his comment was that 12-month bank statement is currently required at CW. Thanks for the heads up. I've ordered mine last week and will pick it up at the bank on Friday or next Monday.
  13. Yes, Currently in BKK and moving upcountry next month.
  14. Planning a move from Bangkok to Kalasin next month. Can anyone recommend a good reliable moving company for move with more than a few boxes but no heavy furniture?
  15. Got it working now Joe, thanks. The day I had originally selected is a public holiday. I was able to make an appointment for the following day. Cheers.
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