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Posts posted by yaronf

  1. 2 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    Deep pockets, lawyers, very long drawn out and if she wants to, it will be almost impossible. You know her best, and can probably guess how she is going to react. The child will probably be used as a bargaini g chip to leverage a monthly payment for her.

    so many horror stories in this arena but thank you all, il do my best to keep a level head and dont think "that wont happen to me""

  2. 5 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    Surprised no one has mentioned it yet, but if you are not married you have zero parental rights unless you go through the courts and do the paternity thing. Not that hard to do, process about 3 months and u need a lawyer...but it is a lot simpler if she supports it. If not you may need to do DNA testing. Once you get your judgement papers are lodged at the Amphur. Your name on the birth certificate gives you no rights whatsoever. After you do all that then if she wont play ball you need to go back to court and fight for visitation...even then she may ignore it or do as she pleases. Maybe she is expecting financial support from you, which you may be able to leverage your rights with

    thanks for the information, will definetly start that process while things are still reasonable with her.

  3. 8 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    Ok, good.

    My best advice is you have to keep her onside, dont make any waves, play the long game. There are a few ways to play this dependent on your goal.Most important is dont alienate her or she'll do a runner up North and you'll have a really tough almost impossible battle in front of you.

    Think about a nice holiday to Cyprus, you know where I'm going with that one. Presumably you have family and a support network there ?


    i do, but if taking the route of staying in thailand but seperated, what are the options ?

  4. 1 minute ago, CharlieH said:

    You dont give much info, so alot of guesswork and its difficult to advise.

    How old are you and on what basis are you staying in Thailand ? Are you working here ? Where is your home country ? All these things matter.

    38, semi retired here, although i have an online business here and a NON-B visa and work permit, home country is Cyprus

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    In many instances, the child gets dumped on the Grandparents in the home village. The mother goes on and lives her life.Money plays a huge part.

    Wztch you dont get fleeced and false promises when in reality the child access is withdrawn or made extremely difficult.

    yes thats exactly what im concerned about.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, d4dang said:

    get some legal advice. In Thai couples the male child generally goes to the father. Visitation and support agreements are rarely enforced. Hopefully your ex will put your child's future first. 

    with the father ? really ? 

    i will certainly get legal advice.
    just out of curousity , did you encounter a case like that ? or read it somewhere ?

  7. Hi, having some <deleted>ty time with the thai partner lately, were not married, we have a child together, less than 1yr old, in the event of seperation, i get that by default he goes with the mom , which im ok with and believe we will reach some agreement on how much time he will spent with each of us, not there yet but i would like to know :

    is there any sort of law that can prevent her from taking him up north ? is there a distance that i could force her to keep or anything like that ? that is if i take a step to bring in a lawyer to the picture


  8. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    In my opinion, whatever you do:


    1) Do not tint the windows.


    Do you have any roof space above you, e.g. gable roof or flat etc ?


    The best thing you can do to stop the air leaving the room through the closed glass window panels, yes, air escapes from the window panels is to put up curtains, not thick where they will trap the suns heat in between the curtain and the window panels which will heat up the rooms, you want a curtains that are flimsy that won't trap the heat in, yet allow the cool air to circulate into the room and the heat coming in to cool at the same time. Add to that, think about putting an awning over the area outside where the sun hits the windows as you want to deflect the sun from the windows.


    We have a room where the sun hits in the afternoon, I have tried and tested many things as it used to heat up like an oven, and the awning which has clear tinted panels and the flimsy curtains do the job 100%.


    Also if you don't have any batts in your ceiling or sisalation under your roof tiles (assuming it's not a flat roof) your going to get hot real quick, sisalation is used to slow the heat entering through the tiles and the ceiling batts to stop the hot air entering the rooms below the ceilings and any cool air escaping through the ceiling into the roof space.


    There are many ways to keep your house cool, but you have to be prepared to pay $'s for it as there is no band aid solution and many farangs here don't want to spend the $'s so they suffer all day, year around, not suggesting your one of them.


    Whirlybirds also help pull the hot air out of your roof space although some may argue they don't, however I have been up there and witnessed it with many tests carried out by me and they are cheap, e.g. 24" for about 2,300 baht each.


    Somethings to note below:


    About Sisalation

    Energy-efficient Sisalation® is a high quality reflective foil insulation product that cost-effectively insulates and protects residential, commercial and industrial buildings against heat, cold, dust and moisture, as well as reducing air movement in the roof space.



    The thicker the ceiling batts the better: 






    Roof Ventilator Manufacturers in Thailand | Riseecovent


    I have a dual gable roof, with 900mm vented eaves on the sides, I also have vents under each gable and the house is cool all year around, no need for air conditioners albeit I have one in each room, at the hottest of nights, I will turn one on in our room for 15-20 minutes then off it goes while a floor fan on 1 circulates the cool air all night. As for my kids who share a room, they have theirs on all night on 26, no need, but hey, I spoil them, it's better than giving them candy.


    Any questions, fire away as my investment has paid off and most people that walk in on a hot day straight away say, oh nice and cool, air con, but fact is, air con is not on.


    May i ask where do you stay in thailand ? 

    Where i am, in Phuket, i dont know anyone that doesnt keep the AC on constantly when in the house...

    as for the roof , cant say im sure how its constructed but i know there are 4 electric fans that constantly blow air out of the roof, if im not mistaken.

  9. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Obviously it would make sense that you talk to a specialist who should visit you and look at the details.


    Two ideas from me: Double glazed windows should help - but are maybe expensive and difficult to install.

    How are the ACs installed. I.e. both on one wall facing in the same direction? Or are they installed on opposite sides of the room facing each other? I read that it is important to position them correctly, especially if you have multiple units in the same space.

    You can find lots of details on the internet. This is just an example:



    They are both on the ceiling, the room is a rectangular shaped, i guess they are both in the middle of each side of the rec

  10. So i been unhappy with the cooling in my house for quite some time now
    been living in this house for a year , where i stay is extremely hot and humid all year round.
    the space is quite large
    7M X 15M and 3.5M height ceiling
    i have 2 ceiling Hitachi units , model RAS-B36TNTBNH1
    these are 34k BTU inverter 1phase units
    they are both being turned on at the same time, never alone, the cooling just not enough unfortunately, had them cleaned, no difference
    electricity bill are quite high because of it (500$ a month) , my smart home system shows about 7-8kWh when they are running,
    from what i noticed the outdoor units are cosntantly running, they should reach a temp and then start/stop right ?
    should i change them to bigger units ?
    one last parameter to consider is that this space has giant glass sliding doors instead of walls on one side(south east), so sun is probably making things worse, i was thinking of maybe getting those windows tinted with UV blockers ? although i wouldnt want to get them too tinted as its facing our garden and pool.
    please advice, whats the best way to go about it ?
  11. On 8/10/2021 at 6:47 AM, Kerryd said:

    If you use Registered (EMS) mail and the declared value is under $50 US, it will often scoot through unhindered. If it's $50-75, there's a 50/50 chance it might get some Customs tax added. If it's $75+, it's almost guaranteed that it will be taxed.

    (I order a lot of stuff from overseas.)

    If you use ANY "courier" like DHL, FedEX or USPS, you will be charged full Customs duties because they all use a "3rd party broker" to deal with the Customs paperwork.
    I've been to the Airport Free Zone and dealt with some of those brokers. DHL (or whoever) sends them the paperwork, they process the Customs forms and calculate the duties/tariffs, add their fees and get the Clearance. Then DHL (or whoever) can ship the parcel to you and collect the money. 

    I've cancelled orders in the past when I saw they were going to ship them via USPS because I knew they'd add all the duties and surcharges on them.

    Of course the problem is, if you keep your orders small, you have to make more of them and pay more mailing/shipping costs.

    I just saw a Cigar shop in the Tipp Plaza yesterday when I went to (lol) DHL. (Shipping some documents back to Canada.)

    CIgarista - (https://www.google.co.th/maps/@12.931758,100.8826258,3a,68.5y,34.62h,83.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1wySlq7keovkJJhVWlnO_w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en)

    They were open yesterday when I was at the DHL office (around 11:00).


    Any idea what are the tax charges ?

    if for example ordering a box of cubans that costs about 500-600$

    if full value declared on the package, what would be the duties for it ?

  12. Just now, OneMoreFarang said:

    It seems one big question is how it's sent. And that is the case for anything imported into Thailand. It seems some courier companies always collect duty and tax.

    If you have a chance to get it sent by "normal mail" delivered by the postman that would be the best to, if possible, avoid paying anything in Thailand.


    Yes i agree, it was sent by regular mail.

    i know those DHL/UPS/FEDEX always run to the customs and get everything declared so not the best option


    my question if i order a bigger amount of cigars, like a box or something and it does get stopped with regular mail, how bad is it ? import license ? heavy 200 % taxes or something ?


  13. needless to say prices are horribiy expensive here

    i ordered once off a US based store, like 4 pieces, went through without a problem, no taxes were charged.

    im wondering if it was just a lucky shot ( although they state "cigars" on the box) , or it was because the value was low , about 30$

    if i were to order anything over 50$ , does that mean it will for sure get stopped for duty charges or even worse asking for import license since its cigars ?

    would like to get your experiences about it, tnx

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