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  1. 1 buffalo + 1 buffalo = 1 bottle lao kao
  2. To the winner goes the spoils. No conflict in modern history has ended without the loser giving up major concessions/land. Why should (just as corrupt) Z/Ukraine deserve better?. Breadbasket of Europe, lol. I'll gladly give up wheat bread. The next great military alliance will ideally be the US, China and Russia, and it will make Europe and the UK its military and economic little bi__ch..
  3. Ask yourself this - if T turned into a developed, 1st world style civilized society, would you be willing to pay the subsequent prices for kitty/gf/trophy wife, food/services and deal with all the rules and regulations making the simplest things an annoyance that inevitably come with such "advancement"? For me, I'm ok with T's warts as long as I maintain my lifestyle status. But if I had more money I'd be in the Carribbean on the next plane. If I had less I'd be in Cambodia or some other 3rd world s-hole.
  4. Z and NATO/Europe f'd around and found out.
  5. At least he's more articulate than 90% of the AN membership.
  6. The reason the Kung Flu/bat eater sniffles are all but forgotten is because it's human nature not to carry a grudge about something that in retrospect was pretty harmless had it been treated that way.
  7. Wokesters and tax simps.
  8. If you can see "crepe-ing" on the side walls, they're done.
  9. And what is your pronoun, cupcake?
  10. Nobody likes a criminal, especially murderers, so don't be shocked at being treated like one. Steak murderers are an especially vile sort. Belong in the same bucket as vegans.
  11. The Mallorca of Asia. Pearl of the Andaman my butt, more like a wart.
  12. Just put him on a cargo ship as a paying pax in a crew berth. It's not like he'll care that it takes weeks because he won't even know, and most of the vessels areas are restricted (locked) so at most he'll be able to wander around the common areas in amazement how big the Hindenburg is!^^^
  13. Lol, so we are to believe the driver let them go inside and waited so long for them to return from the ATM/seek help from security that the flight had already taken off? Suuureeee..... 800 is what airport and/or normal taxis charge. 500-650 is the normal fare range from Patong to HKT for ride apps, regardless of whatever silliness the Bolt algo might cough up sometimes. Never mind the number of times a Bolt driver has accepted one of my ride request, and then messages that "I'm coming in a different car/different license plate" only to try to reneg the fare. So while Indians are not my fave tourist demographic, I'm not exactly upset about this one.

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