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  1. I don't give it a thought until I go into Harrods and feel like dumb uneducated blue collar trash when I see an Arab buying a million pound watch.
  2. You are correct when it comes to emotional maturity. Intellectual maturity is obviously the polar opposite.
  3. In the words of that viral TikTok vid by the Filipian tourist that drove the Thai netizenry up the wall a few months ago.......Thailand is your gf, PI is your wife.
  4. Suggest you watch this and also learn the magic Thai phrase LOM LA LAI (it works better than mosquito repellent to shoo away these beggars).
  5. Long winded AI drivel about nothing.
  6. Birth of a moneypig. Always entertaining!
  7. The nationality is the common denominator once again. Basically, there's no reason to even read any article beyond the initial mention of Brits being involved.
  8. I don't care about his politics, only about my share value. Would be sad to see a once pretty good company being shorted by investors like me who used to believe in it.
  9. Stop waffling like a coward Gen Z'er and decide if you want to be on the side of civilized behavior or with the savages.
  10. Phew~~ I thought you were going to tell us about your mom's STD.
  11. Good thing I rarely leave 1 Q Sukhumvit.
  12. lol all the hoopla for ONE dead kid....
  13. Excellent. Can you name (or PM) your condo please?
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