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Everything posted by PeasAndGravy

  1. You haven't answered my original question.
  2. Military Greatness: How did that work out for you in Korea & Vietnam?
  3. So you think greatness is all about power?
  4. As I get older I tend to forget things, so I would be obliged if you can inform me when was America great the first time? (Except in it's own opinion)
  5. were they sincere though>? thats what i struggle with. not the fact that they seem friendly on the surface, but the sincerity of their words and actions. You should go and re-read some of your own posts Bob, some of which show that you have the sincerity of a rattlesnake. Have a nice day
  6. Bob, you're obviously having spelling problems. You should enable your browser's spell checker.
  7. I recently watched this and thought it was good.
  8. I can't view this. Is it because I have a low number of posts?
  9. AN=Asean Now. Internal="Built in". Search="Look for something".
  10. Previously, the AN internal search function was pretty dismal IMHO, but recent searches I have done are producing "expected" results and I have been able to find things much easier. Not sure when this came about, but seems quite good now. Anyone else have a similar or alternative experience?
  11. Chill out mate....It was just an attempt at a little early morning humour. I wasn't trying to be offensive.
  12. You must have pretty long arms if the elastic on your catapult is 3 metres long?
  13. Sorry, I should have said it was the only place I could find the complete season 1. Complete Season 1 of the Capture is also on Torrent Galaxy.
  14. I'm watching season 1 now. Great show. Holliday Grainer is particularly good. The only place I could find it was Pirate Bay. It's on Torrent Galaxy as well.
  15. I can only find episode 1. Giddyup: Complete season 1 of Witness Number 3 is now on Torrent Galaxy. Plenty of seeders.
  16. Same here.
  17. I prefer a seefood diet. I see the food and then eat it.
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