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  1. Many small communities and villages in Thailand are riddled with drugs (Meth first). It's a scourge.
  2. Its the other way around for me. I come back every winter to France. the mountain, the snow , the ski, the magic of so many towns and villages in xmas time.
  3. Its the other way around for me. I come back every winter to France. the mountain, the snow , the ski, the magic of so many towns and villages in xmas time.
  4. ...Wouldn't say these "cheap women" are actually cheap anymore. Quite the opposite. Some things don't change, but prices definitly do. Cheers
  5. Really. Do you know any "best place" for psych disorders?
  6. these 2 look like all these poor souls on fentanyl in US streets, unconscious and with their bodies freakishly folded in two. Good the Thai guy is built like a bull and was able to carry them in this cart.
  7. That guy is a sucker and is plain wrong. Sure, Ladies "services" are actually not cheap at all anymore and inflation is "steep", times change.... (unless you opt for a toothless Gremlin hooked on meth). Many are almost on par with many western places for the same type of "services" and people definitely have less money. But absolutely not an excuse.
  8. Atrocious. Weird also to see all these adults in the video roaming around without a care about what's going on with the kids on the lap of this guy. Unknowingly of what's really going on probably (so i hope...)
  9. Hi..12 years working in Thailand (been there, done that...witnessed this & that...). The truth is, only a very very tiny fraction of these bar girls/prostitutes get lucky enough to get to marry a "customer". Why would they do that? oh dear...Money + money + money again..Not to end up like the greatest majority who don't end up with a customer (aka, worn-out and rotten to the core and turning from a "Mogwai" to a "Gremlin" after a few years of that lifestyle, where years count triple...Harsh, but that's what it is.). Now with regards to those customers who marry them, 99% of the times these poor fools end up in the dumpster. Milked like a cow plugged to a mechanical milking machine : BDS (broke, depressed, suicidal). No fairy tale in here. Cheers
  10. 59yo..23yo....Look no further..Tragic how delusional older men can be.
  11. I think there is too much damage done because of alcohol ( not a theory. Real life examples every single day, on the roads, homes, everywhere and anywhere...). But, prohibition won't work. If someone wants to drink until kingdom comes, he or she will. Point.
  12. Mmm...ok i see...sorry, there was a technical error in the sending it seems.
  13. Helmut Jahn. Architect. (Not Thai architecture....).

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