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  1. Freaky dude...Nope for the "youthful indiscretion" , A**hole is 26 years old, not 16 yo. Pathetic.
  2. The title "Thailand battles hazardous PM2.5 pollution" ...Really...To wage a battle you need to actually fight...
  3. Sure, could be in some cases. Among those that i was referring to, they didn't "turn themselves in" (at the airport or other), but were caught or checked for whatever reason (two of them were simply riding a motorcycle and driving a car and were stopped/pulled to the side by traffic officers). My guess is that they managed a bail and had to pack asap and take a plane.
  4. mmmm.....weird. I've been living in Thailand for 14 years now. Know quite a bunch of people who overstayed their visas by more than that. Never got to jail. Paid a fine and were sent back home (or went to an other country of their choice), and barred from re-entering Thailand for some time. True, they could afford the plane ticket (might be a bit different for those who can't and have no money at all ). Cheers
  5. Some decents lads too out there, even the "sensationalist" medias usually push forward the nasty, best-selling stuff. I lost wallet in a taxi, around 6000 thb, credit card etc..in it, plus a small card with my name and adress in Bkk. The next day the taxi driver droped it at the condo's management office. Not a baht missing. Cheers
  6. Phuket and other places here in Thailand (and other countries too) is where these drug-dealing scumbags go to spend their drug money. Fact.
  7. oh dear.. what a slobbish write-off......as pathetic as it can get
  8. i'm in Pranburi since saturday (close to the sheraton villas). Wind was crazy strong until this morning. No-one in their right mind would have gone out for kitesurfing in the area or take anyone out at sea for that purpose. Insane.
  9. so what about non-students the same age brackets?
  10. In France there is an expression ; "la nuit, tous les chats sont gris" (at night , all cats are grey). And also Everyone looks good in the eye of the "bottle"holder 😉
  11. Many small communities and villages in Thailand are riddled with drugs (Meth first). It's a scourge.
  12. Not incompatible...i do both :)
  13. Its the other way around for me. I come back every winter to France. the mountain, the snow , the ski, the magic of so many towns and villages in xmas time.
  14. Its the other way around for me. I come back every winter to France. the mountain, the snow , the ski, the magic of so many towns and villages in xmas time.

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