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Status Updates posted by bangkokrick

  1. Thailand's worst flooding in 50 years and it does not even get a mention on BBC?

  2. Cheese and ham on toast. Love Thai food, but ..................

  3. Going to the beach to get some rays, as a friend suggested.

  4. Well done Europe in the victory over the USA in the Ryder cup. Nail biting stuff.

  5. Well done India great preparation for the games.

    1. geriatrickid


      I agree. Indian quality and standards are something special.

  6. Can I get Twitter on my Thai phone. It is not listed on the Country list?

  7. Richard has got his 1 year Thai visa extension. Oh! happy day.

  8. Looking forward to the weekend!

  9. Protestor shot dead at Koran burning protest - Yahoo! News UK http://yhoo.it/cg7A92

  10. Another snake in the garden!

  11. In Johannesburg waiting for a flight to Bangkok

  12. In Brazil for 8 more days, then home

    1. Hawkup2000


      Sounds nice. Enjoy it!

  13. Still in Brazil and now I have the Internet I am so happy!

  14. Hi George how do I reply to your reply to my status?

  15. Hi George, I am just working here for one month and then I return to Thailand. Brazil is great, the people are nice, it's cheap and the food is good. The only problem is that I have come in in winter and it's very cold at night time, around 7C. So far so good.


  16. Staying in sunny Brazil

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