I would like to thank everyone on this thread, especially Dan O.
If it wasn't for everyone trying to tell me a crypto monthly allowance wouldn't work, it would have taken me longer to come up with my official plan to end world hunger, human trafficking, famine, racism, sexism, and lots of other things.
Might I introduce my final solution:
You are the reason why covid killed millions of people.
It's all your fault.
We have an overpopulation problem.
The earth is giving us pandemics, nuclear wars, psycopaths, inflation, etc because it's trying to correct itself.
Babies are killing the planet.
What would happen if people stopped having kids right now?
Nobody would be murdered, everyone would get to live a life.
But we could work towards getting ourselves down to a few thousand people without anyone being hurt.
It would end poverty, famine, human trafficking, rasism, sexism, gender pay gaps, processed food, disputes between countries, inflation, and every other bad thing in the world.
We would be one people who could build a new world in a new image.
We could live in the forests and eat from the ground.
We could change the world.
Maybe Morpheus was right.
Maybe humans are batteries, which is killing us with electromagnetic forces.
Gravity is a much weaker force than electromagnetic radiation.
I bet we could fly if we dropped the population to a small tribe of a few thousand.
I bet we could fly if we stopped having sex.
With physical bodies, of course. I bet spiritual sex between gods doesn't get anyone pregant.