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  1. I would like to thank everyone on this thread, especially Dan O. If it wasn't for everyone trying to tell me a crypto monthly allowance wouldn't work, it would have taken me longer to come up with my official plan to end world hunger, human trafficking, famine, racism, sexism, and lots of other things. Might I introduce my final solution: You are the reason why covid killed millions of people. It's all your fault. We have an overpopulation problem. The earth is giving us pandemics, nuclear wars, psycopaths, inflation, etc because it's trying to correct itself. Babies are killing the planet. What would happen if people stopped having kids right now? Nobody would be murdered, everyone would get to live a life. But we could work towards getting ourselves down to a few thousand people without anyone being hurt. It would end poverty, famine, human trafficking, rasism, sexism, gender pay gaps, processed food, disputes between countries, inflation, and every other bad thing in the world. We would be one people who could build a new world in a new image. We could live in the forests and eat from the ground. We could change the world. Maybe Morpheus was right. Maybe humans are batteries, which is killing us with electromagnetic forces. Gravity is a much weaker force than electromagnetic radiation. I bet we could fly if we dropped the population to a small tribe of a few thousand. I bet we could fly if we stopped having sex. With physical bodies, of course. I bet spiritual sex between gods doesn't get anyone pregant.
  2. I think Dan O is hinting at mining Helium-3 from the moon to create enough energy for the crypto. Great shout on the rocket science, Dan.
  3. Okay that's first great point I've heard. Maybe quantum processing will help with things in a few years.
  4. In theory, not posting wouldn't stop you from replying. Like I could stop posting now, but I couldn't stop you from replying, right?
  5. Or we could just tell Putin to press the button so we can spread the money between a surviving few.
  6. You sure do post a lot about how much you're not going to post.
  7. On a country level, you could just replace current wealth for % of coins in X country. Give everyone a equal share of coins (let's say 10,000) and you have to exchange your current wealth for rest with everyone else. Houses, land, paintings, cars, and everything else would fall into line. First couple of people would need to decide what their coins are worth in exchange for other things (maybe governments can help) then it would balance out after a period of time. Hardest thing would be deciding which countries get which percentage (land mass as % of world, current population as % of world, GDP etc) But get teams from each country and you can think of something, negotiate for things. I understand it's not perfect, but a start is better than nothing. It's better than saying we won't try to end world hunger and debt because it's really really hard to distribute everything. Also debt could be wiped off immediately because it doesn't exist anyway. Imagine how good people and countries would feel after a few bumpy years.
  8. haha ok, well i guess you don't need to explain then. *Don O wipes sweat from forehead*
  9. I already know how to distribute the coins fairly, but thanks for being an EVNEG on the world. We need 49% of you.
  10. But technically, could it work? Because then we have much bigger problems than the police shutting something down. It would be an aknowledgement that everyone is slaves under control of the world financial industry who control governments. So if it's theoretically possible to end world hunger, let's expose the world for not wanting to help people.
  11. I will try to post this here because I got banned on Reddit. I keep thinking of something that I would like crypto experts to tell me is impossible. Let's say the 99% create a crypto exchange called World Exchange. Now we divide the coins between us, first by country then by citizen. So X country gets X coins then citizens get Y coins so everyone has coins. Each country has it's own coins eg AmericaCoin, JapanCoin, HungaryCoin. Each transaction is charged 30% at World Exchange, which then distrobutes money into everyone in that country equally every 24 hours. So everyone would start with coins, and poorest would get new coins every day so they could afford basics. But hard workers could still earn more. So basically a system where the poor have enough to survive okay, but the motivated still have a way to become rich. We could theoretically lock governments and 1% out of this until they comply, so we could just trade between ourselves and lock them out. From 1% then have to give X percent of net worth abouve a certain amount to buy into system or they can sit out twiddling their thumbs. I guess governments could be slimlined with less overall control. I don't see any reason why people would go hungry, why they would steal when they don't need to, or why they could commit crime if they knew the way out was working hard, not breaking law. Would that not work perfectly? I'm talking down to the main exchange using AI to change currency exchange rates based on how well or poorly a country is doing, how much people want to go or stay away. It's basically a closed system that would almost run itself, financially speaking. Imagine governments that didn't need to worry about creating money out of thin air. Cheers for reading.
  12. I agree with whoever said you're out of practice. Can you not just roll a joint and take a little hit or two every few hours. You don't need to smoke the entire thing.
  13. I would maybe guess: 1 pause (or heaven) I know you can pause inside digital video game/or meditate from where I am now. 2 god-powers video game 3 third person video game 4 first person video game 5 enlightenment - you know 6 hell - tough physical life 7 spirit - less frequency ghosts (always to zero but never get there)
  14. Can you message them, buddy. -------------------------- I think it's very telling that people aren't mature about to either ignore the post or try to imagine what it would be like. Why is the first human reaction to mock, attack, and be mean to? I think it says more about the entire world currency than a single Thai baht. Ask yourself why you're so against it. Open your eyes (and minds)
  15. Stop being rude. Start pondering.
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