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Everything posted by onebaht

  1. I've noticed a lot more cheaper medium-grade stuff on Shoppee today, so I've ordered a few strains to test if they're decent and legit. 3 g gorilla glue 4 g of skunk 3 g of AK47 3 g of red cherry berry 1 g of amnesia 14 g for around 2200, which I don't think is bad considering brick weed makes me throw up after a few hits. I'll post what they're like in case anyone wants to try them. Should be delivered in a few days.
  2. Surely that's not real. Why is it so cheap?
  3. It took me just over 13 weeks from start to finish. I think calling at the 12 week point helped speed things up. It went from waiting to be checked by an examiner to printed and posted within days.
  4. has anyone compared the new fruit spirit (18%thc) to the green crack and og kush at Lampang Farm?
  5. I've seen a few people talk about decarbing weed and mixing it in with coconut oil. Does this need to go in the fridge when it's done? I know butter should go in the fridge, but I wouldn't normally put oil in.
  6. In Chiang Mai. I will try to do what UbonJoe says, but I think you need to wait until morning in Chiang Khlong to get bus back to Chiang Mai.
  7. Which border bridge would you cross on your way to Laos for a visa exempt run (still got 2 this year) I would like to go to Chiang Khong via Chiang Rai, but would I be able to just cross the bridge, get visa into Laos, and try to cross back the next day? Or would it be easier to go to Vientiene the other way won't work for some reason. Are they strict there?
  8. has anyone else tried that cheap gorilla glue and OG kush? something a step up from the brick/crack/stick weed.
  9. How did you know the passport was in Thailand? Do you get a tracking number when it leaves the UK, do they tell you when it arives, or do you need to chase it around?
  10. you're right it's a 7 day rejection stamp, but almost identical to extension. how long would it take a passport to get from uk to thailand?
  11. It feels like 7 days extra is just an option to anyone at the end of their 30 days. Looks just like an extension, not a rejection stamp.
  12. did they evr tell you which stage you're at? i'm 13 weeks now and it's just hit the examiner. they only said it will go to the printing stage soon, but no idea about time line.
  13. Good idea about the overstay if it's not too long. I think I can leave and come back with emergency travel document.
  14. That's good I'll just do it that way. No space in passport for border bounce.
  15. I need to wait a little more in Thailand for a new passport, which is almost ready to be printed. My current visa ends on Sun 18th 2022. If I try to apply for a 30 day extension tomorrow, will they reject it and give me 7 days to leave country? And... Because my visa runs out on Sunday, is it possible to go into immigration and apply for 7 days from Monday, or does it not work like that?
  16. Can anyone rate green crack vs thai stick? Is there a different thc level, sativa/indica ratio etc?
  17. i meant was that lampang farm or a third-party? i'm guessing now it's lampang farm line account?
  18. does anyone have a link to the Lampang Farm line page? I didn't realize you could access from computer so easily. what company is the GC just listed from? edit: or mabye that is Lampang Farm?
  19. has anyone compared GreenLabs green crack to Lampang Farm green crack yet?
  20. Do those people from Lampang Farm speak/write in English? How does everyone order from them if you don't speak Thai?
  21. I bought thai brickweed (indica) from a weed shop (they normally keep it hidden unless you ask). 50 baht per gram but better than anything I've tried so far.
  22. Is there a manual way to do it at their bank? I will set up internet banking soon, don't have access to phone at moment.
  23. How does everyone pay for their orders on ThaiGreenLab? I tried to pay using a foreign card, but my bank cancelled it. The payment processor doesn't even ask for my card address, so I'm not surprised. It looks like the main option is to make a payment to their bank (they give account details etc) and send a note to say it's done. Can I walk into their bank and ask for a form to fill in and pay cash into their account? I've never payed for anything like this before. I don't have internet banking on Thai card, so need to do it manually.
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