My daughter has both her Thai passport and her American passport already in hand. She is 4 years old. We are unfortunately having marriage problems and it looks like its settling on me taking custody of our daughter and in doing so that would mean I need to get back to the USA with her so I can work. I am the father, and it looks like the Thai mother wants to leave and give me the kid and take everything else.
So what exactly do I need to get out of the country? I know I need the obvious, but im talking specfically about a letter or some kind of document from the mother that gives me her permission to take our daughter out of thailand and into the USA? If this document is needed, does it need to be notorized or something? Witnessed somehow? Or can I just print out a standard template from the internet and have her sign it? This is what im trying to ask, what specifically is needed and done in what exact way so that there is no issue in thailand airport or on arrival in the american airport?
Obviously nobody needs to know this trip is due to marital problems, for all concerned its just a little father/daughter trip to see the other side of the family.
Can anyone help? Advise?
I would LOVE to hear any experiences people have who have brought their kid through the airport with only one parent present.
Thanks so much to anyone who replies with help or whatever because im kind of having a crummy time at the moment and really need some help with this particular issue.