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Posts posted by Da-Bear

  1. I read this on another site

    Where's a good place for left luggage ?

    Almost all hotels and guesthouses that you stay at will store luggage for you, either for free or cheaply (around 10B a day). If you don't trust your guesthouse/hotel, it might be worth spending one night at a better one so you can benefit from this facility. The main Hualamphong train station is also has left luggage facility, and it's good value at 7B a day.


    the facility at the airport is 70 baht per piece of luggage per day i read.

  2. Well guys just get yourselves another passport from another country, always helps to have more than one when dealing with visa rules.you dont have to renounce citizenship of your first country in order to have a second passport from another one. Those born in the US should have no problem getting one if they can track down a grand parent who came from europe etc, same with those in the UK ,a large amount there have Irish ancestors amongst other origins. It's well worth the effort imo.

    BTW dont forget the new US Machine Readable Passport rules in order to use the visa waiver scheme kicks in on Oct 1, if you want to visit the US and only have one of the old hand written ones you will have to get a visa or else a new Machine Readable one.

  3. Network will be a single digit on icq like 9.

    open add/edit # on ICQ and u will see country, put thailand in there, then network # like 9,  in next box then mobile # which should be 7 digits.

    i have a friend with 9 as network code.

    So should show up on icq as +66(9)1234567

  4. I use ICQ to send and recieve SMS messages to thai mobiles. When it works its great get a reply back within a couple of minutes from the person i sent the message too. But sometimes it wont let me send any messages says the phone company is busy. But it works more often than not.

    here are a whole host of others many will send and recieve worldwide.


  5. There is indeed some truth to the Thai government now going to look at the Condo owenership rules again amongst other changes what this will entail or how far these changes will go is anyones guess.Don't forget him who got less votes than his opponent who now occupies the white house GWB himself is coming here in OCT to BKK. As the IMF are largerly beholden to the US tresuary expect the Thais to get the boot in and change what they are going to change before he gets here, so they can gain some face i guess and show the locals they are now fully independent again.Also the US are on a collision course over Myanmar with Thailand accusing it of deserting and suppressing democrats from military-rule Myanmar.

    "Bangkok will amend some of the 11 laws issued under the IMF. Changes have been planned for the state enterprise corporatisation law, the bankruptcy law, the civil case procedure law and the land, condominium and property

    leasing laws".


    The only thing which might save the changes from being ott is that Some liberalizations are now enshrined in World Trade Organization commitments - and a Thai heads the WTO.


    But there will be change in domestic laws affecting ownership and corporate activity, as a newly confident Thailand basks in its recovery, and as Thaksin accommodates the interests of local business. The government is also, in effect, taking revenge on foreign banks by allowing some big Thai businessmen extraordinary leeway to keep control of their companies without repaying their debts. The banks and their foreign media friends cry "shame" but many Thais see it as justice, albeit it rough.


  6. Hi All

    I'm a Newbie here, love your site  :o , great source for info.

    Have a friend coming from China next week and she wants to know if she buys a sim card here will it work in her phone, if so which is the best for price of internal , external calls and where do u buy them. She will be mainly in Bkk and Pattaya so nationwide coverage is'nt that important.

    Thanks All.

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