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  1. I’m having the same problem. Seems more like a deliberate decision from Bangkok Bank, not Food Panda. What makes you so certain it’s Food Panda? Food Panda revenue is down in recent months, or rather they have stopped funneling subsidies into coupons and “rewards” (to buy market share) because the industry is collapsing in other countries. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the two entities is blocking the other for payment related concerns.
  2. As if I wouldn't have done so already? Apparently, you're not using online banking mobile apps, because we can check transactions there, going back six months, at any time.
  3. This is not my experience over the last five years in Thailand. This is the first time I've had any issue with a refund from any online source here, except for one scammer on Facebook marketplace that tricked me into buying cherries for an unbelievably low price. Lesson learned. This is a big corporation. It doesn't make sense. I'd really like to hear from others who have had the same experience. That would be helpful to me. Thank you.
  4. Hello, I recently had a very disappointing experience with Big-C Online. On January 30, I placed an order for groceries to be delivered the next day, after choosing among time and date options on the checkout page. On the following day, I received a telephone call from a Big-C local store representative, telling me that they could not deliver at the appointed time, but that they could come the following day. Unfortunately, I had already made plans for February 1, so I asked them to cancel the order and refund instead. The representative agreed and that was it. Easy, right? A few days later, I noticed that there was no refund in the savings account I had used to pay with a debit card. I waited a few more days and still nothing, so I contacted Big-C to inquire. It was then when they first informed me that the refund would "take 45 to 60 days." I was baffled, as every other vendor that I use online has a refund policy that takes about 3-5 business days, and never more. Still, I just assumed it would take until the end of March, so I decided to wait for my 2,015 Baht refund. However, the end of March came and still no refund, so I wrote to ask them about it again. The Big-C reps kept telling me "oh, sorry... we are really very sorry, but the policy is 45-60 BUSINESS DAYS, not counting weekends and holidays." I checked back to read the original messages, and indeed, there it was: "45 to 60 business days" for a debit card purchase refund. "If it doesn't arrive, you will need to call your bank, but Big-C isn't keeping customer money" as an interest-free loan to cover cashflow shortages, as I thought. "We processed the refund on January 31. You will have to wait. We're very sorry." When the 60 business days finally arrived, near the end of April, I contacted Big-C again, as there was still no refund in my savings account. They wrote back right away, urging me to call my bank, so I did. When I spoke to the representative at Bangkok Bank, where my savings account is held, she told me that the bank "cannot investigate missing refunds that are more than 60 days old." "Seriously?," I asked. "You mean that Big-C, a giant multi-national corporation is willfully misleading customers and keeping customer refunds?" How can that be possible? Surely, there must be some mistake. Surely, if it's true, there are others with a similar experience. When I need a refund from Tops, Food Panda, Lazada or a number of other Thailand-based e-Commerce sites, it arrives in my account 3 to 5 business days later, and never more. Why is Big-C's refund policy even possible in 2024? Is this just an old policy that needs to be updated? Is it their bank? Is it my bank? Who else has had such an experience with Big-C? Please let me know.
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