Hey there,
I did two 90 days reports online previously, they all got accepted. Okay, now I was doing my last one, entering exactly same details. First, I was denied for a reason "invalid address". Okay, then I literally copied and pasted the address from Google, and now they denied me stating "no room number", in addition, this second rejection resulted in me being 1 day late for my report.
I did a new report including my room number, and hopefully it goes through, but am I responsible for paying a fine now? I read that there is a 7-day grace period (in person?)? I am not sure if there's any leniency if I was deliberately attempting to do 90 days online, and I kept getting rejected literally entering the same details for which I was previously approved, and if that's a reason to get the fine lifted.
If this application gets approved within the 7-day grace period, how can I know if I am responsible of paying a fine? Do fines appear online?