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- Birthday May 9
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I'm still here , just trying to take in all the advice and suggestions. A friend who smokes cannabis , just gave me some biscuits ( cookies ) with cannabis in them , so tonight I'm going to give them a try, as I type this my mind is running over all the things that I need to soon do . A big thanks to every one for your help which is really appreciated . I will post back after trying the cannabis biscuits .
Sorry this may sound like I'm rambling on and this may sound like a '' pull your self together '' sort of post , but to me this situation is real and its becoming a nightmare. Going back many years , ever since I moved to Thailand and got married to my wonderful Thai wife, my mind / thinking process has steadily began to become what seems constantly overloaded . Every day now as soon as I wake up my thoughts go straight into overdrive, I'm thinking about this and I'm thinking about that , what if this happens or what if that happens or I have to go and do this or I have to do that . My mind is endlessly thinking and in most cases worrying about my life in general. This curse is effecting my sleep pattern , where getting a good nights sleep is now a luxury. As I lay in bed trying to go to sleep, my mind is still mulling over things that I know need to be done the next day , or planning on how to achieve some thing. My home desk is full of to do lists. To try and help sort of calm me down , Ive tried natural supplements. Ive watched endless YouTube videos , to no avail. I now seem to be more susceptible to medical complaints, which I'm wondering if is due to my immune system being low . Ive also started to eat more comfort foods, my mind being in a state of what seems constantly overly active, is wearing me out. I don't drink alcohol , and I cannot exercise due to a foot issue. I must admit that I'm not that keen in talking to a medical professional . I was wondering if there was some thing drug related that I could take on a daily basis , that may help in calming my mind down . I'm in my late 70's and feel that at my time of life I should by now be enjoying my golden years , but sadly my mind just won't let me rest in peace .
Home blood pressure results - Should I be Concerned .
backstreet replied to backstreet's topic in Health and Medicine
Thanks every one , yes I admit it I’m a worrier especially where my health is concerned and with that confession in mind after reading that its recommended that Omron blood pressure monitors should be re calibrated after 2-3 years and the fact that my own Omron HEM-7130 machine is over 7 yers old . I thought I would pop down to my local doctors private clinic and ask to have my blood pressure taken and at the same time ask if the doctor could compare the blood pressure readings with the doctors blood pressure monitor agains the blood pressure readings taken from my own Omron HEM-7130 machine. So I had my blood pressure taken with the doctors professional looking blood pressure monitor and straight after that my blood pressure was taken using my own Omron HEM-7130 machine . This was repeated twice .( right arm then left arm ) The results were … Doctors blood pressure monitor , right arm = 126 / 61 My Omron blood pressure monitor , right arm = 137 / 68 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctors blood pressure monitor , left arm = 134 / 70 My Omron blood pressure monitor , left arm = 144 / 75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the doctors view my Omron blood pressure monitor was giving blood pressure readings that were around 10% different . I knew that any blood pressure readings taken in the doctors clinic may be elevated due to the anxiety I was feeling . I walked out of the doctors clinic clutching my Omron HEM-7130 machine , thinking to my self ....... now what . ???? . -
Ive been taking my own blood pressure using an Omron HEM-7130 machine . Ive come to notice that my own blood pressure results taken at home are nearly always within the same average range. The thing I can't understand is why are all my blood pressure result numbers all around the same general area. I have used the same Omron HEM-7130 machine on 6 other family members and their blood pressure results were all individually different . I'm not sure if all my blood pressure results being in the same approximate range could be considered as being normal , but to me it does seem a little strange and some what worrying. In the past I have had my own blood pressure taken while in hospital , but my blood pressure numbers were a bit on the high side , apparently due to some thing called '' white coat syndrome '' . Looking at my blood pressure results , would they be considered to be within a normal range for some one of my age group ( 71 ) , and why would those blood pressure results always be similar . Should I be concerned . Below are my recent blood pressure results taken at home at different times of the day in a sitting position and on different arms ... 114 / 66 / 64 111 / 64 / 60 102 / 63 / 63 100 / 66 / 60 110 / 66 / 65 97 / 62 / 66 102 / 60 / 64 111 / 69 / 64 102 / 60 /64 118 / 66 / 67 108 / 58 / 74 103 / 58 / 65 113 / 64 / 66 109 /61 /62 113 / 70 / 59 112 / 64 / 66 102 / 61 /68 100 / 67 / 66 99 / 58 / 61 104 / 59 / 60 98 / 57 / 63 114 /66 / 55 96 /66 / 64 112 / 67 / 67 112 / 64 /67 108 /60 /68 107 / 65 / 72 93 / 68 / 67 100 / 62 / 66 107 / 64 / 62 105 / 57 / 64 107 / 60 / 59 100 / 62 / 67 102 / 59 / 64 106 / 66 / 64 102 / 59 / 62 107 / 68 / 62 117 / 71 / 66 105 /60 / 62 101 / 64 / 63 104 / 59 / 63 101 / 67 / 57 101 / 64 / 64 104 / 66 / 60 112 / 63 / 60 110 / 63 / 58 109 / 64 / 66 106 / 63 / 58 102 / 59 / 56 114 / 60 / 64 105 / 61 / 64 117 / 65 / 63 106 / 65 / 60 105 / 63 / 52 101 / 71 / 68 101 / 57 / 69 109 / 64 / 66 115 / 73 / 71 102 / 64 / 59 .
Hi , thanks for your comment I was wondering if there was a correlation between my symptoms ( strange feeling that my balance is what I would call a bit off plus a light headed feeling ) and my current OMAD diet . The intermittent fasting is some thing I’m going to check out , Now the doctor has reduced the Atorvastatin dosage to 20mg I’m hoping that reduction from the original 40mg to 20mg , will hopefully some how help me with my current ongoing symptoms . Thanks .
Thanks Sheryl The electrolyte drink is some thing I had not though of . Any thoughts on …...... Another random thought Ive just had about my current ‘’ strange feeling that my balance is what I would call a bit off / light headed feeling ‘’ is that around the same time I attended Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat I also went to an opticians to pick up a new pair of bifocal glasses which I have been wearing ever since . I’m wondering if starting to wear those new pair of glasses has any thing to do with my current ‘’ strange feeling that my balance is what I would call a bit off / light headed feeling ‘’ situation . I was thinking that tomorrow when I get out of bed , I will not wear those new glasses through out the remainder of the day , just to see if any of my symptoms change . Thanks.
Thanks Sheryl. For my diet , Ive been following the OMAD ( One meal a day ) option. Basically during the day I eat nothing and drink the occasional cup of black coffee or water. Then I have one normal meal around 6pm each day. In the approximate two months Ive been on this diet my body weight has reduced by just over 2 kg and at the start of that diet I felt fine but now after I now get up in the morning I start to have a strange feeling that my balance is what I would call a bit off, I can walk around without too many problems but some times I feel like like my next step is becoming what I can only describe as a bit wobbly. That wobbly feeling seems to come and go throughout the day The light headed feeling seems to remind me of past times long ago when I was employed working full time and some times I had to skip several meals during the working day to get a job finished on time. The only drugs I’m currently taking are - Atorvastatin and Flunarizine. The episodes of feeling that my balance is what I would call a bit off and the light headed feeling don’t seem to be effected any change in posture or head movement . Another random thought Ive just had about my current ‘’ strange feeling that my balance is what I would call a bit off / light headed feeling ‘’ is that around the same time I attended Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat I also went to an opticians to pick up a new pair of bifocal glasses which I have been wearing ever since . I’m wondering if starting to wear those new pair of glasses has any thing to do with my current ‘’ strange feeling that my balance is what I would call a bit off / light headed feeling ‘’ situation . I’m now wondering if my ‘’ strange feeling that my balance is what I would call a bit off / light headed feeling ‘’ situation could be being caused by a combination of all of the above ( Diet , Drugs , Wearing new glasses ) . Thankfully this current feeling I am experiencing is not too debilitating , more annoying that any thing, but who knows if my current symptoms are some sort of advance warning of a more serious health situation just around the corner. Thanks .
Well Like the The Terminator use to say , I'll be back . So here I am and I’m hoping that some one may be kind enough to help me again with my current health issue related to my original post . So after seeing the cardiologist at the Bangkok Hospital in Korat and taking the recommended drug atorvastatin ( 40mg ) . I have been taking that drug for over two months now and at the same time I have been on a strict diet ( cutting out sugars / saturated fats / red meat / dairy / milk / fried foods Etc. ) . Recently I have been experiencing a strange problem. When I got up out of bed in the morning and stood upright I felt a bit unsteady on my feet , not a drastic feeling but a gentle feeling that my balance was not quite correct . Over the rest of the day the feeling that my balance felt not quite right , sort of disappeared and then came back in cycles . I never felt any dizziness , but on the odd occasion I do feel a bit queasy and light headed . So I decided to go back to the Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat and seek a doctors opinion . I outlined to a doctor my current problem about feeling a bit unsteady on my feet when getting out of bed in the morning along with feeling a bit queasy and light headed and telling the doctor that I was currently taking the drug atorvastatin ( 40mg ) just before I go to sleep at night time. The doctor then arranged a full blood test and my blood pressure was taken which was 129 / 57 / 75 When those new full blood test results arrived back and the doctor showed me I was amazed at the change in my Cholesterol numbers . Then I asked the doctor about my feeling a bit unsteady on my feet when getting out of bed in the morning and on some occasions feeling a bit light headed and queasy . Here’s where things became some what unsettling . The doctor made the comment that my feeling a bit unsteady on my feet when getting out of bed in the morning along with feeling a bit queasy and light headed, may just be a reaction or side effect of taking the drug atorvastatin . I then asked this question , well Doctor if the feeling I now have of feeling a bit unsteady on my feet along with the feeling of being light headed is due to a side effect of the drug atorvastatin , surely then I would have felt that same side effect when I first started taking the drug atorvastatin , but on first using the drug atorvastatin I had no side effects what so ever. The doctor then commented that my current symptoms of feeling a bit unsteady or queasy and light headed when getting out of bed in the morning , may be due to the restricted diet I’m currently following , may be a sugar deficiency issue. I also asked the doctor if my current symptoms of feeling a bit unsteady on my feet when getting out of bed in the morning and on some occasions feeling a bit light headed and queasy throughout the day , may have any connection to a possible un discovered heart issue . The Doctors answer to that question was, if I did have a heart problem that was causing the symptoms of feeling a bit light headed and queasy throughout the day , I wold also be experiencing physical pain in my heart area. The doctor then prescribed me the drug … Flunarizine . Flunarizine has been used in medical practice for over 25 years. It was initially introduced as a medicine to improve blood flow and is a medicine known as a calcium channel blocker. It has been mainly used in the treatment of dizziness, vertigo and prevention of migraine. The doctor did tell me to reduce the atorvastatin to 20mg a night . I left the doctors office some what disheartened , but I do fully appreciate the doctors input and advice . So I’m not sure what is really causing my current ongoing symptoms of feeling a bit unsteady on my feet when getting out of bed in the morning and on some occasions feeling a bit light headed and queasy throughout the day. My next Doctors appointment at the Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat is on the 5th of April . I have my fingers crossed that reducing my atorvastatin dosage to 20mg a night may have some positive effect on my current symptoms. . I wish I could track down what is currently making me feel a bit unsteady on my feet when getting out of bed in the morning and on some occasions feeling a bit light headed and queasy throughout the day. Just a thought that has popped into my head as I write this , now my LDL cholesterol number has gone down , could I stop taking the drug atorvastatin and revert back to my normal diet , just to see if doing those two things will have any effect on my current symptoms of of feeling a bit unsteady on my feet when getting out of bed in the morning and on some occasions feeling a bit light headed and queasy throughout the day. Any thoughts or suggestions please. Many Thanks .
Thanks Sheryl I forgot to tell the Cardiologist of another symptom that I’m experiencing , Ive been having an annoying itching sensation around both of my ankles , Ive done a bit of internet research as to the possible cause of the itching and there seems to be several avenues of thought including A & B . A . skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. B . poor circulation in the lower legs Ive applied some skin cream ( Diphenhydramine ) to the itching area , but the itching continues . The poor circulation ( B ) has me now thinking more about any heart issues I may have .( Stasis Dermatitis ) .
After undergoing a health checkup at Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat and seeing several areas on the health checkup test results relating to my heart . I decided to consult a Cardiologist and show them my health checkup test results. While talking to my wife about going to see a Cardiologist and see what they may have to say about my health checkup test results , my wife then said why not go and see the same Cardiologist as you did before. The wife saying that had me a bit puzzled but then I remembered that 3 years ago I was having a problem getting to sleep at bed time and I decided to see a doctor at the Bangkok Hospital in Korat. And I had totally forgotten about going to see a doctor there. Back then the doctor at the Bangkok hospital in Korat recommend several tests including a comprehensive heart test that was carried out by a Cardiologist, which I underwent . So now remembering that I had all ready undergone a previous heart test 3 years ago , I decided to now return to the Bangkok Hospital in Korat and show a Cardiologist the test results from my recent Health Checkup at Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat and possibly request another heart test . Well I left home at 7 am and was sitting in the Bangkok Hospital in Korat at 8.30 am. The Cardiologist arrived at 9 am and we ( my self and Thai wife ) were taken into the Cardiologist office. The Cardiologist a man ,then asked why I had come to see him and I told him that I had recently undergone a Health Checkup at Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat and I would like a heart checkup . I handed the Cardiologist both the original copy's of my recent Health Check up at Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat , along with my past test report that I was given at Bangkok Hospital in Korat 3 years ago. The Cardiologist then read through those two reports and then went to his computer and brought up on his monitor my past medical records from Bangkok Hospital in Korat. The Cardiologist then asked me a range of questions about my current health / any symptoms and if I were taking any drugs, to which I answered that I had been prescribed the drug ‘’ Simvastatin ‘’by the doctor at Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat to treat my high Cholesterol numbers. ( this Cardiologist recommended Atorvastatin 40mg for my high Cholesterol ) along with taking one Aspilets 81 mg tablet every night ( Aspirin ) . The Cardiologist then asked me why I thought that the current test results from my Health Checkup at Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat , indicated that I needed to undergo a new Heart Test . I then pointed out to the Cardiologist the comments ( circled in Red ) that had been made on the two graphs from my recent Health Checkup …… See Chart E and Chart F , the Cardiologist then had another look at the two charts … E and F . The Cardiologist then asked me to lie down and unbutton my shirt , so he could use his stethoscope to check my heart . The Cardiologist then said this …...................................... Looking at my current health checkup results from the Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in Korat , along with the past medical records from the Bangkok Hospital in Korat relating to my past heart test results from 3 years ago , and taking into consideration that I had no current symptoms , in his view a new heart test was not necessary . I should start taking the drug ‘’ Atorvastatin 40mg ‘’ One per day after an evening meal along with altering my diet and doing more exercise . The Cardiologist looking at my past heart test results from 3 years ago , said that my heart wall was slightly enlarged but looked normal for a person of my advanced age and that I should return to see him in 3 months time for a blood test to see if my Cholesterol numbers have been reduced due to me starting ( his recommended drug ) ‘’ Atorvastatin 40mg ‘’. The Cardiologist also suggested that I purchase an electronic wrist watch that keeps a record of heart active etc ( see attached screen shot as shown to me by the Cardiologist ). The hospital cost for 1 box of 30 tablets of 40mg of ‘’ Atorvastatin ‘’ was 1,075 Baht , I declined to purchase the ‘’ Atorvastatin ‘’ from the hospital and instead purchased them from an out side pharmacy , which cost 860 Baht for the same 1 box of 30 tablets of 40mg. I also purchase a box of Aspilets 81 mg tablets at the same out side pharmacy for 140 Baht. So all in all an interesting consultation with the Cardiologist , I was just expecting the Cardiologist to say , OK let's do a heart test and have a look at the results . As I said to my wife , the hospital is a business and generally speaking the more medical procedures the hospital carry’s out , the more money they make. It was refreshing to hear the Cardiologist say that a new heart test in his view was not necessary , but I’m still wondering why the Cardiologist recommended what he did and in some way his advice not to re-test my heart leaves me a bit nervous . Over the around 35 minuets talking to the Cardiologist and on hearing his recommendation I did continue to ask many questions and in some way I kept pushing him to clarify his advice . So all I can do now is start taking the ‘’ Atorvastatin ‘’ , keep up with my diet and do a bit more exercising and keep my fingers firmly crossed . I did have my blood pressure checked while there and it was just above normal. The cost to see the Cardiologist came to 800 Baht Any thoughts about the Cardiologist recommendation ? Thanks .
Ive recently had a health checkup and the test results said that I had high cholesterol numbers. Ive looked online at many suggestions on how to lower my cholesterol numbers , but I wondered if any one here has had high cholesterol numbers and if so , what path did you take to reduce your cholesterol numbers, relating to diet / exercise / life style . Any advice or suggestions that worked for you , most welcome. Thanks ????. .
Thanks Ive now purchased an Omron Blood Pressure Monitor , and I tried it out several times during the day , just to see what the results would show. My Blood Pressure readings 7 am – 109 / 68 / 70 2 pm – 103 / 69/ 79 5 pm – 103 / 63/ 86 7 pm – 104 / 66/ 77 9 pm - 109 / 68/ 78 Looking at the final blood pressure results, I though the numbers looked strangely close , so my wife used the same new Omron Blood Pressure Monitor to see what her blood pressure was. The wife’s numbers were – 91 / 66 / 78 So looking at the Blood Pressure chart , I think and hope my blood pressure numbers may be ok. .Thanks.
On entering the health checkup department for the first time ever I was feeling stressed out and nervous about not only the test procedure but what the test results may show. I think my first blood pressure test results showed an elevated results possibly because I was very nervous and stressed out. I did not know about '' home glucose monitor '' . Can you please tell me a bit more about it Thanks.
Your advice to consult a cardiologist is some thing I’m now going to arrange for peace of mind. The other thing Ive now re thought about is not starting the prescribed ( Bestatin 20mg - simvastatin ) drug for now. But attempt to improve my cholesterol numbers by altering my current life style by changing my diet and start to exercise more. Then when I attend the next cholesterol test in 3 months time , I will tell the doctor that I decided to try the changing my diet and start to exercise more route , rather that the Bestatin 20mg - simvastatin drug option, and see what the doctor says . Thanks .