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Everything posted by yrushme

  1. UPDATE POLICE dropped the charge, bank account was unfrozen, He was paid he's on his way back to America and I'm leaving Thailand for good.. 5 years was a good run thank you. But maybe Thailand isn't for me GOD BLESS! 🙏
  2. And for those that are wondering the money that came in from the American guy was clean money, once again he's a retired American airline navy officer, The money was not from illicit gains, All set and done what everything happening I'm done with Thailand! The system here is so corrupt, thank everyone for all the comments negative or positive, but I learnt my lesson never to trust, but God is with me and I know everything will work out! I will give an updated, by Monday afternoon hopefully it doesn't turn for the worst for some odd reason.
  3. UPDATE, THANKS OLDSCOOL! , The police called my fiance, they said that the American finally compromise the situation, but we compromise the first day we went to the police department when he the American, realize he gave me the wrong information, when I talk to an attorney that spoke English in Bangkok he called the police and he said the prosecutor will press money laundering on me , this was 4 days ago, now the police is changing their tune, and saying no charges against me but we need to authorise American to take out the full amount while we wait at the police department, He comes back and shows the police he got the money and then the complaint is dropped? The biggest question I have is is this some type of tactic to get me in there to detain me? I guess we'll know Monday morning but I'm not going I'm going to give him a copy of my passport she can bring it in and now she's worth it will detain her because she's on my account and she never did anything wrong hopefully God willing everything goes good 🙏
  4. Thank you so much oldscool! So they basically said they want my fiance to bring my passport and her ID to police station and do the power attorney there, He goes to the bank comes back with the money shows it to the police that money was withdrawn and in hand,while she wait? then they will withdraw the complaint? there was never money laundering what they suspected, and why would somebody that's involved with money laundering go to the police because they're not getting their money....That doesn't make sense, it was never that kind of illegal activity! it was just someone giving me money didn't get his money right away and took me to the police! So now, I want to do everything DocuSign! I question, could they want me to go to detain me and keep my passport. Thanks my new friends for all the advice it's been helpful 🙏
  5. Like I mentioned the gentleman sent money to my account I sent it back to him He gave me the wrong information we lost contact for a little while about 5 days He was inpatient went to the police and said that I try to scam him, when he realised he gave me the wrong information in front of the police a week ago and told them that they still wouldn't unfreeze the account to pay him, they wanted me to come up with 1 million baht in cash to bring to the police station, then they were unfreeze my account and then I get the million baht back? Now a week later, police just called and said that they will unfreeze the account as long as he can go into my account and pull out the cash himself, not for me to give it to him, they think that I might run with the money? If I didn't run with the money the first time why would I do it now? totally don't understand? And they want me to go to the police department, give them my passport?
  6. The police want you and me to sign documents authorizing him to withdraw cash in person at the bank. with power of attorney, he attached documents to unlock the bank account but I must wait at the police station, they want your passport and my ID card. This was just sent to fiance from police? Is this accurate?
  7. Thank you English is my first language but sometime I do speech text, I'm sorry for the confusion and I appreciate everyone's advice, I'm talking slower now hahaha, I have an update, The police call my fiance and said the American friend decided to compromise, like he wanted to do the first time a week ago, but I guess He realised he wouldn't get his money unless the police unfreeze the bank account.. but I'm a little bit worried still about one thing, not trusting the police, they said that she can go along to the police department next week, in but make sure to bring my passport, Sone can do the paperwork to unfreeze the account and give him his money, my fiance is on the account, The only purpose is because we are madly in love and I've been supporting her, and myself...and because periodically I send money from the US from my pension to take care of living expenses, to be honest and truly Frank, after all this, I don't trust the police I think they want to keep my passport? All the sudden everything is okay no charges, and he agreed to compromise and just take what's due something that could have been done when we first went to the police department I don't know so I'll just give a copy of my passport... Any positive feedback would be great and thank you for all the people that at least said something that made me feel a little bit better, you are feeling so we do make mistakes and my mistake was trust..
  8. The only reason I joined this forum is to get advice for felt from fellow foreigners, I'm not here to tell you that I'm a good or bad person but in times we do need people and I'm asking for help and advice, remember this is not our country we are just visitors, if you said in this criticise situations like this it doesn't make the situation better, please don't do negative comments at life on my situation there'll be time in life when you need someone and all my asking and saying that I need someone to help with advice nothing more I'll get through this with God is good and I'm a good man , God fearing man please keep your negative comments or jokes because one day you might be in the situation you need help take care.
  9. The money that came from his account is from his retirement from the Navy, this is the reason why I don't understand money laundering?
  10. I gave you all the details I told you that the foreign man was the one that wanted to invest I didn't coerced him we were all sitting down talking remember I don't have money I don't have that type of money to do anything like that, if the man sends me money to invest in a business and me helping out how am I wrong for doing that All I'm saying is that I have bank documents that I tried to send the money back, I understand everyone's comments and I don't take it personal I just want your opinion maybe I did wrong by letting him use my bank account, at the same time there's no illegal money being transferred I saved a foreigner money from giving it to this Russian guy I don't I blocked the Russian guy I reported him to the police, so all the facts are there documented and translated in Thai language from the banks from the text messages there was never intent to do anything wrong and mind you like I mentioned the foreign guy and me went to the police after he made the report and he realised he gave me the wrong information it could have been done with but the police didn't want to do it this is where I'm confused? My attorney told me someone can send you money it's not illegal and if you want to pay back you pay it back but if things occur that didn't allow it because of misinformation that's not illegal this is where I'm confused.
  11. Hello this is a very long story but I'm going to try to make it simple and direct living in Thailand for 5 years I built a home, I'm a retired law biding citizens in Thailand, I met a Russian man that told me to invest in some money I decided not to do, but a foreigner that was staying in Thailand during a conversation they became friends we had coffee he the American wanted to do it business , so he sent 1 million by to my bank account because the Russians said he doesn't have an account, doing the transaction, me and the foreigner got together and decided that maybe the Russian guys dishonest is something is not right so we should not give him any money, I explain that to the Russian man where he threatened and came to my house in the middle of the night, and said he needs the money My fiance having a business for 15 years a hair salon, neighbors said foreigners came waiting at 11pm at night for 30min so I went to the police and made a police report about the Russian man, scare for my life I left Thailand for a little while, I changed my phone number and everything but during this time I was wiring back money to the foreigner that deposit the 1 million baht into my account, He was impatient and went to the police and said I didn't pay him? they froze the bank account that still has the money has his money, in my account I have documents from the bank that I tried to send the money but he gave me the wrong information, me and him went to the police he told the police he must have gave me the wrong information The police insisted that I gave him 1 million by cash and they were unreleased the money and it will come back to me, I don't have a million baht, because of the Russian man I had to move and pack all my things in fleeing for my safety and my fiance safety, now I got an attorney that talk to the police about the situation, and they said that they're trying to possibly charge me for money laundering, I have never done anything like this, once again I'm honest individual, retired airline crew, so the police said that the prosecutor will press charges, once again I have all the evidence that I try to send the money back and the gentleman that put the money in my account is a retired, American Naval officer, none of his money is from illicit gane, now I'm just sitting around wondering what the police are doing? 😞 I called the US embassy and told him my situation they told me to get an attorney, I told him the Russian man is looking for me and now I'm afraid of the police and the Russian man what do I do? 😭
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