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  1. am considering the packages offered by 3bbgigatv and true visions and would appreciate input from anybody regarding these services. many thanks
  2. Well, a bit of commonsense at last, Van Rooyen cleared by the Appeals board . That MRT is like a pack of sharks with blood in the water.
  3. need another couple of nines to catch Will ????
  4. Great news, Kozzie has signed a four year extension at the Dees????
  5. After trailing you last season its nice to put my nose in front????
  6. Could members advise me of the procedures to be followed upon the passing of an ex-pat, I would like to start schooling my partner as to what to expect and what course to follow after my eventual demise. many thanks .
  7. Past tense, At Udon Thani now ,all applicants must accompany agent to Immigration Dept,
  8. Sorry mate,fraid those 85 yrs have caught up with me and I cant remember whether I registered or not. can you check please ..
  9. Almost any doctor at any clinic will do the verification . 100 baht. dom
  10. Most likely reason for cancelment is that he has not provided centrelink with a Proof of life certificate. This must be provided when you turn 80 yo and every two years thereafter,this regulation was on the back burner due to covid mail delays but is now being implemented . A call on the centrelink freecall line will clarify. 001 800 611 4136
  11. think they are referring to a muzzle loader,a cap (primer) is used to ignite the powder charge.
  12. Oh happy days,, pies in the refuse bin ????
  13. Two recent incidents, T/W sustained serious leg and knee cap fractures plus contusions, her m/c fully insured ,all hospital care free. Pop of son in law bad head injuries from falling off an unregistered,uninsured m/c ,,family has to foot all bills.
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