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  1. Only ignorant ppl would agree with this article which is more like a propaganda piece. who can trust big pharma and big agro? Esp at a time when, . there are highest number of overweight, unhealthy people . autism and diseases at the highest its ever been . our food supply loaded with toxic herbicide and pesticides . our supermarkets filled with unhealthy products filled with chemicals and highly processed ingredients
  2. Don't care much for Melania but Hillary and Michelle Obama receive received high six figures so why the bias? In office out of office whats the difference? https://www.blackenterprise.com/michelle-obama-recent-speaking-gig-lands-her-a-nearly-750000-bag/
  3. The media was never free. It is the mouth piece of whoever has the most $. Its’s sad that we are told what to think and ppl like Julien Assange and Snowden are punished for telling us the truth. Yet we are stupidly listening to the lies fed to us. Iraq is in shambles for a war based on lies… yet no one was punished. We are basically cattle… we don’t question. Those that do are ostracized.
  4. 6 million died in the holocaust. I learnt that in school. But why is the genocide of the 10 to 15 million people who were tortured and murdered in the Congo under the rule of Leopold II rarely taught in school?
  5. too late. Most Thai factories have already shut down … everything sold here is Chinese or Korean.
  6. Why is US interested in the internal politics of Thailand?😬
  7. I have heard from friends in the States that New york, San Francisco are reeling from crime… businesses closing and homeless people all over.
  8. As always very bias, one sided content. i read “The real Anthony Fauci”… it was very eye opening. So many lawsuit in the US yet media here reports nothing. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/robert-f-kennedy-jr-backs-lawsuits-against-pfizer-over-covid-19-vaccine-safety-the-tide-is-turning-101719371877572.html#
  9. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/kansas-sues-pfizer-over-misrepresentations-adverse-affects-covid-19-vaccine
  10. not accurate. Israel attacked the Iranian embassy on April 1st, 2024 and Iran responded. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/02/middleeast/iran-response-israel-damascus-consulate-attack-intl-hnk/index.html
  11. Wow relax dude what is with you and Pilosi? I think that Pulosi is corrupt and thats my opinion. You said “ If "all traders" knew she does insider trading, they would have rushed to do the same and the stock price would have increased in the next days.” and i posted a link to an app that give updates on the trade of politicians.

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