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Posts posted by bacwy1

  1. Just last month there was a report in the news from the plane manufactures that the electronics do not do any harm or affect the planes electronics and avionics at all. In the same report the engineers also said that there is a very, very small percentage of them affecting the planes systems. The airlines came out and said that it is for safety and the convienence of the passengers. But in the same way this thread shows and proves what I said before about some people feeling that the rules apply to others and not them.

    For lucifer it is not American propoganda it is just facts and truth. If anything I do agree with the racial profiling of muslims, but not by color but by name because any one can be a muslim. The facts are that it is not that hard to pack your liquids in your check in and to have the prescriptions for your medicines with you. The rest of the things like drinks the airlines will supply for you, the ones who have to do more are the flight attendants because they have to serve more drinks.

    And for trip, you are right there are so many ways to take down a plane. That is why when I did work at TSA I used to bring up many things to the management that we should not allow. To give and example is tools, people dont need them on a plane so why allow them on?

    For me it was all about making the risks as less as possible and to treat all people the same no matter the sex or the age. The reason for that is people use babies, children, the elderly, and there status as a female to try and get away with things. I have seen hundreds of instances both in person and in the news to say that you do have to treat all the same now a days.

    It is true that security at airports is horrible and uneven. I have flown a lot myself and have seen that. For me I look online or call the airlines to get the info I need to make my life easier. I know that some people that work at the airports are not in a good mood but than I always see the way they get treated and think about my time there and know that it is an accumulated affect of dealing with people thinking that they should be exempt from the rules and laws.

    To give a great example I had passengers come through, a couple, one a surgeon and one a shrink, so about 15 years of college between them, I took out a big bottle of water from there bag and told them that they could not take liquids on the plane, their response, " Its not a liquid, it is water."

    So just take the time to look online or call the airline or airport to see what the requirements are and make your life easier, and others also.

  2. Having worked for the TSA in America and having done my own research I do have to say that those who complain about the liquid bans need to do some research on their own. I was working when the liquid ban came into place and I was not happy about having to do it. I then read a report out of Europe about how the terrorist can make a liquid bomb and color it and corbonate it to look like any kind of drink, or other product and have seen the test results of what the explosive would do. If you dont like to have them take your liquids than all you have to do is go online to the airlines website for 20 minutes to see what is allowed and not allowed before you fly, take some self responibility before you fly and it will be much easier. Most of the people I dealt with knew they could not bring the products but felt that the rules and laws did not apply to them. Just think of it this way, you may complain about the security but how much more are you gonna complain when you are in a plane at 30,000 feet with a big hole in it because of a lack of security. The problem that the average person does not realize is that the terrorists rely on your complaining and whinning to make there actions easier to perform.

  3. I had no problems when I came in. I brought 4 rolls of chewing tobacco and I went to the guys at the declare exit. I showed him what I had and how much of it. He asked me why and I told him that they dont sell here and so I brought extra to last me. He asked me if I knew about the limit on tobacco and I told him yes and that is why I came to his line so that I can pay and go. He thanked me for my honesty and told me to have a nice trip and sent me on my way with out paying a dime.

  4. Great video. Have been working at an airport in America for the last 4 years I wish they showed that video to all the passengers before they got to security so that way they would stop asking stupid questions such as "why do we have to go through this?" If people saw what this does than maybe they would pull there heads out of there a$$es. People forget that there is no room for error at 20 to 30,000 feet, you cant just pull over to the side of the road. I read an article,( i'll see if I can find it) about how the terrorists can make a liquid eplosive look like any drink or fluid, color, carbonate and all, put it in a bottle, baffle the bottle and put the real liquid in the top to take a sip of and no one would be able to tell at all.

    To answear the terrorist are winning because they dont have to worry about rules. They only have to blow up one plane to win because that creates doubt.

  5. Sooo, if I am reading this right than I can take my smokeless tobacco as long as I declare it and not try to hide it. I just can not buy it any place in Thailand. Kind of funny that they would ban smokeless tobacco, it is less of a health risk for the non smokers since there is no second hand chew affects, unless you drink the spit :o I am leaving in 4 days and I am taking about 35 cans with me. I am leaving from SFO to Teipei. I am thinking of putting the cans into my carry on bags instead of my checked bags.

  6. I am coming in on the 22nd and I am coming with two laptops. I run some websites so I use one for personal use and one for the sites. They are both out of package, does any one forsee any problems? I also am planing on coming in with 4 or 5 rolls of chewing tobacco.Each roll has 10 cans at 34.02g or 1.2ozs. They say right on the label U.S. Smokless tobacco company. I go through about a can and a half to 2 cans a day. Does the law only apply to smoking tobacco or to all tobacco? I could not find a single place that carried it at all in Pattaya or Bangkok last time that I was there. Would it be wise to contact the Thai embassy here in Los Angeles and get something in writing before I go?

  7. The cheapest way would be to walk or hitchhike, but I suspect you already knew how to get there didn't you? You just wanted to boast about sharing a bed with two women.

    The truth be known it's probably your mother and sister. :o

    :D:D I can tell you thats not true since I'm from Arkansas and my Mom, Sister, Cousin, and Wife are all the same person.

    Just jokin, I have been to Pattaya and Bangkok but never Phuket. I work in a high stress environment right now but am quiting and moving over to Thailand and Asia and running some online buisnesses. I am trying to save some money because I am going to Cambodia, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Phillippines in the next few months and also India to get some work done for me there.

    I would rather spend my money on the pleasures than the hotels and travel.

  8. I am coming from Bangkok to Phuket for a week. I am going with two friends of mine(female). What is the cheapest way to get to Phuket for three people and what is a good hotel that will let 3 people use a room? We are all going to share the bed together :o I take it that I have to fly or is there a train that will take us there? I really dont mind seeing some of the country from the ground. Any info or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  9. I am moving to Thailand in December. I read on the board that you don't need to show a return ticket when you apply for a 60 day tourist visa and so I am going to send my passport to the embassy in Los Angelas next week or so. I am running a couple of internet buisnesses and I am planning on starting more soon. I have a safety net in place though if these fail. I have a friend who said that they can hook me up with a job in Thailand and if the need arises than I was wondering how hard it is to change a tourist visa into a workpermit with out having to leave the country. I have actually thought of only using the 60 day visa's and than traveling for a month to Cambodia, Burma, phillippines, and Indonesia for a month or two weeks and than applying for another 60 day visa for Thailand if my buisnesses work out. Any knowledge would be appreciated.

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