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Posts posted by kellyk11

  1. People scratch their heads at crypto valuations when they don't understand how fractional reserve banking works. 30% of people think that the money they deposit in a bank is the same money people take out when they get a loan. They have no idea how much banks expand the money supply.


    Governments are pushing us towards hyperinflation with huge spending projects. Getting out of the USD, GBP, makes sense in that context. People seem to have given up on Gold and Silver. Crypto is more easily transferred.


    I bought some SHIB INU for a laugh and it went up x10. With the proceeds I am trying out distributed exchanges. You can get burned, or you can make out like a bandit.




  2. The decisions are being made above his head. Don't blame the monkey when the organ grinder is pumping out the music.


    You can see what is going to happen. Thailand is in a holding pattern unless and until neighboring countries open up. Then they will play catch up.


    It sucks for people who are limited to Thailand. People outside will look for alternatives, if there are any.

    • Like 1
  3. Whatever they say is just noise until people are actually able to travel freely in large numbers.


    The can't end the crisis because they accepted infections as a criteria for shutting down. The jabs don't stop people getting Covid and they don't stop them passing it on.


    To get themselves out of this hole they would have to admit they made mistakes which cost people their savings, their businesses, and, in some cases, their lives. It is easier to keep the farce going and pray that other countries drop all measures so that they can declare victory and move on.


    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, Scott said:

    I think the conclusions of this study are highly suspect.  I'd wait for a much more detailed look at the data before making much of a conclusion.   For example, of those with high cases, how many were breakthrough cases?   How many of those countries and counties had other mitigating efforts, such as mask mandates?  How many were open and had bars and restaurants open for indoor dining?   Population density is a factor and the weather may contribute to indoor vs outdoor activities.  


    It should be noted that since children aren't vaccinated and thus they are not a part of the % of people eligible for the vaccine.  


    It is a study across 68 countries. It should show a MASSIVE drop in Covid cases where there is high vaccination. Vaccination should stop Covid in it's tracks.


    People only agreed to get vaccinated because they were promised this would be over when we had a high vaccination rate. We will have a civil war in the UK if the government tries to take away people's freedom again. People won't agree to "a few weeks to flatten the curve" because they know it never ends there. People have been patient.


    If the new normal is going to be regular vaccinations, plus masks, plus tracking of people everywhere, plus a crashed economy, then we have to talk about splitting society. That isn't a life worth living for a lot of us. 


    9 hours ago, Nojohndoe said:

    Does the claim Covid-19 bounces off healthy young people hold true or is it that they have a greater capacity to be asymptomatic yet still potentially contagious?

    In the case of populations which achieve incrementally high vaccination levels there is and will be a corresponding decrease or relaxation of mitigating precautions and social attitude .

    That in turn increases the risk to those not yet vaccinated and re-exposure to those with fading vaccine protection to new variants.

    The UK is not alone in being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    Medical Science generally advises action contrary to Economic reality.

    The only undeniable positive result is a massive  win for "Big Pharma" !

    If someone in your household has Covid there is only a 10% chance you will get it. If we had worried about such marginal risks in the past civilization wouldn't have advanced. We would be on lock down in our caves.




    If there are people who want to be protected from very small risks, at the expense of living a full life, we should try to accommodate them while the rest of us can carry on with the old normal.



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  5. 9 minutes ago, Scott said:

    One of the reasons for pushing for high levels of vaccination is to protect people such as yourself who might not be able to get vaccinated or get boosters.  


    Thanks. I wish we had more of a discussion of the costs and benefits of vaccination before I got the plunge.


    Did you see that people in Israel lose their vaccination status if they aren't up to date with the latest boosters?




    I think we have reached the point of diminishing returns from any further vaccinations.

    • Confused 1

    What are the criteria for shutting down a business? Do they have mandatory testing at sites and shut down a site if someone tests positive on a given test?


    21 minutes ago, bbko said:

    Just wait till Walking Street opens back up. It will be ground zero for spreading covid in Chon Buri.

    The hysteria is being driven by news hounds who are making money from stories. They will be salivating coming up to the opening of night life venues. We are going to see a ton of stories about possible infections, rumored infections, and actual infections.


    If it opens up at all I expect it will be shut down very quickly. Politicans won't want to be seen as risking the tourist industry over something so controversial.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Ralf001 said:

    Some damn fine clunge to be had on Thaifriendly towards the latter part of the month when rents are due.


    Keenly priced too !!

    It may work better back in the provinces rather than trying this in Pattaya/Bangkok where there are so many other hungry guys.


    The really beautiful girls I knew from Pattaya shifted back to the provices.

  8. Why bother? I ended up with blood clots after my second shot of AZ. I'm not taking anything else. I regret taking AZ.


    A large scale recent Harvard study found that vaccines don't make a difference to Covid-19 cases




    At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 24 minutes ago, Tug said:

    There is a reason it’s the (oldest profession)it isent going anywhere they need a place to showcase the goods 

    Instagram. Onlyfans. Facebook etc.


    Women all over the world found out they don't need to put out to get men to pay for them. The standard of women available for physical P4P has dropped. Halfway decent women can make more money doing e-work like twitch streaming, onlyfans, etc.

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  10. 4 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    ... indeed the world as we know it has changed... it will take at least a year for thailand to get fully vaccinated

    That won't make any difference. A recent Harvard study found higher rates of Covid in vaccinated vs un-vaccinated places.




    Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States


    At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people

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