'Thai basing' comments are daft - You (Reposed) make a sensible and accurate point that Thais will simply follow rules, even if totally daft such as outdoor mask wearing mandates, because they are raised to conform to the rules of the transparently corrupt regimes they either vote in or end up with by coup. I've lived near schools where valuable teaching time is wasted daily on singing anthems and waving flags.
Viruses (especially flu type viruses) escape into populations (and always will) at the times it is simply impossible to isolate ourselves in crowded cities and towns so whether some engage in the theatre of masks outdoors for a few hours here and there or not, will have minimal impact on the control of an uncontrollable and widespread virus.
Should we really be incinerating billions of tons of useless PPE at a time when parts of the world are literally on fire and further filling our dying oceans with billions of tons of our rubbish.