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Everything posted by Oblomov

  1. Execute poachers and send the message that the lives of these endangered species are worth infinitely more than the lived of poachers . Vile and disgusting.
  2. Meanwhile nobody is being 'traumatized' by advising 'telling' them to lose weight, exercise more and eat nutritious food so that the body has the most robust natural immune response possible and an increased ability to withstand a gnarly flu/pneumonia type virus. Before the usual beer stool sages fall off their stools, I'm triple vaccinated, adhere to mask wearing protocols (even the dumb outdoor and beach variety) and certainly practise strict hygiene and even stricter distancing, especially from aforesaid beer stool sages. This whole thing wouldn't have hit half as hard if more were fitter, less fat and took more responsibility for one's own health. Masks are part of an imperfect defence but the robustness of our own bodies is also essential as it looks like the case that we're all to have this variant at some point in the near future anyway.
  3. Very true - if you remove those with complex co-morbidity factors, the clinically obese, the very old who are a feather touch from their last moments etc., the data would express more of an honest indication of fatalities - The excess deaths, with covid a contributing factor, argument doesn't hold any water as of course there are excess deaths at the outset of a novo virus, but we'll all have to accept that this virus will be part of the usually complex causes of death of those of an advanced age or with complex conditions. Data can be made to serve any purpose and it was 'fudged' as you say to instil fear to facilitate a compliance in extremely disastrous lockdowns. Now at least, it's a little more honest. No doubt that many of us have to get in much better shape as variants will escape vaccines whatever we do and though I'm up to date with my vaccines, I'm pushing hard to get my fitness levels as high as possible and the best diet possible. Have a good day RoyLee
  4. Dead right - cripple businesses and hobble the young before they even get started with the egregious disruption of education If this latest (and not the last) variant leaves significant levels of natural immunity, following patterns of previous variants, then it will be worth the chaotic couple of months. I read some research that the healthy and unvaccinated gain a much more robust natural immune response post infection. I'm up to date with my own vaccinations but the importance of all who are physically able, to get fitter, not get fat and eat a good diet has never been more important. We'd all get through this a lot better with much better general fitness and without the dire obesity levels in an increasing number of nations. Fingers crossed - better times in the near future
  5. People die. That's true. Sometimes of old age. Sometimes unfortunately early. Sometimes through very poor and unintelligent life choices. Most in the latter category accept this. I'm vaccinated but am.aware that the vaccine was not designed for the present incarnation of this virus. Research from vetified sources though not sure where your juvenile timidity comes ftom. No doubt obese or some other chosen weakness that makes you timid in the face of nothing much. 99.6% according to data. Look it up if you're able.
  6. The point you and many miss is that so many suffer serious outcomes due to extremely foolish lifestyle choices - not just from this, but from almost every other condition. The 99.6% recovery rate is important and large numbers of those that died with covid as a contributing factor, had conplex comorbidity factors. This is not new. Health services globally have been under severe pressure with the rapidly worsening obesity crisis. You make some valid though obvious points but 'negative economic effects' rather callously diminishes the wholsale destruction of many millions of lives and livelihoods to a mere economic factor. It is not. And it will be blighting the younger and youngest generation for decades. Personal fitness and good diet, as well as hygiene. Social distancing. Masks in crowded indoor spaces - these measures harm nobody. But a panicked deconstruction of whole societies through state mandated disruption to education, work lives and other social services was insane and will be shown to be so as the deleterious effects become evident even to the lockdown zealots, no doubt sitting happily at home with a pension or other safely bestowed income.
  7. Is that the figure? 800 million more in poverty? Also the ruination of businesses and people that fund our societies - that is also a staggering figure.
  8. I have friends and family working in London and provincial hospitals so well aware of the pressures on staffing. The recovery rate for this virus is 99.6% and possibly higher with omicron so the 'seriously suffering and dying' are overwhelmingly of an advanced age, have co-morbidity factors or are clinically obese. Whilst vaccines are a useful tool, personal fitness and responsibility for one's own health must be paramount. Hospitals are not 'full of covid patients' but the increase obviously further burdens health services at times when annual crises occur, and in nations with high levels of obesity and ageing populations, the problems are compounded. If the latest (and not the last) variant does leave in its wake, a level of similar natural protection that Delta left, then the high infection rates may make an actual herd immunity possible in the near future. By the time they 'tweaked' this vaccine, and I'm triple jabbed and not an anti-vaxxer, then produced it in the quantities required, distributed it, administered it... then we may be onto the next variant. So we should all hope this milder strain becomes the dominant strain and leaves behind good levels of natural anti-bodies. Research suggests a higher level of natural immunity is left in those that were healthy and unvaccinated, so whilst vaccines are critical for obvious reasons, the human body must be given the best chance possible and that is simple good personal choices in diet and exercise.
  9. Terrified of a wiry flu type virus with 99% recovery rate (We can all hope in vain for a similarly high recovery rate in so many of the other more serious medical conditions that will undoubtedly carry most of us off) yet unconcerned by poverty in the demographics that don't matter to the wealthy in power. Unconcerned by the young missing education and the hard working being ruined. As you say, sad and insane.
  10. True - not only that but concentrate on death and illness rates that are not linked to complex comorbidity factors, as is done more sensibly with myriad other conditions. Concentrate also on giving ourselves the best chance to combat any flu/respiratory by getting personal health at the top of an individual's priorities. As you say, enough of this pointless manic testing and move on!
  11. Or, aware of their status, they are quietly being careful as the majority are when aware of their status. I don't buy this wilfully infecting story - probably just been sold insurance that isn't fit for purpose considering the insane 'lock em all up, ill or not' policy here. We're most of us capable of not passing on this whether we know of an infection or not.
  12. Absurd isn't it. Make theatre of hunting down these folk simply because they fit the 'foreign threat demographic' yet everyone with a scintilla of sense knows this latest variant is rife and rampant. Did they only open to visitors so that they had convenient scapegoats in place when the inevitable happens? Bonkers!
  13. The point was more that they were asymptomatic, so didn't test until a mandatory workplace test. It's not about 'not bothering' but these guys make about 500 baht a day so obviously won't be buying the available tests at 199 baht. The cheap ones can't be trusted apparently. How many of us would be perpetually buying test kits at nearly half a day's wages? Not me that's for sure.
  14. I have 7 out of 7 Thai friends returned from Phuket and Rayong with pos test. All asymptomatic but also not in the completely innacurate data.
  15. Some getting heavy cold symptoms. Many of my family and friends had no easily discernible symptoms. Many even had it and didn't even know they'd had it until a mandated workplace test. The data on post infection natural anti-bodies (if it follows previous strain patterns) will be important as the huge infection rate could initiate an equally important herd immunity, finally!
  16. You're dead right there. Obesity, not only in this present virus, drives health services to the brink of ruin in the West. Once most doctors (and more importantly surgeons) were forbidden to tell patients they were too fat, being fat became widespread. Thai children and youngsters here are getting fatter too. It's time governments tried a bit of uncomfirtable honesty and addressed the obesity crises that have compromised personal health and state healthcare for decades.
  17. Seems to be the only show in town. Tried Bali - no dice. Sunshine, nice pools, plenty of places open. Pleasant beach trips. The STV was straightforward and approved within 3 days. Similarly the Thailand Pass was simple and approved in a day. Test n Go, slick and easy (apart from the food where I stayed.) Off to the south with Thai friends next week. I usually live on Bali for winters but lived in Thailand a lot before that. Grateful that Thailand made these sunny winter months possible.
  18. Thank you. And again best wishes. Maybe we'll all be directing our conversations to one another on brighter subjects sometime soon. Enjoy your evening
  19. It's not just anti bodies but T cell responses are also an importamt factor. We'll soon have data on what level of protection an infection leaves behind. The transmissability of this strain may enforce a level of herd immunity that could alter the impact of this present upsurge. Let's hope so. Happy New Year to you too.. 'Let's hope it's a good one.'
  20. Employees generally fit so not necessarily 'out sick' as the majority are not sick but are forced to isolate - Many of us get the flu and colds and get into work (mostly because we have to) so it's simply not true to say employees are 'sick' - infected yes. This is still a problem of course as staffing levels affect function and efficiency
  21. We've all met that type - In reality there are plenty of us that travel and live around Asia for all sorts of reasons - Asian friends - scuba-diving and snorkelling (back in the day) - golf - winter sunshine - a destination to switch off Ranting on about Westerners is daft - Been out around Bangkok today and the BTS was very busy, malls busy, food courts, Thais working and going to and from work... Everyone automatically doing as much as possible with masks and distancing. The point is we all have to go out as there are things we have to do, so it's hard to fathom what sort of lives those have, that constantly advocate closing everything and confining people to homes. Self-isolation might be possible if the funds permit it but the majority simply can't without extremely grave consequences to lives and livelihood.
  22. And if this variants leaves in its wake, similar levels of natural protection as other strains, then by the numbers involved in Europe, this could be a huge turning point and a major step towards significant herd immunity or at least resistance. Getting fitter, losing the excess weight and eating the right foods all help and it's good that some are being forced to take that more seriously too - everybody I know has had it now and all recovered and very few had any symptoms beyond the flu type symptoms. I agree - the pointless self-isolating is creating huge problems and the booster program in UK was extremely efficient and fast
  23. Just arrived on Test and Go for a few months. Gatwick all masks and very spaced out. Qatar same. Thailand masks yes, but the airport was chaotic. Luggage belts malfunctioning. Multi (full) flights coming up on one belt. Whilst the masks do some good in enclosed spaces, nothing very smart about not having all belts working and flights separated - hardly a busy day. Lots of travellers from all over the world, turning luggage over, putting it back and so it went on. These human tangles are why this can't ever be stopped or even slowed it seems, without stopping all that it is to be human. A bit of strict adherence, then a scrum of people, eating, sorting through luggage, then into a sealed taxi, then meet with friends from all over... Whether some like it or not, it's unstoppable unless we stop living 'normal' lives completely and always. If this new variant does leave in its wake, a level of natural resistance to infection, then the countries that are overtaken by it now will have receding levels at the time that the countries trying to batten down the hatches, will experience rises.
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