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Everything posted by Excogitator

  1. You have a point. However, it is really not that hard to make information secure, if the proper foolproof systems and routines are in place, which in this case it seems they weren't..
  2. Russia declared an online war against the West long before they brutally attacked Ukraine. It is high time the West responds to Russias' (and others) cyberattacks, using every and all means at our disposal.
  3. Your ignorance is near complete. Before 2018, ties between Iran and the West were beginning to thaw for real. I remember Iran even opening up to individual tourism. There was a nuclear deal in place supported by the entire international community (except the Netanyahoo regime). The situation had indeed begin to normalize. Then came Trump, like the manipulated ignorant manchild that he is, and unilaterally and unnecessarily pulled the US out of the deal, at Netanyahoos behest. Destroying years and years of hard fought diplomacy in an instant. Annoying an entire world, including our allies, and unnecessarily antagonizing Iran. He then later, among other provocative actions, proceeded to move the US embassy from he capital Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. A completely unnecessary move, again antagonizing Iran and the entire Muslim world, and again at Netanyahoos behest. All causing more unrest, division, anger and violence leading up to today's war.
  4. What China has done, and still is doing, against the Uyghurs is indeed another example of genocide against Muslims. Denying the fact that there is a genocide going on in Gaza right now IS bias. That Hamas wants to kill 'all Jews', if true, is horrible, but still only intent, and not an actual genocide, as they are not capable of doing so militarily. Israel, however, is military capable of committing genocide, and is indeed doing so right now. UN estimates that 52% of all Palestinians killed by Israel are women and minors, 40% are men, and 8% are elderly.
  5. As an objective, non-religious person, I can't help but notice there's been plenty of hate and persecution against Muslims for decades on all continents. And even genocide against Muslim groups like against the Rohingya by the Myanmar military junta, and against the Palestinians by the Israeli Netanyahoo junta. In the period after WW2, I believe it's safe to say the Muslims have been far worse off than the Jews, who have actually thrived in most places.
  6. Sure, lots of generic drugs could be made and sold a lot cheaper. In this case, however, we're talking about counterfeit drugs with potentially harmful ingredients. It's in the interest of public health and safety to get them, and the people producing and selling them, off the streets.
  7. We'll just have to wait and see how this plays out. People going against the 'establishment' here, rarely get what they want..
  8. Wtf. No excuses for that guy. He should be put down like a rabid dog.
  9. I can envision a permanent 'inactive position' being created as we speak, golf and spa privileges included, and a paycheck enough to keep 'Big Joke' nice and docile...
  10. So tourists in places like Bangkok and Samui don't have money?
  11. If it's not Phuket, then it's Pattaya. People with ill intentions seem to gravitate towards the two... Any particular reason why?
  12. Well, make sure you really like this thai man and that he likes you, first, because you will need to live here on a marriage visa (non-o) for quite a while first, and you will have to actually live together with him. With witnesses proving it, as well as photos together and home visits from immigration talking to your neighbours etc. And you must renew this visa yearly, with all the paperwork+witness. We're talking about years of convincing the world and living the lie that you are, and live, in a same sex marriage. As long as you're prepared for all that, then go right ahead...
  13. Honeymoon, married life, you know, that old chestnut. What did you expect?
  14. Musk, I wouldn't know, but Trump, frequently attending Epsteins pedo-parties and dating his own daughter. Nobody sane would ever leave their child anywhere near him...
  15. I agree with some of the others commenting here. Get out now! Then play the long game. Go back home, get your life there sorted, then maybe, just maybe, in time, your wife will agree to a solution regarding your kid, if you can find the right incentives. Money of course, but also the fact that your daughter can get a better education and a better life there with you.. Best of luck.
  16. Politics is easy when you have no integrity, honesty or any guiding principles..
  17. Musk and Trump = two peas in a pod.. Though Trump is dangerously lagging behind in the IQ- department, they are both in harmony when it comes to grifting and sexual abuse. And they both have (the same?) incel fanboys praising their every word and action..
  18. What do you mean? Is this a way of saying you support the ongoing genocide and mass slaughter of Palestinian children, men and women?
  19. There's a lot more to this story than what is revealed in this short article, of course. But I have noticed, though, that scammers and other criminals from countries like China and Russia, often prey on their own countrymen. Exploiting their own in-depth knowledge of their victims culture to access as much information as possible about them, down to their personal life and even their psyche. While also exploiting the victims (often) limited knowledge of the world outside their home country, to run, as the article states, 'sophisticated schemes that prey on innocent victims by exploiting their fears and vulnerabilities'
  20. I don't totally disagree with you, but in my view, a tax treaty is better than double taxation for the vast majority. If you want a magic pill that caters to every man and his dog, then you just won't find it...
  21. If the Norwegians (residing in Thailand) get their income from Norway, then it should be taxed, one time, in Norway, but not in Thailand. If the Norwegians (residing in Thailand) get their income from Thailand then it should be taxed, one time, in Thailand, but not in Norway. That is the whole point of a tax treaty, to avoid double taxation.
  22. Ridiculous. There was no ad-hominem attack directed at 'Gweiloman' at all. At least not from me. You should look up the meaning of the word again in your dictionary. Then maybe you will also be able to spell it right next time...
  23. This was not an ad-hominem attack. You are referencing radical rightwing extremist sources. Can I not call a spade a spade anymore? Rightwing wokeism is alive and kicking...
  24. There is no better man suited for the job than Pita. God/Buddha willing, he will be prime minister of Thailand one day
  25. I sort of expected you to take the ramblings of braindead radical rightwing lunatics seriously. Wake up man, and find your way back to reality, if you can...
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