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  1. Asking for personal experiences about reliable and trustworthy health insurance companies. Which company are you using? I'm 30 years old and interested in outpatient, inpatient and dental health insurance. Thaivivat, Luma, SafetyWing, AXA, Pacific Cross, Cigna? Thanks! ps: I'm living in Bangkok.
  2. Will check this one too. Thanks!
  3. I went to St Louis hospital yesterday and they quoted 105k THB for the surgery...
  4. Thank you everyone. I will check with St. Louis and Bangkok Christian hospitals.
  5. Hello everyone, Unfortunately, I have pilonidal cyst / sinus and it needs to be removed because it started to hurt and get bigger a few days ago. I have two options: 1. Apply topical antibiotic. Will this work? It's just a cream, so I'm not sure if it would kill the infection / bacteria. Please advise. 2. Undergo a surgery and have it removed. Now this is the expensive choice. I called five differerent hospitals and they all quoted 60k-90k to have it removed and admit 1 night. Does anyone know a reliable hospital which is not this expensive? Bangkok area. I don't have an insurance. Getting one now would be too late, right? They wouldn't cover the fees because I already have this pilonidal cyst, is that correct? Because if yes, then I don't want to bother with insurance... Thank you :(
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