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fjb 24

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Everything posted by fjb 24

  1. "It’s also worth noting that the FDA did not send an agency representative to the scheduling conference." https://sarahwestall.com/breaking-court-orders-fda-to-produce-55000-pages-per-month-of-pfizer-covid-19-data/
  2. The Pfizer docs are starting to make the rounds now. "Until very recently, the document was being withheld by Pfizer who maintained it should be kept confidential." 543857539-CUMULATIVE-ANALYSIS-OF-POST-AUTHORIZATION-ADVERSE-EVENT-REPORTS-OF-PF-07302048-BNT162B2-RECEIVED-THROUGH-28-FEB-2021.pdf
  3. Complaint regarding a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request against Defendant -FDA https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/091621-Complaint.pdf
  4. All Pattaya restaurants now require customers to show Negative Covid-19 Test Is this order still in place and being enforced, or unenforced? https://www.pattayamail.com/news/all-pattaya-restaurants-now-require-customers-to-show-negative-covid-19-test-385022
  5. One reporters discussion provides details into Novak Djokovic's exemption application, why it was rejected, where his case goes from here, and the political backdrop to all of this in Australia. https://nochallengesremaining.podbean.com/e/episode-321-deciphering-details-of-djokovic-s-deportation-drama/
  6. U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman called the group’s FOIA request “of paramount public importance” and demanded that the FDA release 55,000 pages per month. This means that all of the data will be available within 8 months. FDA-Judge rejects FDA 75 year vaccine data delay .pdf
  7. Oh, I just wanted to hi-lite that they can "manage as good or better than Isaan", show contrast. You understand?
  8. The Australian response to covid was highly effective up to recently when the wheels fell off and now few countries can infect the population with corona virus better than Australia now. They have gone from virtually no COVID cases to a meltdown of cases.
  9. This one has been grabbed by the ABF on Thursday. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10023134-renata-voracova-detained-by-australian-authorities-over-vaccination-status
  10. I think the word used in the PM's message (Thanakorn Wangs words) was "panic", not "worry". Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-ocha asked the public not to panic over the increasing number of Covid cases in the country which is in line with the global outbreak situation,” said Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana, the government spokesman.
  11. Apparently Sinovac protection levels against omicron are very low based on some studies unlike your misinformation claims based on an assessment from World Health Organization incident manager Abdi Mahamud. “Two doses and a booster of the Covid-19 vaccine made by China’s Sinovac Biotech Ltd., one of the most widely used in the world, didn’t produce sufficient levels of neutralizing antibodies to protect against the omicron variant, a laboratory study found” https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/three-sinovac-doses-fail-to-protect-against-omicron-study-shows/ar-AAS5aba “Sinovac said in a statement Wednesday that while two doses of its vaccine were much less effective against Omicron, three doses might prevent infection with the variant.” https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/world/asia/omicron-hong-kong-study.html "The assessment from World Health Organization incident manager Abdi Mahamud came just days after several preliminary laboratory studies indicated that three doses of Sinovac did not produce enough antibodies to prevent infection from the new variant." https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/three-sinovac-doses-fail-to-protect-against-omicron-study-shows-1.1699713
  12. This guy (Sec-DEF) has covid. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/02/politics/lloyd-austin-test-positive-covid/index.html
  13. Too bad, BUT the reality is you just don't like the factual data, figures, charts, evidence, etc that goes against your ideology, that you really hate so much. I know this, it's human nature. Serious character flaw to be so full of hate.
  14. If I did, think of all the interest it would attract. It's obvious my presence increases's the forum interest and popularity.
  15. Check this, is this a chart showing hospitalizations of vaxxed and unvaxxed? I don't see the data presented in Eng. Thanks for your assistance.
  16. Omicron is not a variant of concern based on it's severity, at least not in SA "MAC says the tracing and quarantining of contacts of Covid-19 cases is no longer necessary. In a memo to Health Minister Joe Phaahla, it said the proportion of people with immunity to Covid-19 had risen substantially. It added that quarantining of contacts was no longer viable in the current social and economic climate." The scientists advising the government of South Africa - where Omicron is now the dominant strain - say tracing and quarantining the contacts of infected people is a waste of time. This level-headed advice is exactly the opposite of the panic in wealthy European countries (and certain blue states). Of course - unlike America & wealthy European countries - SA has tens of millions of extremely poor people. It can no longer afford to engage in viral theater to satisfy public health fanatics over a strain that looks more and more like a cold.
  17. If your comment is about young people in America, more young people die from suicide (7x the rate of covid deaths in 5-14 age group) and fentanyl poisoning (age 18-45 group) than covid. Although they contract covid severe illness the death rates are low and in other locations with omicron, covid symptoms are mild with low CFR in children.
  18. Omicron is taking over, SA is 100%, other countries have new omicron now. Vaccines are almost useless against omicron, especially AZ. You need to look beyond current mRNA, into 2nd gen vaccines. https://aseannow.com/topic/1242896-astrazeneca-offers-no-protection-against-omicron-after-100-days/
  19. For how long-until they don't and you need a 3rd dose booster, followed by a 4th dose as in Israel. Read the studies, protection wanes to unprotected levels and certainly don't curtail the spread. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2118468
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