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fjb 24

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Everything posted by fjb 24

  1. Yeah, I see that. Table's 15 & 16. Nothing misleading in the raw data.
  2. Anyone with a pulse probably has concluded by now that mRNA therapies provide protection albeit temporary due to vaccine waning effect as evidenced by the plethora of boosters recommended, up to 4 now with an omicron specific concoction in the works.
  3. "Another hard question that is most likely also causing confusion and disagreement is how we define “severe” disease in children. Children can get Covid, but their death and hospitalization rates are much lower than for adults. The inflammatory syndrome MIS-C is rare. Long Covid has gained wide attention, but recent studies have shown that rates are low among children and not dissimilar to effects caused by other viral illnesses." source weblink
  4. Yeah, i see that now and notice one MIS-C death was reported in Va in Nov 2021. Nearly 5.9 million children have tested positive for COVID-19, and MIS-C infections represent only 0.0009% of COVID-19 pediatric cases. However, between July and August, the average number of daily MIS-C cases nearly doubled.
  5. Don't believe they were authorized or approved at the time due to safety concerns.
  6. "Of the 73 million children in the U.S., fewer than 700 have died of COVID-19 during the course of the pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rauch puts the figure into context using the number of people who can typically fit into a sports venue. "Think about it in terms of football stadiums," Rauch said. "In 100,000 kids, one of them is not going to make it with COVID. Everyone else who walked in is going to walk out." About 50,000 children under 14 have died of all causes since the start of the pandemic, according to the CDC." source link for above
  7. can you provide more current stats, please update it here. Thanks.
  8. I don't think I would until the pfizer Phase 1/2/3 clinical trials to Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity are completed and findings are reported and submitted in May 2026. So, a child in America aged 5-14 could die from covid or much more likely to die from the following: CDC data source: weblink 10 times more likely to die from land transport accidents 7 times more likely to commit suicide https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-03-01/covid-19-s-death-toll-compared-to-other-things-that-kill-us Can someone chime in and provide the latest covid deaths in children.
  9. Low confidence in the quality of the safety evidence to date and possibility of adverse effects of the pfizer vaccine for 5-11 years age at this time In other words: far to much risk for the reward. Phase 3 safety data study results won't be available until May 2026. (A Phase 1/2/3 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of an RNA Vaccine Candidate Against COVID-19 in Healthy Children and Young Adults) There is no need to vaccinate children with this unproven injection with the current status of omicron. Source: WHO interim recommendations for use of the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine BNT162b2 vaccine against Covid-19
  10. estimates put the omicron R(value) up to 5 times that of Delta. So of course infections are increasing exponentially down under and many other countries. Au has the 13th highest covid infection rate globally a few days ago. Source weblink
  11. As I said previously, something to this effect: "If you are looking to help the corona virus infect people, few countries on earth do it better than Australia. They have gone from virtually no COVID cases to a massive increase of cases." I don't make the covid numbers, data, etc at Oxford World of Data, I am simply the bearer of this data. If you can't accept that then contact Oxford and the ZA government and post the data here and try to refute my numbers professionally and with conviction established and corroborated.
  12. Au has fared better in covid death rates, just not much as of late. source weblink refer to attached photo.
  13. I am so sorry, for i have erred, the infection rate of Australia is/was actually 52.61 times the covid infection rate in S. Africa (7-day rolling avg) on Jan 17 and has since dropped to about 50 times now. I know you don't like the data, you doubt it's veracity and I would challenge you to prove the data as incorrect. Unless/until 4,050/77=52.6 Source: Oxford Data/za
  14. and it has 50 times the covid infection rate of SA. That's it, full stop. Deal with it how u see fit. If you don't like or want to accept the data that's your business. Unless you have some other data sources, and want to share them here, do so. . Data sources: Source weblink RSA data source weblink
  15. Burden of proof rests entirely in your hands now, and you can make your prima facia case by proving the data reported by Oxford is inaccurate or false, and until such time you can, you have no basis to dispute it.
  16. In the lab tests maybe, but in the real world setting; comparing Au. to R-SA where Australia's population, the rate of double vaccinated is 3 X that of RSA and the booster rate is 30 X that of RSA, BUT, (and this goes to your irrelevant/meaningless talking point)...Australia currently has a covid infection rate 50 times more than of the daily covid infections in RSA. Its similar rates analogy for UK/USA/Europe, (weblink) etc But sure, the vaccine is supposed to save lives, (you are going to say this). But, in NSW Au, recent data shows another real world outcome: 22 of the 34 deaths were in fully vaccinated people. *refer to Table 6-photo below and this weblink I hope for everyone who fears covid that the 2nd generation vaccines are better than the current lot. You'll have to wait until sometime in 2023 to find out though.
  17. Seems to be the case in Ontario, (not Cali) Canada as well. https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data#casesByVaccinationStatus
  18. Back in July of 2021 I considered how Au's covid strategies almost eradicated covid but now if you are looking to help the corona virus infect people, few countries on Earth do it better than Australia now. They have gone from virtually no COVID cases to a massive increases covid case infections which the Au masterminds MAY (based on M Foley's comment) believe this to be a sound strategy now. https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?facet=none&Metric=Confirmed+cases&Interval=7-day+rolling+average&Relative+to+Population=true&Color+by+test+positivity=true&country=~AUS
  19. COPENHAGEN, Jan 3 (Reuters) - The Omicron coronavirus variant is better at circumventing vaccinated peoples' immunity than the Delta variant, according to a Danish study published last week, helping explain why Omicron is spreading more rapidly. Omicron 2.7-3.7x more infectious than Delta among vaccinated Booster-vaccinated less likely to transmit coronavirus Risk of hospitalization from Omicron half that of Delta https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/omicron-evades-immunity-better-than-delta-danish-study-finds-2022-01-03/ So yes, omicron has a higher R(value) than delta variant and therefore spreads much faster.
  20. Happy you like them. There's MUCH more in the pipeline, enough to keep you mired in ecstasy.
  21. Yeah, there is a website showing the court documents and the pfizer documents being released now.
  22. Looks like the court has short tracked the tennis players hearing from Wed to Mon morning now. Maybe the court, judge, etc is a tennis fan. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-59926777
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