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fjb 24

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Everything posted by fjb 24

  1. Give it up already. Everybody can spread covid equally, it should be obvious by now. Conclusions As this field continues to develop, clinicians and public health practitioners should consider vaccinated persons who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 to be no less infectious than unvaccinated persons. These findings are critically important, especially in congregate settings where viral transmission can lead to large outbreaks. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.31.21261387v6.full-text
  2. "The early observations for 2 doses of AstraZeneca are particularly likely to be unreliable ..." (Figure 7 comment, p.21) Too soon to know with certainty. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/investigation-of-sars-cov-2-variants-of-concern-variant-risk-assessments
  3. I did math (a lot) at Perdue and come up with 75% of omicron infections are in fully vaccinated Danes so far. Todays report has same values. Its simple arithmetic and you should be able to comprehend.. That's only just a sample, similar scenarios are playing out everywhere now. SARS-CoV-2 is evolving into vaccine-resistant mutations in Europe and America. Get that thru your head and see it for what it is! 7 day covid death rates are higher in Thailand (62% vaccinated) compared to R-SA (26% vaccinated). Denmark covid 19 Dec 10 report.pdf
  4. This was reported in the NY Times on December 11, 2021: "Two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine appeared to offer virtually no protection against symptomatic infection caused by Omicron several months after vaccination. But for those recipients, an additional Pfizer-BioNTech dose paid big dividends, boosting effectiveness against the variant to 71 percent" The implications of this if true could be profound in the countries that administer AstraZeneca and specifically in Thailand's case close to 50% of the injections have been AZ. Currently in the pipeline (phase II/III trials) are 2nd Gen vaccines, extensively reworked to address vaccine-resistant mutations in Europe and America with earliest availability in Q1 2023.
  5. The real answer is: "it depends". I use their service BUT with the older version PON modem and bridge mode IS supported but if you use their current upgraded gigatex router / PON hybrid combination then no, bridge mode is not supported as I found out when they showed up to upgrade their hardware at my location and after a few discussions with their network Eng's they inform me bridge mode is not available with their new equipment. If you can use their service with previous generation of PON modems then you are good to go with "bit-mode" as the thai's call it. The other option is ToT which does support bridge mode with their current PON modem. I connect to a local TRUE VPN server in TH with OpenVPN from locations worldwide and never experienced any problems connecting and using their service. Check with the torrent community as they might use VPN's with TRUE and can provide some feedback.
  6. Actually, Thailand's vaccination rate is on par with many western countries now, nearing 61% fully vaccinated with about 5% having received a booster vaccination. In total the claim is north of 93M total injections.
  7. Check this information in the FDA Pfizer-BioNTech Fact Sheets (English) and FAQs FACT SHEET FOR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS ADMINISTERING VACCINE (VACCINATION PROVIDERS) I direct your attention to pg. 12 & 13 (on different pages for other EUA categories) This VAERS ("misinformation at it's worst") is in the FDA documents that contain information for the various EUA's for phizer vaccines. Your other statement: "VAERS is another thing quoted by anti vaxxers" Maybe ponder this: "my 4th booster injection DIDN'T work because the anti-vaxxer is not vaccinated with the 1st injection"
  8. You will know the vaccines are working when the covid survival rate goes from 99.7% to 99.8%? Can someone indicate how many deaths from omicron now, since it was first detected November 09? I can't find any reported deaths from any of the 38 countries reporting omicron cases. Hmm, and I see daily new covid cases in SA are on par with new cases in Thailand but only a fraction of new cases reported in the EU and across the pond in North America. Not to worry: “Prof Paul Hunter, from the University of East Anglia, said: "The implications of this paper are that Omicron will be able to overcome natural and probably vaccine-induced immunity to a significant degree. "But, the degree is still unclear - though it is doubtful that this will represent complete escape." The gut instinct of most scientists is that even if vaccines are less effective at stopping you catching Covid their main job of preventing severe disease and death will hold up better.” Also, be informed that approximately 75% of covid deaths in the US are in the age bracket 65 and up and this group is no less than 86.5% fully vaccinated. The demographic data is available from the CDC in the link provided as well as other data bases. As of today there are likely no less than 10 known cases of omicron in the US. The biggest storm coming may very well be the blizzard advisory for Grand Marais, up in Cook county, Mn.
  9. 6th circuit just put the big hurt into the OSHA /Biden workplace vaccine mandate, probably end up in the SC and constitutional powers of the feds to be the central theme. "The Fifth Circuit ruling described the OSHA rule as “fatally flawed” and said that the mandate would likely be declared unconstitutional" "Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it say the federal government has the right to force citizens to take vaccines – or any other form of health care, for that matter." Lockdowns and vaccine mandates haven’t worked. Just look at Sweden and Denmark, or Florida for that matter, all of which ended lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates and watched as COVID cases and deaths fell.
  10. I suspect the only way out is to declare a mistrial considering the motions and especially now that the jurors are feeling intimidated. They know, as soon as any verdict they deliver becomes public, their names, addresses, phone numbers, and everything else about them, will appear in print, and on flat screens. The media will have them trotted out, and vetted, for as long as they generate ratings. It's disgusting, and they know, there's no way to prevent it from happening. The judge has indicated he'll rule on the motions post verdict, and I am almost willing now to bet judge Schroeder declares a mistrial.
  11. Yup, definitely, he should go home and lick his wounds. He's lost every round.
  12. You have, did u decide your verdict during the trial or during deliberations?
  13. NO...they DID NOT SAY THIS! He said that the defense would have approached things differently if it had received the better footage earlier and that it is now asking for “a level, fair playing field.”
  14. They started chasing him because they were enraged that he had the audacity to extinguish a dumpster fire they had started with a fire extinguisher. The first “victim” of his shooting was seen on tape earlier yelling profanity at him, including asking Kyle to shoot him. They probably thought a scared 17 year old wouldn’t have the nerve to actually use the rifle in any capacity, even self defense. Trying to disarm a person with a firearm is best left to the police unless you want to run the very high risk of being shot, whatever your motivations are. So, all I can find is KR must have "upset" hapless Rosenbaum after he extinguished the dumpster fire and this set Rosenbaum off on a tirade that culminated in his demise. Don't forget this Rosenbaum was possibly suffering from some mental illness according to the evidence presented at trial. He was the aggressive party not KR by all accounts. In their closing arguments, Binger and his team suggested that Rittenhouse was responsible for provoking the "entire incident" of attacks from rioters on Aug. 25, 2020, by bringing a weapon to the city and thus could not claim self-defense in the incidents. Binger pointed to a moment prior to the Rittenhouse's shooting of Joseph Rosenbaum in which the defendant allegedly put down a fire extinguisher and pointed a gun at a bystander."This is the provocation," the prosecutor remarked. "This is what starts the incident." These statements are in Bingers closing arguments, but offers no evidence of this and are only suggestions. https://www.theblaze.com/news/rittenhouse-prosecutor-self-defense-guns
  15. There seems to be no video or other evidence that shows KR pointing his AR unless he was discharging it. Apparently the ozmoron has some but refuses to share it and continues to insist on gaslighting. If there is some witness testimony, other evidence, video evidence etc produce it. My advise is to produce evidence (showing KR pointing his AR at rioters) given DURING the trial to avoid embarrassing yourself further.
  16. Totally false, inaccurate, misleading. Rittenhouse lawyer did not say that.
  17. This rioter pointed a glock at KR. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/national-international/shooting-victim-says-he-was-pointing-his-gun-at-rittenhouse/3038852/
  18. Where, show us this video. Only times he only points his weapon is when he discharged it.
  19. COUNT 5: ATTEMPTED FIRST-DEGREE INTENTIONAL HOMICIDE, USE OF A DANGEROUS WEAPON This is the charge for Rittenhouse shooting Gaige Grosskreutz in the arm seconds after he shot Huber, and as Grosskreutz came toward him holding a pistol. Grosskreutz survived. Video shows Rittenhouse pointing his gun at Grosskreutz and firing a single round. The charge carries a maximum sentence of 60 years. The weapons modifier would add up to five more years. The jury has also been given the option of considering second-degree attempted intentional homicide and first-degree reckless endangerment charges. There should be an acquittal on this charge and should not have been filed by the state.
  20. There is trial testimony given by an eyewitness named Drew Hernandez detailing this Rosenbaum's aggression. https://www.dailywire.com/news/rittenhouse-trial-never-before-seen-fbi-video-shows-key-moments-before-shooting
  21. Oh I have, says NOTHING about "changing a story" You are attempting to portray an alternate scenario which is deceptive. Try this: "He said that the defense would have approached things differently if it had received the better footage earlier and that it is now asking for “a level, fair playing field.” https://apnews.com/article/kyle-rittenhouse-wisconsin-shootings-kenosha-ac4ff9ba75f00884ce6cd5e5932d5543
  22. That's inaccurate. Can you show proof of this claim "defense...change their story...".
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