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fjb 24

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Everything posted by fjb 24

  1. I get a sense the Brady violation gains traction now and, well, let the ole judge give a ruling. Suspenseful indeed.
  2. Yes, riot season is starting, I need to take down the covid decorations.
  3. They (some learned legal minds) are saying that the longer it goes, it favors a conviction due to the complexity of the 39 page jury instructions which include "lesser and included offenses". I can't get a feel one way or the other and I keep thinking about the steven avery prosecution in WI and all the controversy surrounding that case.
  4. and he could have ordered eggs sunny side up, all of which has nothing to do with nothing.
  5. You have posted nothing but idle unsubstantiated gibberish. NOTHING. I have posted no less than 3 videos none showing anything threatening from Rittenhouse. Follow the damn facts and evidence and quit inventing nonsense. No one believes ANYTHING you say here now. You just say whatever pops into your brain, with no proof. Try to let it "roll" a little dude and don't be so belligerent and try to see the full scope here, not your private little precious space you feel intruded upon. Whats wrong with you?
  6. I don't see any evidence pointing to or suggesting Rittenhouse threatened anyone despite what state prosecutor claims. I can't find it.
  7. Something quite bizarre about this case is how the media and biden portrayed the defendant as a white supremacist and now, today, this morning the BLM activists are tangling with Rittenhouse supporters.
  8. The lawyer for the state ( prosecutor) was terrible! He said and did stupid things and almost got hit with contempt. he breached the judges ruling on some evidence he tried to sneak in. He mocked the rioting, arson of the protesters that were shot. He shouldered the AR like a drunken fool. Unreal, he had a weak case and he certainly tried to create a narrative to push his doomed case.
  9. Then you need to show this "video evidence". You can't, or you would have already done so. The truth of the matter is that maybe the drone video has been modified, sharpened to the point of showing and proving nothing. But, since you seem to think otherwise, then show the video, provide a link to it so we can all see it.
  10. Ok, so show some proof of that from the trial coverage as I am unable to see where defendant threatened anyone. He pointed and shot his weapon, exactly what is necessary when defending one's self against an imminent threat. If he was "aggressive, as in pointing his weapon in a threatening manner, especially before he was attacked and had the loaded glock pointed at him, I cannot find this. Please share.
  11. Where is the evidence he threatened anyone. He shot them for the reasons described in detail here and during the trial. I do not recall the defendant threatening anyone with his rifle.
  12. That's good for you. I am happy. I know homies who shoot wild hogs, one with a 12 gauge the other with an AK from a chopper in Texas. To each his own.
  13. Are you totally ridiculous?? If I have a gun in my possession I cannot use it for self defense? Before you respond, try to think about that statement from binger and your stance on that.
  14. That statement just plain lunacy and completely and utterly, totally false, misleading, and inflammatory. Don't forget the 2nd, concealed carry, right to bear arms, etc. That statement totally floored me when I heard it. Binger must be using his own set of state and federal laws or making them up as he goes.
  15. Self defense trumps on your assumptions and rhetoric. It's like the convicted felon who aimed his glock at the defendant and only lost half an arm, NEVER do that unless u plan on putting hot lead into someone! Crossing the state line is irrelevant and nothing else you mutter matters much in the scheme of things when someone is protecting ones life and limbs and THAT is the central argument here. 1000's of illegals cross into the US and no one seems to care. Maybe some have flunked out of high school, what does it matter. Not sure if the judge charged the jury with all the inadmissible testimony but self defense justification is the theme of the day in this trial.
  16. Was Grosskreutz, the guy that pointed the guy at Kyle R charged with unlawful gun possession?
  17. I didn't watch the prosecution's case, but I heard snipets of him "misleading" the court. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/commentary-prosecutor-in-kyle-rittenhouse-falsely-implies-that-rittenhouse-joseph-rosenbaum-shot-him-in-the-back https://detroitdailynews.com/2021/11/08/the-kyle-rittenhouse-prosecutor-just-got-caught-in-a-huge-lie/
  18. The evidence, both witness testimony and video's show this quite clearly, that the "active shooter" was not SHOOTING anyone or anything while attempting to flee the mob. An active shooter would or may have assumed the position and emptied the mag, which we all know did not happen.
  19. Well, my initial thoughts are that if someone is "fleeing" "running away" from something it's likely they are not in an "active shooter role" and that there are ways and means for the police to handle this. If not, then by all means defend ones self, but not when someone is running away and was not actively shooting or posing a threat as in this case.
  20. They probably should have let the police handle the "active shooter" because it is safer that way. Just ask the two dead and the guy with half his arm missing.
  21. Yeah, maybe so. CNN's Jim Acosta Says Rittenhouse Judge Is 'Acting Like Archie Bunker' Too funny.
  22. Got some data, testing results, proof, evidence, etc to substantiate that claim? If so, please share it hear.
  23. CDC says:"Our vaccines are working exceptionally well," she said. "They continue to work well with 'Delta' with regard to severe illness and death, but what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission." Go argue with the CDC gal on this. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/08/06/cdc_director_vaccines_no_longer_prevent_you_from_spreading_covid.html#!
  24. Clarify the meaning of this message and then provide some evidence that corroborates whatever you are trying to say. Otherwise you are spreading false information and your false posts should be edited or deleted. If anti-vaxers in your world are unvaccinated, then why are some countries with highest vaccination rates experiencing the highest infection rates?
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