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Posts posted by inthaiguy

  1. Along those lines….

    What is the best pre-pay service to use for good speed for the laptop?

    Anyone use pre pay Edge/GPRS(DTAC, AIS) CDMA (Hutch) PCMCIA cards? Best value?

    I have used the hutch CDMA before… better than GPRS, but not sure if better than EDGE. Do they do pre pay now? They didn’t before.

  2. 80,000 PS3's vs. 4,000,000 Wii's - Sony is going to have a hard time with their PS3

    Think about these:

    -Average user won't notice the differnce between a Xbox 360 and PS3

    -PS3 -600 usd - you can buy a xbox and a Wii for that price - HD gaming and family fun.

    -A HD TV is a MUST if you get a PS3 (or xbox) so if you don't have one, it's not for you.

    The PS3 will sell.. but not to the mainstream. The Wii will far outsell the PS3.

    Sony is going down....

    Good PS3 coverage

  3. I have used Inet banking from three banks, and KBank is the best of them.

    KBank - Farang friendly. No workpermit needed, Inet banking on joint and personal accounts. Allows online intrabank transfers with set up. Most professional web interface.

    SCB - Not bad, bill pay, tranfers to other scb accounts after physical paperwork set up. The don't quite get the 'web thing' - which makes me not trust them.

    BOA now UOB - basic account checking. Still have their account.. but I dont think they get it either. Have a credit card from them.. but never could check it online. Gone downhill after UOB take over.

    Bangkok Bank - Sucks. Had an account with them for 7 years... but they require me to have a work permit to have online banking! Wow, you really want to keep me as a customer don't you!

  4. me being impaitent with this sort of red tape stuff....what if....could I guaranteee her paypal with my visa?

    of course, I will be monitoring the account on a daily basis.

    but can this be done?

    My USD Thai Paypal is gauranteed with my US credit card, so should be possible.

    I have been using a Thai paypal since the opened in Thailand. I just use is for money transfers into my bank account in US. It's a super easy way to move money. And there is now the option for transfers into Thai banks. More on how to set that up.

  5. I have sucessfully added Kbank account to my Paypal. You need a Thai Paypal account though. Here is a list of the Thai Banks you can add:


    If someone could translate this list, and post it, that would be cool.

    More screen grabs on how it's done...

    I am still waiting on the transfer to be sucessfull however. It has now been 5 days (2 business days).

  6. I totally support her, good enough or not. I just can’t believe how in this global society, a country of 60 million can’t produce a single internationally know artist. Countries like Thailand need to step up and demand their place in the global arena... there is no reason US and UK artists should disproportionately dominate international music.

    You go Tata!! Put Thailand on the map!

  7. I had one sucessful shipment of a 2gb Memory Stick Duo from and EBAY auction, seller in Hong Kong. That was about 6 months ago. This was shipped to my gf's condo. (Saved a couple thousand baht btw.)

    About 5 years ago, I had a pair of headphones shipped to me, that were being repaired under warrenty. The post man required me to pay $20 duty on (or they would trash them).

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