I don't understand why people even want to use suitcases, they're (quite literally) such a drag... Backpacks are so much more convenient, I don't care about the "backpackers stigma". I just want it cheap and a TR60 looked like the cheapest option for 90 days, totaling around 90 Euros. Why pay too much for brown envelopes, it doesn't help the guy/girl working 14 hours a day in Central Mall... I don't care about the snarkyness, this is the internet, home of the vinegar drinkers, I'm used to it.
But all these hoops I need to jump through in KL is giving me bad vibes, so I'll probably go with the VOA scheme. Not only because the stupid paperwork, but also because I am not sure how long they will keep my passport at the embassy. I don't mind spending the weekend in KL, but I sure don't want to spend any longer there. I'm now on Maldives, my feet are not ready yet for keeping my shoes on all day. Getting a VOA and doing a border run to Vientiane would probably be my second cheapest bet (around 3000thb I read). I just hope they're not going to ask for a return flight when I get to immigration for my VOA, because that ticket is set for the first week of November...
Very good; nail in the coffin for KL, canceling my appointment there. Now looking into Penang, might even be a fun place to go even though I've been there before. Will update with my findings later.