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Hans Johnson

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Everything posted by Hans Johnson

  1. He’s in a toxic relationship whereas the family is using him as a cash cow and having a so called brother who appears to be affectionate towards his wife. Time to pull the plug. Arrange a deal with the wife for custody and make arrangements to leave ASAP
  2. This is great for Pattaya as the family friendly prostitution free tourist destination where the police are waiting for a complaint to press charges after a vicious attack on a tourist. The police can do better and show residents and visitors they are working to improve safety and charge criminal behaviour
  3. Maybe reduce all the lighting and air conditioning in all the 711’s running 24/7.
  4. Pit-Bulls are not the only breed. Rottweilers have the same reputation in Thailand for attacks.
  5. Thai ID’s can found and produced if you can pay
  6. This is sad story with the loss of unsupervised children which is common here. We have children swimming in the klong behind my house and About two years ago I cold hear a young child crying and found two in the water clinging to the edge, one about 2 years old and pulled them out. We took them to the community head with the story with my wife complaining about the situation of children swimming there. I did not get a thank you for saving the children or the parents come to the house. My wife is angry as the children still swim there. They need to educate communities and schools of the dangers of entering water if they cannot swim.
  7. There’s always been a lot of workers and entertainer’s from the Phillipines. Also restaurants hiring staff from Myanmar.
  8. Well that must have been exciting for the tourist police. I hope the gentleman gave a huge tip for retrieving his Casio.
  9. Another cooked up scheme one after the other similar to the cannabis saga and ten year visa, where they are thinking of ways to attract and tax Farang & Co Foreigners to own land has been brought up before. The Thai government will never pass this in parliament. Waiting for the next bright idea.
  10. A lot of sad cases where those low life’s will do anything for profit and sell expired and rotten milk to kindergarten and primary schools.
  11. Of course the delay is intentional. Wait for it, lack of evidence.
  12. The same goes for the laziness not walking to a bin, won’t make an effort just throw their garbage on the side of the soi
  13. All in the name of power and greed. What a low life.
  14. Love to know what they want to spy on with these expensive toys. Maybe another zeppelin that never took off. Or could be to spy on cannabis crops.
  15. Members of my Thai family has recently returned from Europe and most of them now have Covid. Claim they caught it on the plane. Ones in hospital seriously ill. when I return to Thailand next month I won’t be taking my mask off.
  16. That’s alright, I’m sure it was fake and have travel insurance. Just make a police report at the local station and submit your claim. Bingo trip and expenses paid for.
  17. Something smells fishy here. What is Big Joke doing in Chaingmai. It’s out of his jurisdiction; he’s based in Bangkok or has he been transferred again.
  18. What a bazaar statement Tony from a man who has so many arrest warrants against him and handed down prison sentences, that people on cannabis want to jump off buildings and next step leads to heroin. I remember when a large military truck load of men are taken away to a military camp and never returned to their families over made up drug charges with no trial. If you know the history of his reasoning this went down it’s shocking.
  19. Shouldn’t it be the other way around. My grandson was bitten by one of those monkeys and had to have rabies vaccine. Once again it’s the foreigners.
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