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Hans Johnson

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Everything posted by Hans Johnson

  1. The whole lottery business is rigged and everyone who purchases tickets is scammed out of there money.
  2. Another screwed up decision . Just cancel and return any tickets that have been purchased.
  3. That’s daylight robbery, they must of been wearing designer clothes with a trolley with designer bags for them to be interested. Noticed jewellery and items in their original boxes. They should shake down all airline staff as they are well known to walk through with orders from overseas. I know airline hostesses that bring in top of the line goods and cosmetics to their supply customers.
  4. Wait for awhile and all markets will have cheap substandard child seats. Don’t worry the children have amulets to protect them from harm.
  5. Of the ranges that I’ve been to in Thailand mostly military, I have noticed they were well supervised and never seen ammunition lying around on the floor and never seen dummies distributed the gun had live rounds or empty with demonstrators giving instructions on safety
  6. As usual more chiefs than indians all pushing and shoving to get to the front for media recognition. My wife was saying last week they will go back to square one as they are losing money off their scams
  7. Common practice, seen it a lot. A few years back there was a restaurant near Donmuang airport that was frequently visited by a high ranking officer and his buddies and cranked up a 20000Baht bill. The woman went to the media as they refused to pay. They were not happy.
  8. Now they are going to have to put an armed guard 24/7 on the car and hope no body steals their plates. So much for Chinese good lucky numbers
  9. Why not get their 50% of the police force to reduce the death toll and book drink driving and bad driving and dangerous driving. Not chasing freebies.
  10. The amount of people that believe that they need to impress their friends and family with a new car/Ute when they go up country is amazing. One of my employers bought a top of the range Ute at a show to go home with a new motorbike on the back and now want me to help pay off because he’s broke and doesn’t want to loose face. If his girlfriend didn’t shop on line with continuous deliveries maybe he could survive. Now I see where the house hold dept is so high.
  11. Its a sad situation for people in these pop up hospitals, they normally only have intern doctors and nurses that are on training and with no supervisor’s
  12. My wife’s father who is in his eighties tested positive yesterday and the family requested for him to be hospitalised and they sent a van and put PPE suit on him and said it cost 12000 Baht. Now we wait what the final statement.
  13. That’s why I have one large safe bolted to the concrete floor down stairs and one small one bolted to the wall in the bedroom.
  14. Thai household debt comes from people biting off more than they can chew. They insist on buying every thing new and the top of the range to look good. New houses, cars, the latest phones /technology and have more than one credit card. On line shopping has created extra financial strain also.
  15. When I first landed in the land of smiles over 25 years ago you never saw over weight women. I was always impressed by how much vegetables and fruit they consumed never over eating and their cleanliness compared to western women.
  16. Tell them to fast, if he won’t slow down in a area where there are other taxis stop him and get out. What happened to Uber? Never had a problem with them. when my wife gets good drivers she takes their number and books them.
  17. The hair dressers in the malls are normally clean and around 300-400 for shampoo and cut and usually a quality job. As the street barber is cheaper, but be warned the equipment is not sterile or cleaned and you can can get scalp infections. A relative of my wife came to me complaining that he had red lesions on his scalp and when checking he had herpies and believes it came from the barber he visited.
  18. They never let the product get to the big fish. To excited for the photo shoot and media attention
  19. No. My paranoid wife would be freaking out over the fact some passengers are not vaccinated and tested and any carrying COVID. Very dangerous for the elderly individuals. The airlines should stand by the rule no test no flying.
  20. Oh come on, no safety deposit boxes. Yes sir just leave all you valuables behind the desk, we will take care of them for you. Sounds like a set up robbery to me.
  21. Can’t wait. Just gotta attempt to pass with head on traffic coming at you. Very sad. Don’t know how many times I’ve seen that
  22. Oh No, not again. They have lost a few planes and helicopters over the years now. The classic was when they had a air show and flew a war plane into a mountain with hundreds of adult and children spectators watching. Happy to hear that the pilot ejected.
  23. I consider I was lucky, I married into a well to do Thai Chinese family where you are expected to pay a dowry which I didn’t have ,so my girl friend had to help out with gold and money display on a tray and a big hotel wedding. The mother called the next day to collect the dowry and pickup keys for a house in Silom and they have a new car for us as well. The wife’s parents and family have been so supporting towards me as a farang and always helped out with our business and any extra expenses. Today looking back I was so lucky to have a great wife and family.
  24. This could be a boost for Thai airlines as well and have to put on extra flights for the huge influx of tourists. A double wammy for the economy.
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