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Hans Johnson

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Everything posted by Hans Johnson

  1. This could be a boost for Thai airlines as well and have to put on extra flights for the huge influx of tourists. A double wammy for the economy.
  2. Yes, very strange. As usual nobody is telling the true events of what really happened.
  3. Bangkoks concrete jungle is going to be scorching once again
  4. You can see where this is going now that the bike was not in his name therefore we have to drop the case
  5. Pay the family to drop charges then moved to an inactive post to everything calms down. This appears to be normal procedure. I vote for chemical Castration
  6. One of my young maids was raped by her step father while returning home on her day off to visit her mother who was at work and returned and was upset and my wife tried to console her and we found out she was raped by this <deleted> who was a security guard and found out she was pregnant. My wife had the police charge him for rape.
  7. As the paper that the immigration officer gets you to sign as you apply for a visa that the farang / alien that you are only a guest to the kingdom. As a expat that’s lived and worked there for over 20 years the dramas that farangs have to get through to live and get things done really does your head in.
  8. Isn’t amazing how Thaksin who has many charges of corruption and warrants against him still claims his charges are politically motivated. But the members of Phua Thai still crawl back to him for advice with the promise of walk back into Thailand with open arms so he can kiss the ground and all is forgiven. Thailand needs to move forward with new blood and ideas to get out of the rut they are in.
  9. Now all the memories come back to the early days when Patong, Nana and Cowboy was fired up with a few farang bar owners which all ended up having to move on due to being touched by the local mafia and protection rackets and being visited by the biggest gang in uniform turning up with briefcases to fill before closing time. The up country girls introduced to drugs and alcohol and were taught to fleece the farang with lady drinks and the farang was their pimp with his mamasan for bar fines. The more the merrier. With the boyfriend waiting on their motorbike in the street waiting for their cut. I met and spent time with these farangs and they all bitched and complained about the fact of the difficulties with the running and culture of bars and none survived the scene and had to move on, most lost everything including the so called faithful girlfriend and her family. Thai bars are toxic to be involved in. You have to be a fool to invest in this scene
  10. Another sad BS idea. Anything to get a budget to dig into to line there pockets with a substandard outcome which will creat a huge mess once again.
  11. So how does the 4-00- new age stamp work. I’ll miss the many stamps on the desks with the signature and now sign here, here and here
  12. Same game. No prostitution and gambling dens in in the provinces. No drugs in the police force. Send notices out to let them know we will be doing drug tests in 10 days time. What a joke.
  13. It’s funny that they never follow through where the consignment of drugs are bound for and who is the receiver or sender is. Get the media and all our friends in for a photo shoot with covered faces and lots of pointings to the table.
  14. It’s already proven that there is no prostitution in Pattaya.
  15. Maybe if the government seriously looked into their ancient corrupt railway and considered upgrading freight services like many countries this will reduce the amount of unroadworthy overloaded trucks and pollution .
  16. There always have been a few that have been around for years, I know of two Australians and refuse to join the association and not registered with the health department and guess have been reported. Maybe they should go after a lot of Thai Physios now manipulating patients and calling themselves Chiropractors also.
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