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Everything posted by SheikYabodyline

  1. That guy in the Fico building on Asoke that calls himself DrMac is excellent, he's Eastern European I think, speaks good English and knows his stuff. Prices are good and he's quick. He replaced my MacBook screen one time, and a speaker too. Never had a problem since. Two years sounds a very brief battery life, even given it might have been worked to death. I'd get him to check the Mac over, it's just possible there's another cause. I changed my battery two months ago (not with him, I'm abroad) after seven years use. It was still good for an hour to an hour and a half before being drained, and I used it on and off battery about nine hours a day.
  2. "Best cryptocurrency to get into now.... I need to invest some money" So you ask on the most bigoted, illiterate and ignorant public forum in Thailand. Good luck.
  3. Of course they're popular in India, so were Royal Enfields and Morris Oxfords decades ago when they made them locally from plant bought wholesale and shipped from the UK. The question now is how good is the tooling and build quality for these road rockets, now they're trying to compete with Japanese quality?
  4. Lost interest in professional sport with all its machinations decades ago; give me a local amateur cricket or football match with a few pints during and after. Little expense, among friends, no travelling or push and shove. Plus you don't have to support these overpaid knuckleheads. Perfect.
  5. A victim of its own success; in their wisdom, the powers that be decided Khao San Road, heaving night after night with partiers, was a blemish on their vision of a shiny new Bangkok, replete with cleaned up klongs and vendors swept off the streets. Much that made Bangkok the mecca it was has disappeared, never to return. Such is the way of the World.
  6. Congratulations, the title of your thread has qualified you for entry into the "Unwanted Farang of the Year" competition, run by the RTG.
  7. Your question needs to be a little more specific for it to be answered. What is the formatting of your ExtHDs? Often Macs will not mount "read and write" if the ExtHD is formatted NTFS. For example, my Seagate Ext HDs are NTFS formatted (to read films from friends who use Windows), so every time Mac has an update for my OS I have to re-install the "NTS for Mac" program from the Seagate website.
  8. No, that is the excuse, not the reason. The cost of foreigners unable of refusing to pay their medical bills was estimated at approximately US$150m p.a. before Covid. Compare this to the revenue derived from making medical insurance compulsory for all incoming foreigners. This amounts to billions of Baht. Medical insurance is just one in a long list of money grabs on the part of the Thai government, shortly to be added to by the 500 Baht "Tourism Tax".
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