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Posts posted by sinsin2

  1. Ok, Ive heard many italians spanish even south american people called westerners anf refered to as westerner by Thai's and by other westerners.

    But also at the same time Ive hear Italians spanish and south americans say no there not westerners.

    Also alot of italians dont really like to be called white and want to be refered a mediteranian (spelling)

    Also half italians half english also have a 50/50 view of them being a wetserner or not.

    South Americans dont like to be called westerner at all, so now tell me, what is a westerner?

    Is it a white person (like pure white like white english) or what

    lets discuss

    Westerner =white.

    Non white usually refered to ( in private) by colour.....Black Frenchman,British Pakistani etc.

    Italy,Spain....southerners dark due to Muslim occupation.

    Portugal due to importing black slaves.

    Greece darker because of Ottoman control....but becuse of ethnic cleansing would consider themselves firmly Western .

  2. Heres my story.

    Living in Thailand for 5 and half years.

    Worked as Expat with Non Imm B Visa for 4 and half years. Finished last year.

    Decided to try early retirement in Thailand. Bought 2 condos - Bangkok and Cha-am.

    Initially did 30 day visa runs after my work permit was cancelled and was given 7 days to leave the country!

    Applied for Investment Visa on the basis of the condos.

    Was messed around for ages by Suan Plu and Hua HIn until they phoned me on Oct 2nd to say that rules had changed and that there was no investment visas anymore (even though I applied in August!).

    Went to Laos and got a 2 month tourist visa in Vientiane. Flew home for Xmas and applied at Thai Consulate in Ireland for Non Imm O for 12 months. Refused cause I am not married to a Thai, I am not over 50, I have no Thai children.

    Came back on 7th January on 30 day Visa on Arrival (being my first VOA since October 1st).

    Went to Nong Khai yesterday to do another visa run (being the 2nd of my permitted 3) but was told that this was my last one.

    I argued the point that I should be entitled to another VOA after this one because I had received a proper visa in Vientiane before.

    But he wasnt having any of it. What they told me is that if you are on a tourist visa (either VOA or from Thai embassy) that you are only allowed stay 90 days out of 180.

    I explained that I have 2 condos but I cant live in them - how mad is that?!!! He asked if I wanted to sell and maybe he could find a buyer!!! I told him to take a hike!

    Anyway, I had already made up my mind to leave Thailand within the next month but this experience has just confirmed my belief that there is a witch-hunt on now!

    The message is clear. Give us your money and get out!

    Why did You not get a double entry touist visa.?

  3. Hi Kris (I assume it's your real name?)

    Thanks for your suggestions.

    The situation is a bit complicate.

    I am living with the mother of the child and she is taking good care of her.

    My problem is my impossibility (at least for now) to get a divorce from ANOTHER THAI woman.

    -Without divorce (or agreement of my wife): no recogniton of the child.

    -Without recognition of the child: no passport for sure and not even any "family reunion"-type of visa.

    (BTW even with custody I can not aply for a family reunion type of visa, again not without the agreement of my wife)

    -So we are left with tourist visa indeed.

    Belgian embassy confirmed last week: I do not stand the slightest chance to receive a tourist visa for my daughter (2.5 years old) if the mother does not accompany us in Belgium.

    Problem: the mother is working.

    So: long (or even short) term solution through tourist visas are not simple.

    But we (my family) are actually considering the scenario above (tourist visa for permanent stay in Belgium)... :-(

    As you said, in Belgium they won't put my daughter in the plane back to Thailand.

    But here, they may well put the father in the plane to Belgium!!


    You didn't do anything wrong and I really don't understand the lack of sympathy of some people on this forum.

    I did a child out of marriage. It's a sin!

    (Without any undue respect: it's clearly full of traditionalist old farts here, on TV and in Thailand).

    You are making this unnecessarily difficult.

    Your child was born outside of wedlock......no problem.

    I presume that your name is on the childs birth certificate.

    First step..get a Thai passport.

    Then apply for Belgian citizenship.

    Get a Belgian passport.

    Then get the mothers permission to take the child to Belgium.

    Once the child has the EU passport..the mother is entitled to reside in Belgium with the child. IE Chen.

    You divorce your wife on grounds of abandonement.........once she has left for more than a year.

    NOW..Do not talk too much.

    Do not reveal your agenda or problems to embassy or Thai officials.

    What makes you think that these people will/can help you?

    They are paper shufflers.

  4. Hi,

    I think you are approaching this in the wrong way.

    Divorce....I was invoved/attended two in Thailand.

    !00% Bullshit.

    Rented witnesses,sole custody of children awarded.

    Fathers not contacted.

    Grounds for divorce were abandonment.

    In both cases untrue.

    Cost 1990 6,000b,1994 8,000b.

    Belgian passport.

    Have you registered the birth of the child with the embassy.

    Check the Chen case ruling of the EU court.

  5. Having been happily married in the UK to the most marvellous Thai woman I have seen many Thai /English marriages go sadly wrong with extreme suffering for the Thai girl who has married a bad farang. In most cases we have been able to help, however our latest tale of woe exemplifies the worst of alL such situations.

    Let us call this poor girl A to protect her a little ok.

    We met A two weeks ago when the thai wife of another guy asked us if we could take her to the bus station to pick up an old friend who was now homeless. we did and I then met A and her 16 year old son B.They had nowhere to sleep that night and the Thai lady had been asked to give them a bed for the night, which she did.

    Over the last two weeks I have come to learn A's story and I am shocked, horrified and totally disgusted by the way she has been treated by her now ex farang husband, the system here in the Uk and her fellow Thais.

    A used to live in Buriram and her Thai husband gave her the usual two children then decided he was bored with her so he kicked her out. With no other means of support and a sister who had worked Pattaya and married a farang( not English) she sought and found work in the bar scene in Pattaya. There she met an Englishman who married her and took her and her 6 year son to England.

    A spoke little English and together with the cultural differences the farang soon fell in love with another English girl, he eventually told his Thai wife to leave the home and take her son with her ( after 5 years)

    .A asked her husband to pay her air fare home to Thailand but he refused telling her that she was a big girl now!

    A did not know about divorce and getting half of the famiy home-she left with the trivial sum of a few thousand pounds she had managed to save from her work as a waitress in a local restaurant. She acquired a very cheap shop and lived over the shop and started her own restaurant with financial help from her sister who had a succesful farang marriage in europe.

    A still loved her farang husband and trusted him where money was concerned. He used to visit her restaurant and borrow money and robbed her blind. The business failed.

    A was in a mess, she now had a 10 year old son to support and no job, barely spoke the local language and had no home.

    The local governement benefits agency did help but the benefits system is convoluted and she did not understand most of what the people there told her. the result of this was that A ended up living off a total income of £40 per week for everything----she could and should have got more but did not understand the systems here.

    Still her ex husband refused to help her ( the bastard) and she sank deeper and deeper into debt borrowing from Thai friends, eating so little for herself in order to feed her son.

    Winter came and she had no gas nor electric on in her flat due to unpaid bills. She had to resort to llighting a fire in pan to keep them warm.

    Ultimately the expected happened and the flat caught fire and she was evicted. With no good command of English and three years of hel_l behind her she was ony able to tramp the streets daily with her son and knock on the doors of her Thai friends asking for a bed for the night. This obviously was not wanted by the Farang husbands of her Thai friends and she rarely stayed in the same place for more than a couple of nights.

    Many nights she found nowhere to stay and slept on the streets at the mercy of all the low lifes who saw her there. Twice her 16 year old son was badly beaten and even knifed whilst trying to defend his mother from the unwanted attentions of scum.

    Eventually they were taken into police custody and the boy taken into care and A left to fend for herself.

    My own heart weeps when I hear her story. She has been living with myself and my wife for the last week now and her mental state is horrendous. She is nice person regardless of her origins and is totally stressed to the limit now. We shall do everything we can to make her life normal but it will take time.

    She herself would like to return to Buriram but after 10 years here in the Uk her son is no longer Thai- He has english friends his own age and would not adapt to life in Thailand. A does not understand that there is help availabe for her-there is no social security in Thailand.

    All that we can do is try our very best to give this precious person a chance to recover her strength and her mental faculties and hope that she can make a life for herself.

    She is not the first we have come across in her situation and I doubt that she will be the last.

    So please guys,when you meet and fall in love with that very sexy Thai girl and marry her and take her half way around the world to be your sex toy, remember that she too is a human being.

    You cannot discard her like a used condom when you become bored because you find that you have little in common beyond the bedroom.




  6. It is an old scam.

    You travel via Mid East..Where You can buy UK cigs for

    a pound or less. Usually Benson and Hedges.

    Then check them through in Your luggage on the way back.

    Sell them for four quid each and your up Fifteen hundred UK.

    You can be sure Four of them were carrying them in for one

    other guy.

    There are British guys in Pattaya doing it once a month.

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