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Everything posted by TropicalGuy

  1. Nobody should ever be leaving any valid passport with any strangers.
  2. Yeah he was really gambling heavily at the casino of life by coming to Thailand with two serious pre- conditions and without insurance …. and lost big time unfortunately.
  3. 50k Immi back hander or deportation threat . Publicity has saved him that potential though ????
  4. Prince died the same way. Played on stage with Petty at Harrison Tribute.
  5. Unsaleable in five years. Bangkok under water in 15 years.
  6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/theaseanpost.com/article/bangkok-sinking-fast%3Famp Bangkok under water by 2037. But let’s sell it to the Chinese. But still leave $100 billion top man land value in Bangkok alone unsold (dropping to zero value by 2032 whilst 10% pop. are in Poverty, Education system needing drastic reform and govt borrows money from Japan . Insanity Economics.
  7. Orange Man Bad…. again is it ? Save It for another topic…. nothing to do with Thai tourism ..????
  8. “Mexico & South America” … yeah right….. Mexico being a cartel -run narco state with worlds highest murder rates … and skinned mutilated bodies hanging from under passes …. Yet Americans rave about the place, as they do the awful Philippines …and Columbia ! .zero comparison with Thailand or even dull but safe Malaysia…..yeah you got that right in spades????????
  9. My point is Factual. Not interested in “ scaring”. Your new point Just Deflects away from my point by raising another issue. Which focuses on age. Also fine. But people with Conditions also died in relatively high numbers when Unvaxxed, not only the Very Old.
  10. Conspiracy Theory. No Evidence. True Science is developed with multiple independent high standard validations. Big Pharma need watching though for profit motive ( recent anti- depressant -don’t -work scandal). Another reason I listened only to western medical professors on Covid. They can’t all be subverted ! ????
  11. Scientific method applies. Your unscientific anecdotal “ observations” are scientifically worthless. any “ problems” are described with the scientific conclusions. they will not fit your preconceived ideas though …..in nature or fractional impact.
  12. Visible Anecdotal “ evidence” is powerful indeed ….. to the determinedly uneducated …..my group my family my friends etc. …. consider that “ your” tiny group of 20 or so is completely irrelevant statistically where groups of tens or hundreds of millions are being scientifically evaluated and reported. ????
  13. It’s not possible to enlighten people who don’t want to be enlightened. Uneducated fools can rarely be educated either, for the same reason. Closed minds. Determined to hold comfortable irrational positions .????????
  14. I listened only to western professors of immunology or epidemiology or at least western national medical institutes. I was taught to use only the highest standard of specifically qualified sources on all matters. Irrational People just forgotten how to learn properly and apply. Been doing this since age 11.
  15. Don’t confuse the irrational anti - vaxxers with facts ???? like around 39 in 40 western Covid dead before omicron were ….. unvaxxed. UK Office of National Statistics and Equivalent bodies in all western nations. This can be “opinion” as not posting links that water is wet.????????????
  16. Similar profile….. 3 western jabs here ..never any symptoms … can’t believe I never caught it March 2020 when moving through airports full of Chinese then ; Bangkok Milan Frankfurt London….. then last month got Omicron 5 at Central Mall for sure ……lady and son got it from me …… mild symptoms for all…. like a mild flu ……my unvaxxed fit lady hit hardest & longest.. done at three jabs. Next up for me the inevitable coming winter flu Covid combo jab at pharmacy in October????
  17. When regions or countries are at very low levels across the board they can hardly fall any further. So the only way is up. This kid is a wonderfully naturally gifted individual and his great physical ability is nothing to do with “Asia” or birthplace !
  18. Must have dawned on you by now that truly rational people have disposed of your hokum like the garbage it is, with reason & Logic & have zero interest in your nonsense unevidenced “ arguments” , beliefs & immature debating. ???????? You can’t disprove science and can’t prove your pseudoscience. How frustrating! ????????
  19. You can’t even process simple English. “ individuals” were mentioned but ignored by you.
  20. Or Faith vs. Fact or my favorite; the debunked Moon Landing Conspiracy Theory Deniers????
  21. Usual unsubstantiated vague hokum gibberish & drivel ????????
  22. He’s clearly talking about the totality of scientific knowledge being challenged without evidence, not individuals. Get a grip man.
  23. God & Religion long exposed as Lies & Nonsense . C. Hitchens for one…..belief is for the birds what can you prove ? ????????
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