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Everything posted by TropicalGuy

  1. Card (Debit or Credit) Bank Country doesn’t matter if supported by Visa or MasterCard. ????
  2. Yeah, used a first rate Phuket Agent six weeks ago to get my first in- country 12 month Retirement Stay ( No Financials) Included in that Service (at no extra cost) was Bank Account Opening & Immigration Address Proof (if required). ????
  3. Even though these did appear in official matrix of embassy visas, citing UK Govt Pension as Basis.
  4. Correct ; for original Visa. However, if having an existing / expired Longstay Visa,of any type, the allowable 12 month Retirement Stay permits ME.
  5. OR use a pre- qualified reputable in-country Agent for Convenience / No Financials / No Snags/ Open Bank Account/ No Stress / Guaranteed Outcome / Speed.
  6. Illegal, Immoral & Dangerous. Grow Up. Before you Cause or Have a Serious Accident & Ruin Lives. you’re not in bloody Toytown.????????
  7. You have to do the Theory & Reaction Tests (but not Road Test) if starting from scratch / 2 year + expired, with full foreign DL. Then it’s Medical Cert , Address Proof, ID, Longstay. Newsflash: Your TDL expired over five or eight years ago mate as it’s only valid here for max. Five years. So you’re back to scratch too ???? as TDL over two years expired.
  8. Their prerogative BUT I would have got the General Mgr ( assuming it was a five star hotel) AND said look mate it’s a (Thai) Govt Photo ID as good as any other like a Passport … for ID Purpose ! if still denied my parting question would be” who the hell are YOU to reject your own Govt Photo ID !?” …and threaten a police report! ???? It’s often also forgotten that even Expired Govt Photo ID remains valid for ID Purpose just not for Travel / Driving / Other (Primary) Purpose.
  9. You have to do the Theory & Reaction Tests (but not Road Test) if starting from scratch with full foreign DL. Then it’s Medical Cert , Address Proof, ID, Longstay. Newsflash: Your TDL expired over five or eight years ago mate as it’s only valid here for max. Five years. So your back to scratch too ????
  10. I like delegating & sub- contracting here though … which Grab is isn’t it ? My excuse for that practice is “ I don’t have a Work Permit”. ???????? My Thai lady organizes all our private Thai Business & her own / family Govt stuff. I do all my Govt. Admin Direct (except Retirement Stay of course as not into sado- masochism). ???? I do realize that “ shopping” or” own house maintenance” is NOT “Work” but still wary of being reported to Immi for “ Working” by jealous Thais.???????? Have been known to change light bulbs though .???? You’ve got to Laugh ????????????
  11. Recalls “I Am Legend” movie guy living in his fortified house & taking his hunting rifle & guard dog when going out ????????
  12. NEVER Ordered Food delivered to House …..and never will. Just don’t get it at all, as a single Consumer. I’m always out in the mornings anyway if only for coffee or admin. so grocery shopping / restaurant a natural combined activity. Makes good sense for Families or Disabled who do not have to go out as an unwieldy group exercise ….just to eat. My family did occasionally order in Chinese in UK or Pizza here …which I ate …because it was there.
  13. Now DLT WILL accept them for TDL instead of Passport & TM30.
  14. No, he didn’t. Immi couldn’t give a rats <deleted> about Municipal documents only Passport. ????????
  15. Er, no. Thai Drivers License more common, easier to get and more widely accepted here )as Govt. Photo ID). Can use the rarer & difficult Pink Card for Domestic Flights & Hotels but even my local Govt. Hospital wouldn’t accept it !????
  16. Thai Drivers License ( also Govt. Photo ID) is accepted everywhere so way more useful. Even Govt Hospital didn’t accept my pink ID and I hear national parks, outside pink card province of issue, won’t accept it either !
  17. Marketing gimmick. Hotstar is Indian so you get Disney AND Hotstar but not Disney + as misrepresented. My Android USB allows download & login of my Disney + (and my Express VPN) which requires (in Thailand ;like Prime) a VPN showing UK or USA to watch it. Netflix & Apple + don’t need VPN.
  18. Blue Book: required to Buy & Sell House. Yellow Book: not required to buy or sell house so in my case doesn’t exist for new house buyer . Also , I don’t recall the “ house” expending blood sweat tears to get it … oh that was ME! so YB stays with me as “ war booty”. New owner has to go through what I did in any case. Having an existing YB is of no help to any new owner.
  19. an inspirational “character”. a Maverick, a rebel, a charming rogue, etc. just so much to admire & motivate. so many positive accomplishments, a “legend”. Pimp & loan shark, grievous bodily harmer, no morality???? ideal subject for all those “ Sons of Anarchy” fans; the criminal violence glorifiers. ????????
  20. Perhaps you also then make your own food, clothes, furniture, books and vehicles. There are natural limits to savings. ????????
  21. That “ religion” (like all) is obviously complete evil nonsense & the “motherlode of bad ideas” (Sam Harris). Buddhism is a Philosophy not really a Religion.. . Thailand is Thai Buddhist Vast Majority so NOT remotely ” Multicultural” , an idea that has no real “value” & that has completely failed everywhere. It means if you are a Muslim, in UK for example, you are treated only as a Muslim in a Majority non- Muslim society. Different Laws & Schooling etc. What a Crock. Clearly Islam is utterly incompatible with any modern free society.
  22. Don’t need it. Kindle Unlimited AI at 350 baht monthly Presents me with exactly the type of free books it knows I like. Wouldn’t otherwise know these authors/ books even existed so unable to search for them
  23. Thailand MOPH International Digital WHO Covid Vax Booklet. Available from Provincial or Intl. Airport MOPH Offices in Hard Copy. Accepted Worldwide. Derived from Mor Prom Record of Jabs & Certs. Got that eight months ago, with having all three AZ/ Pfizer Vax at Thai Govt. Hospitals. Just can’t fathom why people are still confused on this & still haven’t got this stuff completed yet????
  24. MOPH /Govt. Hospital do all that not Municipal.
  25. Right, even though Thai govt has revoked the outdoor masking law.
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