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Everything posted by TropicalGuy

  1. Police should no longer be wearing masks outdoors as govt mandate that this practice not required now. No wonder Thais keep on wearing them if they see police not setting an example by continuing to wear masks outdoors. Suppose it’s a personal choice now and police are Thais after all so have that option too. So they will be wearing masks for ever unless ordered not to . … just like all Thais. Never be rid of the things here then…..????
  2. Share Netflix & Amazon Video accounts with Family. Kindle Unlimited for Good Free EBooks. Replace TRUE / Thai TV with Recommended Western TV Streaming Service to Smart TV or Android USB.
  3. Your nearest best Pump Shop will do !
  4. To use against WHO ? Thailand has NO ENEMIES. So Needs No Military at all in fact . Let alone useless military spending when eight million Thais in desperate Poverty with rubbish primary Education. ????????
  5. Use a pump shop technician for guaranteed outcome here. Used “Chainaris” Shop before. Learnt the hard way NEVER to trust someone’s “ recommendation” of random trades ….unsupervised / inexpert Thai trades will typically promise the earth but always take the shortest route to final payment which typically has little to do with properly fixing the problem ….. my furred up hot water tank element was improperly diagnosed & carelessly treated under such informal “ trust”. Needed a real HWT specialist sub- contracted by our great AC specialist for final 500 baht fix…. After dropping 7,000 baht on probably unnecessary other tank parts from mfr. Buyer Beware !
  6. Most have already paid three times over for that pension with limited frugal life, low paid Govt. work or series of <deleted>ty Private employee jobs, high taxes and fund losses. Pension funds know you’ll on average be dead 5-8 years after retirement. With your biggest asset, your house, going to ungrateful relatives waiting for your death. Not this Guy. My Built Up Investment Wealth is my Pension + still get a minimum Half Govt Pension as pocket money despite very little contributions. My original home family long since “ launched” at my substantial expense, under “ living will” I guess and know they’re getting nothing more. Thai Lady / Son get what’s left.
  7. Real Savings ARE Possible without “Trade Off ” unless you’ve already got entire budget “ buttoned down”. Start with a Health Review. Savings Irrelevant if you’re Dropping Dead Soon ! So Diet & Execise & Medical Check. Go Vegetarian +Local Fish / Chicken. Stop consuming Red Meat /Cigs/DrugsAlcohol/Imports. Then Big Value Item Review. Use Local Markets ( with care) for Food, Clothing, Household , shop around for Broker Insurances, tightly control Quality/Safety/Scope/Costs for Contracted House & Vehicle Work, drive & travel less, 91 grade petrol for 95 if possible, try warmer AC 26-28 degrees at night, watch Electric & Private Water Costs, don’t “ eat out” or limit to 300 baht / once weekly.
  8. No Issue Here. Buyers Market. Pay Electric & Water at Govt. Meter Rate Only. Or Walk Away. ????
  9. You do realize this concept of yours is bizarre & without any substance right ? ????????
  10. Phuket Tourist Harassment goes on. Driving License Checks yesterday. After 1 July no doubt stopping tourists on bikes after 2am for alcohol checks. ????word gets around …… no idea if taxi mafia behaving ….
  11. No effect on his body. Can’t prove any effect on his mind. woman is the possessor so gets the full ultimate choice to possess or not( in civilized places) within legal time limits & conditions. Otherwise you have men controlling womens bodies again, a form of slavery.
  12. Agreed but not to wait six months when she’s carrying a formed human. 2 months maybe?
  13. This is the essence. Keep your legs closed or use contraception or morning after pill. Abortion being massively used as contraception by uneducated women doing none of that. Aborting a formed human life at 6 months, if not 1 week, has to be murder. ???? Can’t comprehend how this was legal for over 50 years. Clearly Not “ constitutional” to end a human life for woman’s convenience. Womans Ultimate Choice though. No Man ( or Woman or Law) can be forcing a Woman to carry & raise a Child if she doesn’t want to, subject to a Two Month Abortion Limit maybe ? Highly Complex????But Six Months is Ludicrously “ Generous”.
  14. Such typical massive hypocrisy of such “ protective bans” with prevalence of Wet Markets, for all manner of Toxic Wildlife ( foul tasting & unhealthy I suppose), all over East Asia for “Bushmeat”. ???? No worries re. “ monkey pox” then ? ????????( or species- jumping viruses ?).
  15. Weighing less than 70kg probably helps combined with natural acclimatization. This topic is clearly about ( heavier!) farangs. ????????
  16. That’s my exact sleep profile! In warmest Phuket. People claiming fan -only sleep here are very rare, very hard core super fit types ….or lying. ???? Have tried fan only under thin duvet with tshirt/ pants but uncomfortable and wake up 2-3am????electric so cheap here why be uncomfortable ? Modern ac’s don’t cause any drying out or health issues.. I believe. ????
  17. But we hope they try ….. ???????? For the invasion forces to get obliterated ????
  18. Taiwan is a functioning independent free country. They also have a “ contentious” claim on Mainland China. CCP does not thankfully physically possess Taiwan so any “ claim” is effectively meaningless. As such USA policy of “ambiguity” towards Taiwan is for purposes of Trade, Diplomacy & Land Claims Only. It has NOTHING to do with Strategic Military Self Interest which would compel USA / Pacific Allies to Defend Free Taiwan. CCP also cared Nothing for International Law when illegally seizing Tibet & South China Sea Islands and hold it always in contempt…. except when they agree with it of course. Screw all Tyrants. Falklands is a long standing legal British Dependency with Argentina having Zero Intl. Law supporting their absurd baseless macho“claim”. Yet still UK held a popular vote there with not one person voting to join the unstable banana republic of Argentina, who had of course murdered all the natives to create itself. Gibraltar Population vote to rejoin Spain was around 98% NO. Normal Civilized Settlement of Sovereignty is Popular Vote by the “Disputed” Lands Inhabitants. A free population (23 million in Taiwan) is not just handed over to Tyranny by Court Order under “International Law”. That’s for unoccupied lands but NOT populated nations. Any Taiwan vote for sure would return a 96-99% NO.
  19. No. It’s not “me”. Medical Facts & Opinion, unlike you, does not distinguish between Recreational & Heavier Use, except that risk increases with use, true of anything. Cant imagine many “ light” pot users (or smokers). Logically, Cigs & Booze should also be banned with Drugs, considering the massive harm caused but Govts addicted to high Tax Revenues. So, as I proposed, Legalize & Control at near Cost Prices, ALL Addictive Substances. PutsCartels out of business overnight, heavily reduces Serious Crime and Eliminates Massive Medical Care & Social Burden of Addicts (who would be free to commit suicide by overdosing on all forms of legal pure Drugs )???? Problem is they would take others with them but that’s happening already. ????
  20. Taiwan highly strategic component of 1st Island Chain which seals in China from Pacific and Protects Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan.All Free Democracies & US Allies. Strong justification for US / Allies ( inc. AusNZ UK ) to stop CCP invading Taiwan. ????????????
  21. https://www.verywellmind.com/what-happens-if-you-smoke-marijuana-63526 effects vary. One joint may be harmful. A psychoactive drug is a psychoactive drug. Hardly a good idea is it ? ????
  22. You raised road deaths ….. I expanded on that …. what’s your problem ? ????
  23. I have obviously done the work. You clearly haven’t, don’t intend to & wouldn’t accept the outcome anyway. You come again here embarrassing yourself with just more biased emotional irrational drivel. “ far out man” ????sixties nonsense doesn’t alter reality. it doesn’t matter if I’m against “pot” or not. Medical Facts are facts. Permanent disabilities from use include psychosis, paranoia, delusion, impaired memory, disrupted body motor movement. Would think any rational informed & disciplined person would be “ against” any substance producing those serious harmful effects. ???? Now I do accept that people might actually achieve pain relief with it when all else may fail. But this might be the placebo effect at work as there is no supporting scientific evidence & it is not medically prescribed.???? Using this dangerous drug recreationally and putting others at risk would be outrageous. But by all means wreck your own brain if you so choose. ???? Looks in fact like that damage has already been done????
  24. Yet another reason not to go there….negative permanent effects include psychosis , paranoia , delusion……????
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