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Posts posted by ruddick

  1. Hi,

    I have had a number of cars running on LPG since 2006.

    I had a 2003 Nissan Cefiro V6 running on LPG the engine ran 250,000 kms before I sold it to a friend.

    They recently upgraded the LPG system to a local made system. The car has now covered 325,000 kms.

    No problems with the valves yet.

    Most Bangkok taxi run on LPG and a lot of the taxi have done over 500,000 kms.

    2 years ago I got a Toyota Camry 2013 model it was costing nearly 4 baht a kms

    I had the car converted to LPG for 20K baht and it cost 1.5 baht a kms.

    The car is running fine with no problems.


    I also had a Ford focus 2.0 for a which was already on LPG when I got it. The Ford was a big bag of trouble on LPG and petrol. 

    I think if you find a good installation garage for the LPG you should have no problem.






  2. I have a bank account which I normally never let the balance go below 800K.

    New Year eve I mistakenly transferred money out of the number 1 account to 

    my other Thai bank account.

    This resulted in the balance falling to 789K in the one account. I noticed the problem today and the balance is now over 800K again.

    During the time that 1 account was below 800K I still had well over 800K in the combined bank accounts.

    I have to show immigration in a few weeks that my balance is still above 800K. 3month after my visa extension.


    Does anyone know if a combination of two Thai bank accounts to show +800K is going to be a problem.





  3. Since I registered I have been given 3 appointments for Bangkok hospitals, 1 for Sriracha and another 1 for Pattaya.

    I am over sixty and live in Chonburi City.

    By the time the first hospital contacted me I had already had my first jab of Astrazenac (via the BTCC).

    I cancelled the first appointment and did my best to inform them that I didn't need an appointment anymore, but the appointments kept coming. I was offered Astrazenac or Pfizer vaccine as a choice.

    They have stopped sending me appointments now.

    So in my case the website worked very well.

    • Thanks 2
  4. 12 hours ago, WISteve said:

    Well, today is the 11th and Minister Anutin said the approved persons on expatvac should be getting a notice by now.

    Have any of you who received an approved notice via e-mail received further instructions?  I've been watching my e-mail and SMS like a hawk but no joy.


    I registered 1st August and I was given an appointment at BNH Bangkok for 12th of August. 


    • Like 2
  5. Perhaps the space drive will actually result in a ground up revamp of the education system here.

    You need really smart people and due to the totally inadequate education system here nowhere near enough smart problem solving out of the box thinkers are being produced.

    The biggest problem is not the kids but the teachers and administrators. Who teaches them so they can teach the future generations.?

    The government can pass all the laws they like but if the population does not have the skills and education levels required nothing is going to happen.

  6. 1 hour ago, BestB said:

    Pattaya did not not have enough "trained people" to administer 20 000 doses, you think 250 000 is reasonable?

    250,000 does a day. At that rate it is going to take 480 days to complete enough vaccination for herd immunity for the whole of Thailand.

    To obtain herd immunity by the end of the year is going to require a vacation rate of just under 1 million a day. Based of 2 doses per person.

    • Like 1
  7. Okay just spent the last few hours trying to register for a Covid 19 vaccine.

    The local government hospitals in Bangsaen (Chonburi) basically have no information and no idea how a falang could register for a Covid 19 vaccine jab.

    I guess they haven't had the memo yet from Bangkok.

    I even tried our local large private hospital and was told to come back in October.


    Confusion is yet again the order of the day.  I would laugh except I like most retired expats here have lots of pre-existing conditions which makes our mortality very much at risk if we were to catch Covid 19.

    I am not worried about paying for it, I just want to get my jab and finally end this nightmare.


    I hope to God this gets sorted out soon but I am not holding my breath.

    • Like 2
  8. I have had the same problem with my NATWEST Jersey account. I spent a lot of time and effort obtaining and getting certified all the required documents. Then some six month after submitting everything they said the provided documentation didn't meet there standard. They said they were going to close my account which I have had since the early 1980's. When I talked to customer service they basically said that NATWEST no longer wanted to deal with customers in Thailand.

    At this point I opened a new account with Standard Bank IOM (which took a week to do) and transferred all my money from NATWEST to Standard Bank. This was over a year ago and Standard Bank have been fine far better then NATWEST. 

    Finally last month NATWEST wrote to me informing me that my account was being closed. The account had less then one pound in it for over a year. Bye bye NatWest.

    • Thanks 1
  9. As a wheelchair user I can comment that Bangkok is a real pain to get around in a wheelchair. I try to avoid going there hardly anything is accessible and the BTS is just another example unfortunately there are far to many to list, just try the pavements in a wheelchair and you will see what I mean.. Bangkok is just another third world very large city and they are all very similar.

    Singapore is a real dream to get around but a really boring place to live. Good luck with the class action I hope it improves matters but I am not holding my breath. 

  10. The headline is misleading, there was only one man involved and he was the guard. The rest were cockroaches and should be treated as such. However after living in Thailand for over thirty years I do realise that nothing will happen to these miserable excuses for human being. What goes around comes around and I hope they get there soon. 

    They are no more then spineless <deleted>. worthless dog turds.

  11. I have just gone through three month of backwards and forwards with my bank in Jersey. They were asking for proof of I.D. and proof of address or they would shutdown my bank account. As the utility bills are in the name of the house owner and I rent the house I couldn't provide utility bills. After a lot of email correspondence it was agreed that the best way forward was to ask a lawyer to visit me at my home and then he could produce a document in English to certify my address and my I.D. 

    This was duly done and stamped and the documents, my I.D. and address and the lawyers I.D etc. were sent via DHL to the bank. One month  later I had an email from the bank saying that they were unable to independently verify that the lawyer I used was qualified to certify documents and they could not accept the documents I had sent them.

    I then found another law firm who have a fully qualified and certified lawyer for document certification (Notarial Services Attorney). Prior to using the new lawyer I passed his details onto the bank and they eventually replied that they had been able to verify the lawyers qualifications with the Thai Embassy in London and that I could use him for my required documentation certification.

    Job done but it took a while and was a pain but it was the only way I could satisfy the banks requirements.

    The above is what I had to do to satisfy my banks requirements. Now I know what to do the next time will be a lot easier and cheaper.

    • Like 1
  12. I agree that it will be very difficult to find a clean beach anywhere near any large towns.

    I think the problem with the beaches and the pollution in general can be put down to the fact that Thailand is not a developed country.

    When I left the UK over thirty years ago the beaches and the sea were pretty bad. Over time they improved and I expect over time they will also improve here in Thailand.

    Like everything else here the beaches and the environment will only be fixed by the Thai people and at a pace that they decide.

  13. In 1996 I was working in Bangkok training Thai engineers to install and programme my companies electronic equipment. I taught in English and there was not a problem with me getting the message across.

    In 2006 I was again working in Bangkok with the same Thai company. However this time there was a very big difference in the level of English. It was now almost non existent, this is apparently due to the lack of native English speakers to teach them. As the rules for alien teachers have got stricter the number of teachers has fallen.

    The result of the above is that the level of English spoken in Thailand is worse now then it was in the 1990s when we had cap year students coming here and working as English teachers.

    I am not sure but I think they go to Vietnam now, which would go some way to explain how Vietnam has been improving it's English levels.

    At the end of the day engineering is all about mathematics and mathematics is it's own language. Lack of English didn't stop the Chinese invention thousands of years ago.

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