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  1. Yeah, it will be an issue for years to come as it is highly contagious. In the U.K. people get Covid and isolate a few days then get on with life. Most people aren’t afraid anymore. Like most respiratory viruses it will continue to put vulnerable in the hospital, unfortunately. Japan has the highest numbers and they obsessively wear masks like Thais.
  2. Here we go with more nonsense about the U.K. new variants will keep coming because that’s what a virus like this does. It keeps getting more contagious and less deadly; as many predicted. To keep the world locked up and not having mass gatherings for years on end because of a virus we now have vaccines against is RIDICULOUS full stop. My and many others livelihoods rely on large events and most people don’t give it a second thought here now. You get it for about a week as a mild cold if you’re vaccinated and that’s it.
  3. You’re talking absolute rubbish and he doesn’t have his hands in all the media outlets. The hospitals still aren’t being filled up; people get the sniffles for five days and then are fine. Still people desperate to cling onto Covid being the menace it was, I see.
  4. Some people on this forum still treating omicron as if it was alpha and delta and listing deaths and infections as if it is all relevant. Omicron is here to stay and there will continue to be peaks of infections for a while, but most in Europe don’t care. With vaccinations it’sa head cold for a few days. Masking in crowded places doesn’t hurt at all, as should be your right to do or not do.
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