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Everything posted by TheScience

  1. There are a few papers for her to sign but that's only happened in last few years. What it's really all about is that none of the immigration officers can speak English so they use the wives for translation. Additionally, they just don't want to speak with the Foreigner. The attitude is starting to grate on me. My experience of the last few years is it they are totally and thoroughly inflexible so even giving your perfectly reasonable situation there will be no accommodation.
  2. Yes, must trust to CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Wapo, Guardian 555 It's all entertainment for the plebs, tools and sheep
  3. Yeah, that's called a small school. What is offered there is hardly narrow. Especially true at graduate level. I think every student there would have issue with your term 'boutique'. Further, it's really not... there's nothing fashionable about it. It's not bespoke learning. You make it out to be the LVMH of higher education or some such rubbish.
  4. Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash. Lots of Xmas stuff on YT.
  5. MRT playing Xmas music on a loop. It's a bit insane but only an eight minute ride each way. Wife comes home early evening and sings in the shower. Always makes me smile.
  6. Wife wants to change living space. We have a friend with a open condo. I would just like to self register for us in the condo if we were to actually move. Is this possible? Self whatever I'd read? Does that blasted app work now? How do manage setting everything up initially? What would happen if we were to leave the country on holiday? How would that be managed? Bangkok for what it matters. Thank you
  7. What they need to do is a full-on incursion into Myanmar. Let it rain down Hell and damnation on all those drug labs.
  8. The engineers probably asked to have the power pole moved half a dozen times and nothing. They had a job to do and they did it boom.
  9. UC Berkeley is a great school despite it leaning so far to the left it might fall over itself. Not ivy. Dozens of great liberal arts colleges now out of favor. Perhaps too woke. Middlebury, Williams, Grinnel, Oberlin, Colby, blah blah blah. My aunt, uncle went to Middlebury. Cousins to Harvard, Duke and Oberlin. You can get a solid education at a community college you pay the hell attention.
  10. CalTech is no boutique school. Ivy league is not capitalized. I graduated from a second tier school. Many ivy league undergrads would do semester / year there. I've sent dozens of Thai students to top 50 universities QS (world) ranked including Columbia and Cambridge. What's the point of the post?
  11. Because they didn't have it or it was too old and dated? What about an older medical certificate? So, you went in without an appointment? Same building as where I got my license I presume (kinda forget) Thank you
  12. See, this is the problem when we try to enter into rational debate. I'm just looking for the truth. I'm ok with wearing masks indoors in public spaces - in this case on planes. You evidently will go jogging in yours.
  13. I'm with you bro. It's probably wise given the poor manners and hygiene of the public that we demand masks in public places so that if people sneeze and have covid that potential issue is minimized. Planes are tight spaces. Whenever I see someone with a valve of their mask it's just sort of a double moron alert for me.
  14. Oh, now it's a plastic shield as well. We don't know it if helped. All we know evidently is you don't apparently have HIV. I thought we were discussing a surgeon in an operating room in which the patient has been presumably screened. I'm thinking a routine, simple operation and here you are throwing total drama at me. You should change your username to STRAWMAN
  15. The surgeon's mask which many of us wear is there for protection of the patient. So the physician doesn't accidentally expectorate into the open body. There's zero protection in that mask.
  16. This is an absolutely valid reason to request people wear masks indoors in public spaces all things considered. These days people are extremely I'll mannered and don't cover their faces when they sneeze. A larger question is assuming the person has covid - they have been sitting next to you for five hours and didn't sneeze. Do you think that mask protects? Judging by Thai rules of hospitalizing even negative people sitting next to positive they do not believe masks make a bit of difference. They really don't.
  17. International tourism is dead. Climate change and covidiots killed it. Pick up the pieces and move on Thailand.
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