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Everything posted by TheScience

  1. US walked off a cliff when they legalized homosexual marriage. After that it was all downhill. I think it's great Thailand is holding the line on the institution. Now, Florida has need to create a law to prevent teachers from discussing homosexuality and gender and God knows what else with children under ten. If you were to pick a country on a map of the world that represented trannies undoubtedly it would be Thailand. Nevertheless, has anyone seen on a regular basis or even much at all a 40, 50 or 60-year-old tranny? I ride the MRT and BTS daily and my answer is undoubtedly no. Non existent. It's purely fetish and fashion. Pity the children. Pity us all.
  2. So, nothing has changed. I said it before. Thailand is utterly confusing it's hopeful tourist base to the point that the only sane thing to do is just wait a year or two unless you have family or are a desperate sex-pest. This tells me that the people controlling the covid money machine simply can't let go. The nation be damned.
  3. My first thought is... because they're aren't enough scams already on Phuket. My second thought was yet another hub? My third was...so...they expect the best physicians in Bangkok to uproot their business for some pie in the sky government hub scheme that involves the non existent tourism sector replete with all sorts of covid hassles. My final thought was this is old news and had been previously announced which means it went nowhere initially. Pathetic
  4. I stay out of thong lor completely. Don't need cop hassles. Actually, I'm not at all a fan of Sukhumvit (dislike all the farang, touristy bits) or the BTS. I remember when ekamai was out there and on nut was the last stop at the end of the world. Sukhumvit 101 ...
  5. I've honestly no idea tbh but do think that teachers foreign and Thai need to hold Thai teaching licenses. In many or most proper international schools you need a teaching credential from home country and I believe that gets you the local license as well. Additionally, some years of employment in home country. Certain teachers in Thailand, certain conditions at some schools might squeek in with online PGCE, etc but that's quite rate and pay will not be the same. The other *international* schools are just in name and I suspect (again a guess) that they actually fall under obec, moe. International is not a standard but just a name.
  6. There were a few times in my life this question might be a bit uncertain. A few times I could have responded no. My wife has been a great asset to me. I'm happier, healthier and despite taking on a dependent a bigger bank account. We have been together 12 years. I have hopefully paid back to society for many of my errant ways by assisting dozen of students obtain full scholarships abroad, admissions to great schools such as Columbia, Cambridge, Cornell, Princeton, University Toronto, Hong Kong University, CUHK and written recommendations and counseled another hundred for the top five here in Thailand. I'm still very obstinate, cranky but I try to do the right thing, to seek and act on what I perceive is my personal good as well as consider the common good. I think the latter entirely lost these days. Life is harsh and even brutish now. Grabbing hands. Thailand was always full of opportunists, chancers but it's really chock o block full now sad to say.
  7. Doing my best not to own an automobile. You'd have to be a complete moron to buy an ev especially in Thailand. I live in central Bangkok and have seen ONE charging station. That was in a fancy downtown mall parking lot. Incidentally, no vehicles were charging.
  8. Dear First Poster, Is this a panic screed or what did you believe we could do about your passports? I always do my own 90 day reports. When traveling, I always do my own visas no matter the transportation hassles, time and cost. People laugh, they smirk but I just think of posts like this ... Once it's gone...it's gone. Hopefully, your ppts are just missing. Take your paperwork and reciept to the police and make a report that the company lost your ppts. Don't make threats or say they were stolen.
  9. No. But I do wonder why they have such ugly knees. It doesn't matter the ethnicity or regional genes. Definitely the worst attribute of the nation's fairer sex.
  10. Thais wear 100% poly. No idea what you're talking about. I don't think they make 90/10 and doubt you'd get it in Pattaya. All my casual shirts are 100% cotton. Doubt you'd get 100% cotton in Pattaya as well despite what they sell you My dress shirts are blend I've no problem in BKK heat they're even long sleeved.
  11. Well, at least the article admits up front it's just a fancy t shirt. Many men missing out? No, the choice was made to not wear that style.
  12. First step is to secure platforms on Line and Facebook. Then, incentivize viewing with gambling and gifts. This will just be another funding black hole sorry to say. People need real jobs. No Coursera, Masterclasses, university online learning lol.
  13. Tailors would rather just take their own measurements.
  14. Yuk. They're dated. V neck ?? Even worse. Crews? That no collar. A t shirt.
  15. True. Before I was definitely in between M and L. I needed L for my height and I'd started to get a bit of a belly. I now have M slim fit and... Some medium I'm swimming in Women's sizes are even worse. My wife is swimming in size zero now.
  16. He doesn't want t shirts. Those are good brands but my issue with them is that they also tend to be heavy and therefore hot.
  17. I hate those collars. Standard collar for myself is best. Looks the best. IMO only acceptable shirt type to wear with shorts in BKK.
  18. B1000 per shirt. Go to your local central and find a very expensive shirt. It should be no less quality although often factory made shirts better than anything less than best tailors due to machines and QC. Anyway, see the stitching is tight, look at the button holes. Recommend light poplin 80 cotton, 20 poly. Thin not medium weight. I personally would not go for fitted shirts especially if you are heavy. If planning to wear outside your pants then have the bottom of the shirt one length. Straight cut. I buy my clothes in US. The clothes here don't fit me right. That opportunity is closing next year. Before you do any of this go to Uniqlo and have a look. Also in Pattaya I recall Export shops (2000-07). If you shop hard you can find decent stuff there. Also, come to BKK. Make a week out of it. Tailors hit and miss especially Pattaya! Start at Chatuchak and JJ mall maybe. Go upmarket from there... Union mall, Centrals. Even big C.
  19. Sorry, no bar girl cum online infatuation sponsorships for you to get laid. No such thing and not required for B visa. Anything else like ability to work will have all together different criteria. Furthermore, you really don't want to do this. She owes nothing to you and could easily do a runner.
  20. Never. The West / NATO is not pushing it. Ukraine isn't asking for it last time I'd read. Russia will never accept it. Ukraine will be destroyed by Western interests. War is very profitable.
  21. No. Putin is not that sort of guy at all. Ex KGB he'll take his victory laps privately. Putin is attempting to rebuild an empire. He's well away from accomplishing that.
  22. I always have a bit of a chuckle when I read these comments in the mainstream press. It's pure propaganda. Does anyone seriously think for a second that Russia couldn't roll its military into its next door neighbor and crush it in days? A large part of the goal is hearts and minds. Infrastructure destroyed must be rebuilt. Ukrainians and Russians share a common history and culture. It's not Afghanistan. Russia ultimately hopes to fold Ukraine back into a greater Russian federation. I'm super curious why many of you think Putin made this play? Purely to free Russified provinces? De nazification lol?
  23. No I think you're looking for a non existent needle in a haystack
  24. I bet she worked like a slave for nothing. He didn't work at all and drank away what pittance she could save. What a waster Somehow Thai government complicent in these tragedies...that F ing lao-khao.
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