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  1. True, but a few disgruntled farangs won't make any difference. It's the fresh, naive tourists that they are after and those farangs, enchanted with Thainess, will happily pay 10x rip off price (just like I used to do). Thais know what they are doing. They are among the best in the world.
  2. Srisuwan, what a paper tiger. He should sue Thai government for allowing "dirty farangs" to even enter the kingdom.
  3. More so than westerners with the idea of "freedom and democracy?"
  4. As a bad of a deal as it may be, they (people in charge) do not expect farangs who "know too much" to bring in more money. They know there are new suckers to be fooled. It worked before, why wouldn't it work now? For every disenchanted farang who leaves the land of broken dreams, there will be 10 new suckers happy to invest 40 MB to buy one rai of mosquito infested swamp to live happily ever after with his bar girl (she was forced into prostitution to pay off her parents' debts anyway).
  5. 6.5 mil people died, so what? Do you know what normal death rate worldwide is? About 60 mil, so it's a 10% higher than normal. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/number-of-deaths-per-year
  6. "Most countries, if they allow expat residents, expect a much greater economic contribution than what Thailand expects. 800K baht in a bank? $80K/year income" What country requires $80k/year for retirement? France requires income of $1700 a month for retirement visa (https://aginggreatly.com/retire-in-france-or-spain/), or 1/4 of what Thailand requires. Thais don't go to US/Australia to retire. I doubt anyone goes to these places to retire. Thais go there to work, make money, hence higher financial requirements. Politicians do not care about some Isaan family receiving money from a farang. They want big spenders using their businesses and filling up their pockets. Thai government has been more than explicit about their desire to replace backpackers, expats with quality tourists. Why is it so hard to understand it. Like they say, love it of leave it...
  7. Ten years in Thailand and you are still surprised? You already brought the money in, you are already taking care of all those Thais, there is no need to "attract" you 5555. They need to attract new suckers.
  8. Bring it on. Screw those unsuspecting visitors so they never come back to Thailand. ????
  9. You get duped only if you go there. As a clueless tourist, I didn't know better, but now that I know Thai mentality, I simply don't go to places that have dual pricing. If I do go to some place and find out that they have different prices for foreigners, I just turn around. It's a free world, they can ask for as much as they want, based on whatever criteria they come with. You have a choice of turning around. Crying on this forum won't make officials change their minds.
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