imagine if the first adult that had eyes on that shooting lunatic had a firearm and begun to fire at the bastard while others call the police.
I am sure many lifes would have been saved.
i think it looks comfortable and hear only good about it from England.
theres a lot of vids on youtube and the uploaders are amazed after riding them.
125 cc, because its cheaper and i dont need more power between my legs anymore ; )
Does anyone know a dealer/s that has Keeway 125cc
in store around Chaiyaphum Prov?
V-CRUISE 125, Superlight Standard E 125cc, K-LIGHT 125 or a RK V125C
Used or new are of interest.
I can´t find any shop in Thailand that sell Keeway motorcycles.
nop, she tryed that already
Hospital mispelled her name and they requested the hospital to correct it, hospital asked for fathers agreement but he refused to agree so they wont change anything in that document. fv1 and fv2 was it called.