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  1. Just like as we get older, our premium increases 😑
  2. Thanks. What's SBC short for? How about the coverage? Do they actually pay the claims? It would be suck to have an insurance like those from UHC, United Health Care, that their CEO just got gun down a week ago because they denied claims at a whopping rate of double the US industry standard.
  3. Thanks for this eye opening info. Yes they have universal healthcare but I've heard that it's not that good. Hence some economically well off Thais have their own private insurance. I'm just curious whether we (foreigners) would pay about the same price as Thais if we were to be a Thai citizen (hence no farang premium). Great info! Thank you 🙂
  4. Interesting. NZ$750 = $553. That's a lot more than $318. So, you've got a cheaper price for the exact same policy in Thailand through your friend. Do you know whether your friend skip part of his commission causing the price to be lower?
  5. Thanks for your reply. Totally agree on the many "missing info" to arrive at the insurance premium. The "farang price" and "Thai price" is very common. For example, many places charge foreigners more than Thai nationals. Sometimes street vendors would sell a bottle of Coke to the foreigners twice the price of the Thai price.
  6. Does travel insurance have sufficient coverage? My guess is that it would be quite expensive to buy a travel insurance during the 5 month stay in Thailand. No? BTW I'm not old enough to get social security. By the time I qualify, it would probably be gone haha So I don't really expect to see it.
  7. Hi, I've been to Thailand more times than I can count (usually 1-3 months every year). I'm considering spending more time in Thailand; living 6 months in Thailand and 6 months in my home country in a year. Currently I have Cigna Global for high deductible health insurance which costs me about $4000/year. I wonder if I could get a cheaper health insurance in Thailand (like many things in Thailand are cheaper). However after a brief browsing in this forum, many people said that the insurance is so expensive. One guy (in his 70's) said he's paying $7000/year 😮 What?!?! I wonder if the insurance companies are charging us "farang" price. What do you guys think? How would handle the health insurance if you were to be 6 months in Thailand and 6 months in your home country like me? Please advise. Thanks.
  8. I obtained Thai citizenship by birth. I've read the link that you posted (thanks again). It was still a bit unclear on what they would do on the foreign passport. I prefer to have stamps on my foreign passport to show where I have been. People said it's better that way in the eye of the immigration office (trackability). It would be nice if we have someone who have gone through this process at the immigration to share with us how they do things.
  9. Thank you! I don't know that this rule exists. Would they stamp on my foreign passport that I leave Thailand? That's what I need.
  10. Thanks. Does marrying to a Thai have advantages or disadvantages?
  11. Thank you. I have a specific reason to use other country passport.
  12. Hi, I entered Thailand with a 90 day visa almost 3 months ago. Originally I planned to leave before 90 days are over. Unfortunately I have a medical issue and need to stay about a month after 90 days. My case is a bit different because I entered Thailand with a foreign passport. However I also have a Thai passport (but didn't use it for entering). What's the proper and simplest way to do this? I'm hesitating between these two: (1) Leave Thailand before 90 days is over as originally planned to the close neighboring countries (Malaysia, Lao, etc) for a few hours and re-enter Thailand using Thai passport. (2) Try to apply for a 30 day visa while staying in Thailand and ask for the start date as the end date of the 90 day visa. I think #2 is less hassle but not sure if it's doable. Please share your thoughts. Thank you.
  13. Thanks for all replies (jokes and serious). My friend decided not to do it in Thailand after learning that many shop owners would let the police know to catch the buyers right after they walk out of the shop. The unfortunate buyers would have to pay a huge sum of money to bribe the police. The bribe would be divided between the police and the shop owners. 😠 He said he had this exact experience while traveling in Mexico. He doesn't want this to happen to him in Thailand. Case close.
  14. Thanks for your reply. Not sure whether you are serious. Nana Plaza? That's a crowded place. Generally it's recommended to avoid crowded places after consuming mushrooms.
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