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Highend Expat

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Everything posted by Highend Expat

  1. Interesting timing once again. Let's hope we don't later find out China has been tinkering again with bugs....
  2. I would suggest a more critical view. We have no idea what variants are circulating in China as they have, from day 1, never been honest. But, common sense suggests that with the likely hundreds of millions of cases China is likely to see over the next few months, there will almost certainly be new variants.
  3. Yes, and Xi's PhD is genuine and definitely not honorary. And he can read. ????
  4. If Nature is the Chinese military/State who created this gift (with help from the USA) then, I this might be correct.
  5. The Thai Chinese and other Chinese derivatives across Southeast Asia (even here in Singapore) love blaming anyone other than their own. They'll have nothing to say of the continuous wild spread in China, the deliberate China State cover-ups and dangers this poses. But, they are quick to jump at any opportunity to blame cast concern over India or Farang.
  6. Yes, only still in reach to Thais with money who are all happy to continue laundering money.
  7. The Thais are vulnerable to Chinese attempts to steal useful information about the USA. I suspect the US government knows this.
  8. If he renounced his US citizenship, he is no longer an American, by law.
  9. Truth is that this phenomenon is not only seen in Thailand. It's right across most of Asia! Worst in North and East Asia. Asian men and Western really don't have much in common culturally. Also, they know most of us aren't here for them. We're here for the women. Chinese dooninant people groups are particularly bad in my experience.
  10. Whatever your conclusion, my sincere advice would be NEVER to drink with them, even those you consider close male friends. They are too easily offended, and most Westerners are not equipped to manage this well. Different cultures. Keep them surface level, as they do with you. Enjoy the women who have something to gain from your friendship. Have Thai male acquaintances who are predominantly your lady's family..
  11. Sorry. If you believe China has a very low covid count, purely on their own reported statistics, then I urge you to consider if you really understand what's happening in China. As for bringing in a good vaccine, they tried to steal the mRNA tech and when they couldn't tried to get Moderna to hand over the tech to them, which failed.
  12. Nothing new. They do this regularly. The rich Chinese Thais want to get their money out of Thailand to buy assets in other denominations. Following the China model.
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